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"Yeesssssss." Nayanthara cherished the feeling of his thin chest pushing against her belly. They fit together perfectly. The young gentleman and the mature lady, both at the height of vitality. "You need no permission. Win my heart through my body, as a ruffian would. Take what you want. This is what a woman wants. This is what your mother wants."

"I ... uh ... uh ... understand." Krishan's pleasure built as the pale woman undulated on his lap. He leaned forward, without asking, and pressed his lips to the chill of her breasts. He softly nibbled at the supple nipple between his teeth.

"That's it, dearie," Nayanthara hissed. She cradled his head in her hands, running her fingers through his blond hair. "Take ... take ... take ... all that I offer. And then push me to offer more."

"Mmmmmmmmm." Krishan sucked on the nipple and cold, sweet milk flowed into his mouth. He gulped the intoxicating drink down. His hands gripped her firm butt, pressing her onto his dick with each forward churn of her hips.

Nayanthara rode Krishan like that for a long time. She cooed and grunted as he moved his mouth from one breast to the other, taking her milk from her. Eventually, she felt the spasms in his thighs and hips. He was ready. "Now it's ... oooohhhhh ... your turn to give, Krish. Fill me with your infernal seed."

Krishan barely heard her words, he was so lost in the ecstasy of the moment. "Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh." He unloaded inside the apparition's pussy, convulsing with each shot of cum. When he was done and coming down from his high, he found that he'd already been tucked into bed. He was so tired. He looked up to see the naked redhead lean over him and give him a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight," Krishan said and closed his eyes.

"Goodnight, my prince," Nayanthara whispered. "May you conquer many in your dreams." She straightened up and smiled down at the boy as he drifted into sleep. And she, herself, drifted off, too, disappearing from the room like dust on the wind.


The twins sat in the dining room eating breakfast before school. "How's the ankle?" Shriya said between bites of bagel.

"I'll live." Krishan paused his spoonful of cereal on its way to his mouth. "How's your hand?"

"I'll live." Shriya held up her lightly bandaged hand and offered a thin smile. "I just don't want to see that man with the top hat ever again."

"Me too." Krishan nodded and took the bite of cereal. That was so very true.

The doorbell chimed, playing the first eight notes from Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.

"I'll get it." Anushka stepped out of the kitchen and walked through the dining room. She wore a skirt and an oversized t-shirt.

"You look ... different, Mom," Shriya called after her.

"Don't be rude, pumpkin." Anushka smiled at her daughter. Her plan today was to pretend nothing was wrong. Fake it until you make it.

Krishan could just barely hear Anushka talking to someone as she answered the door. A few minutes later, she returned to the dining room with two people behind her. "Krishan and Shriya, meet our guests." Anushka smiled at her children. "This is Mr. Maxamed Samatar and Mrs. Khadra Samatar." Anushka stepped to the side so her children could say hello. Maxamed was a tallish man with dark skin, short black hair, and a crisp blue suit and tie. He did not smile at the twins. Khadra was a short, slim woman, wearing a dress that covered all but her hands, and a headscarf that covered her hair and neck. Her complexion matched her husband's, but she offered a wide smile with lots of white teeth.

"Hello, children." Khadra nodded to each twin in turn.

"Hello." Shriya returned the smile and looked at the equipment each guest held. They had all sorts of electronic devices in their hands and hung over their shoulders.

"Hi." Krishan hadn't ever met a woman with a hijab before, but he had seen them around. He thought Khadra was quite striking with her pretty, heart-shaped face. He wondered what her hair looked like. But, he guessed, that was the point of the hijab. "Are you helping with the remodel?"

"We are here to -" Khadra started to say something, but was cut off by her husband.

"We are experts with the paranormal." Maxamed's countenance looked grim. "We are here to investigate and rid your home of any demons that may linger. I get the feeling that we may be needed. I feel the presence of Dhegdheer. Do you not, Khadra?"

"Let's not scare the children." Kahdra's smile widened further as she tried to reassure the two youngsters.

"We're not children. We're eighteen." Shriya raised an eyebrow and looked at Anushka. "What's this about, Mom?"

"Nothing, pumpkin." Anushka stepped over to her daughter and patted her on the shoulder.

"Ghosts?" Krishan's face turned pale. He suddenly worried for Nayanthara. "You're here to rid the house of ghosts?"

While Krishan talked to the Samatars, Shriya stood and leaned close to Anushka. "Ghosts, Mom? This is weird. I don't think they're even Christian," Shriya whispered.

"They were free," Anushka whispered to her daughter as Krishan peppered the Samatars with questions. "I don't mind who they worship. I just want them to check the house. It's just a precaution." Anushka leaned away from Shriya and addressed the room. "The twins were just leaving for school. Would you like to put down your things?"

"We'll set them down below the main stairs and get started. This could take all morning." Maxamed eyed Anushka like he did not like what he saw. "Where is your husband?"

"He's up in the west tower." Anushka walked past her guests to the dining room doorway. "I'll lead you to him. You can drop your stuff on the way." She turned back to the twins. "Off to school with you two." She then left with the Samatars right behind her.

"I don't like it." Krishan furrowed his brows and stared at the empty doorway.

"It's weird, but whatever." Shriya picked up her backpack from where it leaned by the wall. "Does Mom look like she's putting on weight to you?"

"Maybe a little." Krishan slowly stood and moved toward his own backpack. He didn't want to leave the house and let those people harm Nayanthara. But what could he do?

"She looks good, don't get me wrong." Shriya didn't notice the far off look in her brother's eyes. "I'm just worried that the move may have been harder on her than normal. Gaining weight is a sign of ..." Shriya talked and talked as they made their way to the front door.

Beyond his sister's voice, Krishan heard a whisper pass down the long hall. It was Nayanthara's sweet voice.

"Never fear, dearie," Nayanthara said. "I've faced worse. I'll be here when you return."

Krishan smiled and looked at his sister. She was still talking about weight. She didn't seem to hear Nayanthara. He took a deep breath. This was good. Everything would be fine. The twins left the house to go catch their bus.


When Maxamed and Khadra started their investigation, Maxamed switched to speaking Somali. He knew his wife preferred English, but he always thought the mother tongue would give them the upper hand on American evil spirits. "They have lots of white people books," Maxamed said in Somali. He surveyed the library, holding his electromagnetic field detector in front of him.

"What are white people books?" Khadra also spoke Somali. She was a good wife and tried to do what was asked of her.

"I'm picking up something on the meter. A heavy EMF." Maxamed stepped closer to the books and stopped with his detector touching a book titled First Love. "This, Khadra, is a white person book."

"Is it?" Khadra moved close to her husband and read the spine. "It's Russian, not American."

Maxamed turned off his detector and looked carefully at the spine of each book in the area.

"That is the problem with you, husband." Khadra shivered despite the warm temperature in the room. "It is always us and them with you. I am American. It is simply we, now."

"Watch your tongue, woman." Maxamed pulled out First Love and looked in the gap where it had been.

"Sorry." Khadra lowered her eyes.

"There is something here behind the books." Maxamed took more books from the shelf and stared. "Allah, have mercy."

"What is it?" Khadra peered into the opening her husband had made and gasped. "What malevolent spirit taunts us so?"

"Grab me a bag and tongs." Maxamed watched his slender wife dig into her bag. "Do you think it is the lady's? She was dressed like a harlot."

"No. She's the innocent sort." Khadra rose with the bag and tongs and handed them to her husband. "Look at the size. What woman could fit that inside her?"

"If you take my tool inside you, surely you could take this." Maxamed chuckled to himself. "Do not answer that. This thing is that of a giant."

Khadra giggled but did not answer. She watched her husband bag it up and stuff it in his tote. "What other tricks does this spirit have in store?"

"We shall see." Maxamed put the books back on the shelf. "We shall see."


The paranormal investigators sat across the dining table from Ganesh and Anushka. They had spent the morning going through the house. Somewhere far off in the house a clock struck noon.

Khadra cocked her head and listened. That was odd, she didn't remember seeing a large chiming clock as they searched the house.

"Can we offer you lunch?" Anushka smiled at the couple.

"No thank you." Maxamed barely curved his lips in reply. "Ridding the world of evil spirits is payment enough. Of course, some people choose to donate to our cause. That would be greatly appreciated."

Ganesh shot Anushka a harsh look.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Samatar." Anushka patted Ganesh's hand on the table. "We're a little short on funds right now."

"Well, maybe when you spend some time in your lovely house without the company of spirits, you will find some funds. Yes?" Maxamed nodded to himself. "Our instruments picked up many anomalous results. The library was of particular interest to us. We found objects that had lingering traces of an entity." Maxamed placed Anushka's copy of First Love, on the table. "Do you know this book?"

"Yes." Anushka nodded and thought about Nayanthara's interest in the novel. "That's my book."

"Strange." Khadra opened the book and peered at the first page. "Perhaps -"

"Perhaps it is of little interest." Maxamed cut off his wife. "We also found this tool in the library. I must warn you, this is ... um ... uncomfortable for us." He reached into his tote. "But that is what the spirits desire. To make us uneasy." He pulled the massive, black dildo, out of his tote. It was still in a clear plastic bag. He placed it on the table.

Ganesh's eyes widened, but he said nothing.

"Um ... um ..." Anushka stammered. How did it get back in the library? "I've ... we've never seen that before."

Khadra eyed Anushka closely. Was this her phallus after all? Khadra could not imagine this innocent woman taking such a thing inside her. She adjusted her headscarf and tried to think purer thoughts.

"Just as I thought." Maxamed nodded with gravity. "These evil spirits love tricks. We will dispose of this for you."

"Thank you." Ganesh glared at his wife.

"We have made symbols of protection with salt on the floor of the library, the main living room, and the boy's room upstairs," Maxamed said. "Also, the fireplaces. Wherever our sensors picked up activity. Please do not disturb the symbols."

"Is that really necessary?" Ganesh sighed. He couldn't believe his wife got him to agree to this.

"Most necessary." Maxamed's dark lips pressed together. He did not like being questioned. "The last thing to discuss is the locked room by the main stairs. We must gain access."

"We don't have a key." Ganesh shrugged. "I'll get to it eventually. The best we can tell from the original house plan is that it was some sort of drawing room. Smaller than the other living rooms."

"I do not think that is right." Maxamed shook his head slowly. "That I do not like. I will place a very strong protection symbol outside that door. In a week's time, we will return to freshen our symbols. If the door is unlocked by then, that would be very well for all."

"Sure." Ganesh would get to it when he got to it.

"We will now finish up with your home." Khadra offered her pretty smile and stood.

"In a week, we'll return. We encourage you to consider a donation at that time so that we may continue our invaluable work." Maxamed gathered his things and stood next to his wife.

"We'll think about it." Anushka stood too.

"Thank you." Maxamed nodded and the couple exited the dining room.

"What a scam," Ganesh whispered.

"They've calmed my nerves, dear." Anushka patted Ganesh's shoulder. "Maybe we will give them a small donation when they come back."

"And how did that huge black thing end up in the library, Anu? I thought you threw it away." Ganesh stood, suddenly very nervous that his wife had been using that monster behind his back.

"It wasn't me." Anushka looked into his eyes with complete sincerity. "I don't know how that thing got in the library."

"Okay, fine." Funny thing was, Ganesh believed his wife. She hadn't put it there. Maybe the house was haunted. Or maybe she was sleepwalking. Whatever was happening, Ganesh wished his list of projects wasn't quite so long. He didn't want his family to spend any more time in the Mansion than they had to.


Krishan burst in the front door after school. His sister still trudged up the front walk behind him. "Mom?" He walked into the entry room and looked around. Something caught his eye to the left. Something white on the floor outside the locked door. He walked over to it and looked down. Drawn on the floor in white power was a crude bird with an arrow in its claw.

"What's that?" Shriya walked up next to her brother and looked down.

"That will rid us of our little ghost, problem. Supposedly." Ganesh descended the stairs and looked down at his kids. "There's a few of those symbols around the house. Don't disturb them or face the wrath of your mother."

"This is weird, Dad." Shriya looked over at her father.

"I agree. I'll have a little talk with the pastor about it on Sunday." Ganesh got to the bottom of the stairs. "Until then, don't mess with the salt pictures. They won't harm anything."

"Sure, Dad." Shriya said.

"Sure." Krishan kept his eyes on the symbol. Until he saw Nayanthara again, he'd worry. She had told him everything would be fine, but this sort of symbolism seemed ... well, Krishan wasn't sure, but it was certainly more than he'd expected.

Krishan let his sister wander off to do homework, and his dad went back to work on the house. He wandered around and found more symbols in the library, and in front of the fireplaces in his room and the main living room. He also found his mom jogging on the treadmill in the basement. He froze when he saw her wide hips and side-boob bouncing with each stride. Even in an oversized t-shirt and baggy shorts, she was a splendid sight.

"Hi, Mom."

"Oh, hello, pumpkin." Anushka looked over her shoulder at him and caught him staring at her butt. She didn't remember Karun checking her out that way when he was a teenager. Then again, she hadn't ever done naughty things with Karun. She blushed and turned her head forward again. "Did Dad tell you about the symbols?"

"Yeah, Mom."

"We should be free and clear of the Varma's now. Everything will go back to normal." Anushka frowned at that and hit the button to stop the treadmill. If things were going to go back to normal, why was her body still so darn curvy? She'd resisted buying new clothes in the day since she'd made that bargain, but at the very least she'd need some new bras soon. Her poor boobs ached and were spilling out of the sports bra under her shirt. Maybe she'd need some new pants, too. She couldn't even fit into any of her jeans now.

"I hope not." Krishan realized he still had his backpack on. He slipped out of it and dropped it by the stairs.

"What do you mean?" The treadmill came to a full stop and beeped. Anushka had to do a double take at her seven-minute-thirty-eight-second per mile average. She hadn't run like that since she was a girl in high school track. "The Samatars seemed very professional. I think we can put all this behind us." She grabbed her hand towel and wiped off her sweaty face.

"Nayanthara is helping us, Mom." Krishan closed the distance between them. He could smell her sweat from several feet away. It smelled like raw energy. He loved it. "And speaking of help, I need some assistance with my ..."

"Not a chance, Krish." Anushka kept her back to him, towel still up to her face. "I do feel a sense of clear headedness since the Samatars did their thing. I think what we did was very wrong. Maybe we should sit down and talk about -" Anushka sucked in her breath as she felt hands sliding down her hips. "What are you doing?"

"I'm taking some advice, Mom." Krishan reached around Anushka and dug his fingers into the front of her pelvis. He pulled her back against the hard dick in his pants.

"My, gosh," Anushka whispered. "It's really hard, isn't it?"

"Yeah, Mom." Krishan moved his hips and rubbed against the back of her shorts. His hands wandered northward and cupped her breasts through her shirt and sports bra. This level of assertiveness didn't feel natural, but he didn't want to be the gelding like Nayanthara had said. "You can just use your boobs again. We don't need to have sex."

"I can't ..." Anushka shut her eyes. All her focus went to that goliath pressed up against her backside. "I can't think straight. I thought we could move on ... from this ... but ..." Her son's hands were so forceful as they kneaded her breasts. She could clearly feel how deeply he desired her. His own mother. Heaven help them. She turned around in his arms and she looked down at his gentle blue eyes. "Not here, sweetie. Anyone could walk down those stairs any minute."

"I love you, Mom." Krishan leaned up and gently nibbled at her soft, full lower lip. His tongue entered her mouth and soon they were making out.

"Mmmmmmmm." Anushka wanted to tell him how much she loved him, too. But she didn't want to break their kiss. Her hands moved around his shoulders as he groped and rubbed her back. They kissed for a good long while. Eventually, she pulled back. "Not in here, I said." She took his hand and led him toward the door to the utility half of the basement, where the washer and dryer and other mechanicals were. She noticed he still walked with a slight limp, but he seemed much better. He'd healed very fast, it seemed. She opened the door, turned on the light, and they walked into the unfinished room. She closed the door behind them.

"Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate the help." Krishan pulled down his underwear and pants and left them on the concrete floor. He walked over to the washing machine and pulled himself up so he was sitting on top. He took off his shirt and dropped it. His dick stood out proudly, the dark-purple head swaying side to side slightly with his elevated pulse. "Here?"

"Yes." Anushka wanted to make eye contact with her son, but her gaze was drawn to that monster between his legs. She pulled off her shirt and then she pulled off her sports bra. A chill ran through her as her sweaty boobs were exposed to the cool basement air. She walked to her son. "There's something magical about you, Krish. I never thought ..." She stopped in front of the washing machine and took hold of his penis. "I just never thought." Her hands stroked him up and down.

"You're so beautiful." Krishan's eyes moved from Anushka's full boobs, with their large, pink nipples and small areola, up to the mesmerized expression on her pretty face.

Soon, Anushka was bent at the waist, enveloping her son's thing with her breasts. She performed the act like she'd done with him before, a hand held to the outside of each boob, pressing them up and down. She spit down on that purple head for lubrication. She took a peek up at Krishan's face. Judging from his expression, she guessed that she'd become pretty good at this new sex act. "What a good boy," she breathed. She didn't have a towel with her to soak his seed up. Well, she supposed she'd have to swallow it all up. Nothing to be done about that. She stroked him like that for more than ten minutes.

"It's not ... uh ... uh ... coming out, Mom." Krishan's face was red and he grunted as he worked hard to hold back his orgasm. "Can I put it ... inside you again?"

"No sex, Krish." Anushka shook her head and watched the monstrous organ sliding between her breasts. "I am not going to cheat on your father again. Can you imagine what he'd do if he found out?"

"Yeah, he'd go crazy." Krishan didn't mention that he thought his dad would probably go crazy if he caught his wife giving their son a titjob, too. Krishan considered the lies everyone tells themselves. "Can I just put the tip in? Please?"

"I said no, mister." Anushka looked up into his sweet face. She could see sweat dripping down his forehead. "No whining. You should be happy I'm doing this for you."

"I am." Krishan put his hands on his mom's shoulders. He could feel her little muscles working as she worked her boobs up and down with her arms. "Sorry." He tried to focus on enjoying the titjob. It was, after all, miraculous in and of itself.

At that moment, Nayanthara descended the basement stairs on bare feet. Her bustled dress trailed behind her. She entered the basement and looked to her left.

One of those ghastly symbols glowed a pallid green at her from the floor by the fireplace. This one showed a crude frog holding a trident. Nayanthara stepped over to the thing and tried to annihilate the frog by spreading the salt with her foot. But she found she could not touch the thing. She crossed her arms and frowned. The frog symbol stared back up at her. Why did it glow in such a sickly way? Nayanthara turned away from the symbol and silently crossed the basement. She would eventually put the Samatars in their place. But first, she needed to help Krishan.

The door to the unfinished half of the basement silently opened and Nayanthara stepped through. She could hear the slick wetness of Anushka's breasts as she tried to bring her son to completion. Nayanthara caught Krishan's eye as she shut the door behind her, but Anushka was too busy staring at his steed to notice the entry of a third wheel. Nayanthara smiled at Krishan and held her finger up to her pink lips for silence. She then stalked across the floor until she was right behind Anushka.

"Are you close?" Anushka's arms were tiring.

"Almost." Krishan watched Nayanthara as she sank to her knees behind his mother, cradling her swollen belly.

"Oh." Anushka gave a start and stopped stroking Krishan with her breasts. "Something cold on my back. Ohhhh." Anushka shivered and felt her shorts and panties drop to the floor. "How?" Anushka tried to turn around, but Krishan's grip on her shoulders tightened and he held her facing him.

"It's Nayanthara," Krishan whispered.

"Oh, no. She was supposed to be ... ooooohhhhhhh." In one motion, those freezing hands spread Anushka's legs and pulled her butt up so she was bent further at the waist. Then a shock of pleasure spread through her as something amazing happened to her vagina. "What is she dooooinnnnnggggg?" But Anushka knew. She could feel those hands of ice, one on each butt cheek. And she knew the frigid thing squirming along her vaginal lips was another woman's tongue. For the second time in her life, and the second time in two days, someone was giving her oral sex.

"Wow, Mom, she's eating you out." Krishan could just see Nayanthara's hat and her perfect hair bob behind his mother's ass.

"Language ... Krishan ... uh ... uh ... don't ..." Anushka's mind trailed off. Her hands dropped her boobs and grabbed her son's penis. Her mouth descended and she took the head into her mouth. As pleasure surged through her from that icy tongue, she bounced her head with short strokes.

After a few minutes, Nayanthara backed off Anushka's nethers and stood. "She's ready, now. Hop down from there."

"Okay." Krishan pulled his dick out of his mom's mouth and slid off the washing machine. He stood next to his panting mother as she put her hands on the edge of the machine and tried to focus her mind.

"You have the tool of an animal, Krish." Nayanthara spread Anushka's legs a little more and lowered her hips so that Krishan could line up from behind. "Take her like an animal." Nayanthara smacked Anushka's backside and enjoyed the sound that reverberated around the Spartan room.

"Just the tip?" Krishan got behind his mother and looked down at her wide hips and gorgeous pale ass.

"Enough with that nonsense, lad." Nayanthara then slapped Krishan's little ass. The sound was not the same. "Take her like you mean it."

"Here I go, Mom." Krishan lined up his dick with her pink pussy lips. Clear precum mixed with Anushka's own secretions.

"I don't think we ... uuuuugggghhhhhh." Anushka's muscles spasmed as inch after inch slid into her. She gripped the edge of the washing machine as tightly as she could. Her son's monster was a key and she was the accepting lock. They were made to be like this. "Be ... gentle."

"Do not be gentle." Nayanthara leaned against the dryer and watched the couple. Such pure beauty to see this God-fearing mother falling and falling.

"Okay." Krishan grabbed Anushka's hips and held tightly. Once he was all the way in, he pulled most of the way out and slammed back in. He watched the ripples spread on Anushka's ass and listened to her grunt. He slammed her again and again. At first there was no rhythm, but then he fell into a predictable meter with each violent thrust. Krishan willed his orgasm away, he wanted to plow his mom like this forever. He could see the sides of her breasts swinging below her and the little muscles on her back tensing and relaxing with each thrust she absorbed.

"I'm ... I'm ... You're going to make me ... oooooooohhhhhhhh." Anushka didn't have much of a singing voice, but she sounded practically operatic as she orgasmed, head flailing side to side.

"Her hair, dearie. Take her hair." Nayanthara clapped and cheered them on.

"You ... feel ... so ... good ... Mom." Krishan let go of her hip with his right hand and took a pile of Anushka's brown hair in his fist. He pulled her back so that she looked up at the ceiling and arched her back.

"Oh ... oh ... nobody ... nobody ... has ..." Anushka was losing her mind. Krishan had complete control over her. She came again and again as he took her like he owned her. In the back of her mind, she knew this wasn't the sweet boy she raised. That the house, that Nayanthara, had influenced him and seduced him. But at the moment, she couldn't bring herself to care about anything but allowing him to use her as he needed.

"I'm getting ... close." Krishan's grip tightened on her hair. He looked down to see how grotesquely stretched her pussy was around his dick.

"Not ... inside." Anushka trembled through another orgasm. She could feel her vagina gushing. Oh no, she was squirting again. The second time in her life. Before she could feel any shame, the orgasm carried her mind away.

"Wow." Krishan looked down as the concrete floor, his legs, and his dick were suddenly covered in liquid. Even with the extra lubrication, she was still so tight. He looked over at Nayanthara with a question written on his face.

"It's just the downstairs flood. It means she likes it. Now, listen to your mother, Krish." Nayanthara nodded firmly. "Not inside."

"Yes." Of course. How could Krishan ever consider cumming in his own mother? Things were changing so fast.

Nayanthara leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "Wait for permission on that one. One day she'll beg for it. We don't want any regression, do we?"

Krishan couldn't believe Anushka would ever beg for his cum. But then again, he had her bent over the washing machine, so anything was possible. He pulled out of his mother and Nayanthara grabbed his dick with her cold hands. Krishan looked down at her pale fingers, at the ring with those binary diamonds, as Nayanthara jacked him to completion. "It's ... aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh." Krishan let go of his mom's hair and screamed as he unloaded on Anushka's butt and back. Thick ropes of cum covered her.

"Krish, Krish, Krish," Anushka murmured. She hung her head and felt the hot splashes all the way up onto her shoulder blades. There was so much of it. When he was done, Anushka straightened and turned around. The apparition was gone. She hugged her son, cradling his head to the upper part of her left breast. His still hard penis slipped snuggly between her thighs.

"That was ... incredible." Krishan saw spots dancing before his eyes.

"It really was." Anushka squeezed his thin frame tightly. "I lived my whole life never knowing it could be like this. I brought you into the world. And you brought me this." She pressed her thighs together around his penis. "What are we going to do?"

"Round two?" Krishan looked up hopefully into her soft, brown eyes.

"Not a chance." Anushka pushed him away. She could feel his semen dripping down her back. "Your father and sister are home." Her eyes regained some of their focus. "I mean, goodness. They're home right now while we're like this. And I almost forgot, Karun and Hansika are coming for dinner tonight." She looked around the floor for her clothes and noticed the wet spot she'd made on the concrete by the washing machine.

"Karun?" Krishan frowned. He hadn't realized his brother was coming. That chased some of the high out of his brain. He hated his brother, but he loved his mom. He could see the worry in her eyes. "What do you need from me?"

"Help me clean and get dressed." Anushka walked over to the hamper and bent to look in. "I'll get something to wipe us off first. We'll both need a shower. Afterward, you can help me with dinner. Okay?"

"Sure, Mom." Krishan gazed at her round butt as she bent over the hamper. The way her boobs hung down in front of her was so inviting. But he was a good son. He wouldn't take her again however tempting it was. He'd help her clean and prepare. "Whatever you need."

to be continued...
Awesome please update mansion House atleast once in a week
Can you please make for emasha senevitatne please begging you broo please

Nice please continue
#Kajal Aggarwal in Ashram part -- 2

"Madam, Madam!"

I woke up hearing that voice. It took a bit of time to regroup myself from sleep, pulled down the nighty, which had pushed up exposing my fair and firm thighs and got out of bed. It was a female voice! I was really surprised by that as I did not see a woman there at least yesterday, nor did I notice that on the first day when I came to the ashram with my mother-in-law. I opened the door and there stood a middle-aged plump woman with a smiling face.

"Madam, my name is Meenakshi. I am Guru-ji's disciple. I did not meet you yesterday as I was out of station for some days and had reached this morning only."

I looked at her now attentively. Meenakshi was elder than me in age, probably 35, somewhat dark in complexion with an oval face with very prominent womanly assets. She was wearing the ashram dress code. I asked her to come inside.

Me: Oh! A bit of relief seeing a woman here.

Meenakshi: Madam, there is no difference in male and female here. Guru-ji treats every disciple equally. So you don't worry at all. Jai Linga Maharaj.

I also chanted the ashram theme mantra and asked her to wait, as I wanted to go to the toilet first. When I came back to the room, I found Meenakshi had already cleaned and prepared my bed and was cleaning the room with a broom.

Meenakshi: Madam, please get ready quickly as we need to be in front of Guru-ji at 06:30 am. Here are your sterilized undergarments. Sanjeev handed over to me as they are dry now.

Me: Thanks a lot. You know yesterday the whole evening I was braless in front of these males. Think of my condition. And to make things worse, I really had a torrid time with this blouse yesterday.

Saying that I pointed the blouse to her. She smiled.

Meenakshi: Yes, Nirmal told me its cups are smaller for your breast size.

I was bewildered time and again seeing the porousness of each event in the ashram! Everyone knows everything here regarding me! Did Nirmal also tell everyone what grand view he got of my ass as I bent in front of him? I was perplexed.

Meenakshi: But no problem Madam, take Guru-ji's permission and I will do the needful.

Me: For a change of blouse size, do I really need to bother Guru-ji?

Meenakshi: Yes Madam, as per ashram rule we need to inform any change to Guru-ji, even if it is related to our clothing.

I showed her how awkward my position was as I was unable to button the two upper hooks of my blouse.

Meenakshi: Madam, you look very appealing with the buttons open. Your ones are standing erect even without the bra!

I blushed, but felt proud. I have got this compliment before also.

I turned from her now and wore my bra. It seemed I was wearing it after an era, though it was only few hours on last evening. I felt so secured wearing that and hastily wriggled up my panty with both hands to my waist and completed wearing my sari in another couple of minutes.

Closing the door, we went ahead to Guru-ji. As Meenakshi walked in front of me I appreciated in my mind even being a female of her heavily swinging hips below her sari. Though she looks very round in every part of her body, starting from her face, her boobs, and obviously down her bottoms, she seemed very agile and walked at a brisk pace and I was hurrying on to keep pace with her.

Guru-ji was sitting in a meditation position and welcomed me with a smiling face. There was no other disciple present then. Within the next couple of minutes before Meenakshi left the room what I saw was totally unbelievable to my eyes. I have never seen such things done so openly!

Meenakshi: Guru-ji before you start talking to Kajal, will you please listen to a problem of mine?

Guru-ji: What is it Meenakshi?

Meenakshi: Guru-ji, I had an acute pain last night in my waist and now though the pain is very less, I am still uncomfortable.

Guru-ji: Hmm. May be some sort of muscle ache, unless you have injured anything. Let me see. Come here.

Guru-ji was sitting on the floor. We were standing some feet away. Now I remained still and Meenakshi went forward and stood absolutely in front of him. To tell the truth the situation was such that Guru-ji's face was just in front of Meenakshi's honey pot. Then she turned back and faced me. Now her heavy buttocks were almost touching Guru-ji's face! Now I saw Guru-ji stretched both his hands from that sitting position and touched her at the waist first and asked about pain. Meenakshi nodded.

Then what Guru-ji did turned my ears hot even. He started palpating Meenakshi's hips quite directly over the sari with both hands. As I was standing at an angle I could see every movement of Guru-ji's hands on Meenakshi's hips. First it was light palpation and then after a moment he was virtually kneading both ass cheeks with both hands. It was looking more arousing as Guru-ji was doing this from a siting posture! Meenakshi's rear portion was very round and copious in regard to any woman and thus Guru-ji's palms even when stretched fully to press were unable to cover it fully. I was quite surprised to see Meenakshi's face, which was so normal. This went for a few moments though and before Guru-ji stopped, I noticed he just squashed her firm ass cheeks with both hands as a final squeeze. Meenakshi was standing still so far, but due to the heat that must have generated in her due to such vigorous ass fondling moved about a bit and faced Guru-ji.

Was I unnecessarily thinking dirty about Guru-ji? My mind consoled me that this might be the process to trace the culprit muscle causing pain in the hips. But whatever, the way was very direct and definitely this should not be done in front of others, as it might lead to a wrong thinking.

Guru-ji: Meenakshi, you need to use hot compress on your hips and waist and take this medicine twice daily.

Saying this, Guru-ji pulled out a box from his side and opened it and I saw there are at least 40-50 small bottles containing medicated colored solutions. Meenakshi left the room taking the medicine. Guru-ji now turned to me and asked to sit.

Guru-ji: Sorry Kajal to keep you standing. I hope you are feeling much better now getting back your undergarments.

He smiled looking at my eyes. I nodded subtly feeling the natural shyness to such comments, though I must admit that I am slowly getting familiar to it.

Guru-ji: Kajal, from today I will start your treatment. Jai Linga Maharaj.

Me: Jai Linga Maharaj.

Guru-ji: Let me get some more details from you regarding your married life. Don't be shy and do not hide anything. The mind must open up. You should tell me or ask me about anything and everything that comes to your mind. Your issue is such if you do not open up, your treatment will not be perfect.

I nodded again.

Guru-ji: I just noted shyness in you when I mentioned about undergarment. Why Kajal? Till such time you feel these are natural and normal things, your diksha is incomplete. As you are wearing a bra, I am wearing a brief under my clothes. What is there to be shy of, tell me?

Me: Err... Yes Guru-ji. Nothing.

Guru-ji: Okay. How many times in a week did you copulate?

Me: Twice a week in general.

Guru-ji: Did you get full satisfaction after the intercourse?

I nodded my head.

Guru-ji: Did you feel you were fully aroused Kajal while doing it or did you feel it could have been a longer process or a different style or anything of that sort?

Me: No Guru-ji. I never felt like that.

Guru-ji: Okay, then apparently most things are normal and mostly as you have regular periods. Tell me Kajal, in one session how many times did you copulate? Once or more than once.

I was already feeling hot in the ears and my cheeks had turned red too out of womanly nervousness answering such things to a male.

Me: In the first few months of marriage twice, but for the last one year, its once only.

Guru-ji: Kajal, in the earlier days, did you have discharge from your vagina twice? Were they amounted the same?

Me: Yes, but frankly speaking on some days, I did not discharge the second time, but my husband discharged.

Guru-ji: Hmm. Do you discharge heavily?

Me: No, not much. I mean...

My nervousness was gulping me from saying such private things.

Guru-ji: Tell me Kajal. Regroup your words and open your mind.

Me: Actually I feel till now a days also that there is something 'hot' that remained within me and did not come out even after the process is over.

Guru-ji: Okay Kajal, relax. I have got the needful information.

There was silence for some moments, as Guru-ji closed his eyes and was meditating.

Guru-ji: Jai Linga Maharaj. Look Kajal, your pregnancy will come only if you discharge more during intercourse. What I gathered it seems you are not getting aroused enough to get total discharge of your fluids. This often happens to couples, which is not very concerning. But the concerning part can be if even if you are aroused fully, your vaginal discharge is inadequate.

Guru-ji gave a pause as if inviting the natural question from me.

Me: If it's not adequate, what happens Guru-ji?

Guru-ji: Look Kajal, if discharge is scanty, the number of ovum produced is also less and the pregnancy chance decreases significantly. But be relaxed my dear, as there are ways to pull out your full vaginal discharge and also herbal medicines to enhance it. But you need to obey my guidelines in toto.

Me: Guru-ji I would do anything to get pregnancy. I am really frustrated now. I will do exactly as you order.

Guru-ji: Good Kajal. But remember it's easier said than done. The first thing I will need is the measure of your vaginal discharge. Do you masturbate?

I was feeling thirsty now. I have never in my life faced such a question and was really feeling very, very embarrassed. I never tried such things. Whatever happened was natural with me. Its not that I didn't get discharges before marriage, but they were all natural, through dreams mostly, and at times some brushing or groping in trains, buses, etc. and thinking about them later in bed with a pillow may be.

But now I was feeling puzzled how could I get a full vaginal discharge, as for that I need to be aroused fully, only imagination would not lead to that. Most importantly, my husband is not here also.

Me: Yes, Guru-ji, very few times do I masturbate and the discharge also is very less.

Guru-ji: Kajal, you need to do exactly as I say. I need the measure of your vaginal discharge and based on that further treatment will be planned.

Me: But Guru-ji, without my husband... I cannot lie down with...

Guru-ji: Kajal, what are you thinking I don't know? Are you expecting that I will ask you to lie down with another man to get your full discharge? I know you are a housewife and your social limits.

I nodded and was somewhat assured now. But still I was not clear how would I get fully aroused if I do not lie down with a male!

Guru-ji: The first part of the treatment is mind control. You have to only respond to actions on your body naturally and wipe out everything else from mind. Do not think who is with you, where you are, but just respond normally to situations that I will give you. Control your mind to the actions only. It will be done so very naturally, just like we are talking now and so don't worry at all, it's just a treatment process. Jai Linga Maharaj!

I nodded to Guru-ji though perceived little about what exactly will be the treatment like.

Guru-ji: Let me summarize for you what will be the plan. First the medicine part. You will take this herbal drug in the morning after your first urine in empty stomach and at bedtime. The dosage is written on the bottle. Okay?

I nodded taking the medicine bottle from him.

Guru-ji: This is the second herbal extract that you will always take when you will go out of this ashram. And here is an oil with which you need to massage your full body before taking bath in the noon. And every shower you take must be with herbal water as you did during your diksha. I feel you start applying the oils from tomorrow, and not today.

Me: Okay Guru-ji. I felt very fresh after the herbal water bath.

Guru-ji: Yes, the herbal extract helps to rejuvenate your organs and energy level. But remember that the oil I just gave you must not be applied on your breasts. For that, this is the oil, which should be used. I hope there will be no confusion if you can remember that the breast massage oil is green in color. Okay?

I nodded like an obedient student. I could realize my nipples jumped up within my bra hearing the words "breast massage" from a male.

Guru-ji: Kajal, you will get the guidelines regarding your massage from Rajkamal. You have probably not conversed with him because he remains busy most of the time, as he is the ashram cook.

Me: Yes Guru-ji. I have not talked to him though saw him yesterday when I came here.

Guru-ji: And now for the mind control part. This is very important. You keep this special soaking pad and wear it for the next couple of days whenever you go out of the ashram.

Guru-ji handed me over a small white square shaped cotton pad, which looked like a big handkerchief folded to form a square. I was in a dilemma what to do exactly with it though Guru-ji said to 'wear it'.

Me: How do I wear this Guru-ji?

I probably asked the most silly question of my life!

Guru-ji: Kajal, I already told you that I must know how much discharge you are having when aroused and this is a specialized pad with a measuring litmus paper within it, which will enable me to gauge that. You will have to place it within your panty over your pussy hole.

My ears turned red instantly hearing this. I avoided eye contact from Guru-ji out of womanly shyness. Hearing the words "panty" and "pussy" directly from a male made my condition worse, as the nipples grew more and so were my copious upper treasures giving me a tighter sensation, as my blouse was already stretched enough.

Guru-ji: Put it within your panty in such a way Kajal so that it does not get shifted. It needs to soak every drop so that I get the correct measure. I hope you can manage that.

I nodded right away looking at the floor and wanted to end this discussion desperately. I felt like if I allowed more on this topic, Guru-ji might ask to lift my sari to my waist and he would actually put his hand within my panty to show me how to wear this pad.

Me: Okay Guru-ji. I got your point.

Guru-ji: Fine. Kajal, I want you to have at least two orgasms per day for today and tomorrow. Remember, every act that you will face might seem to be highly outrageous, but is actually a part of your treatment. So you must be taking it sportingly and allow for the incidents to happen in its natural path. Jai Linga Maharaj!

Me: Jai Linga Maharaj.

Guru-ji: Kajal, I also want you to participate in daily chores that we do. If you feel, you can help in the kitchen. Similarly if you feel, you can participate in pastime like yoga, swimming etc. in the afternoon.

Me: Okay Guru-ji. I will definitely do that which would suit me.

Guru-ji: You can go now Kajal. You will get instructions from me via my disciples what to do, where to go, etc. Have faith in Linga Maharaj.

Me: Thanks Guru-ji. Jai Linga Maharaj!

I went out of his room and went back to my room. I was still tense about the mind control part. As Guru-ji said, I have to 'take it sportingly', but obviously being married was pretty much worried to experience two orgasms in a day without my husband. I only had such intense sexual pleasures in the early part of my marriage days. I consoled myself at the same time that there is no other way out, as Guru-ji needs to know if my discharge is normal or not.

At around 10:00 am Nirmal came tapping at my room door. By then I already had a herbal bath. It was so refreshing and bathing in front of the life size mirror in my toilet was as if making me more shameless. The general 10-minute long bath got extended, as I stayed nude there for some more time appreciating my figure in the mirror. Before that I went to the kitchen and got introduced with Rajkamal and helped him with some vegetable cutting also.

Nirmal: Madam, please get ready. Guru-ji said to take you to the tailor as you are having problems with your blouse fitting.

Me: But I did not tell Guru-ji in the morning about this. How did he know?

Nirmal: Meenakshi told Guru-ji.

I thanked in my mind to Meenakshi. She saved me from taking such an intimate issue to Guru-ji. And the way Guru-ji asks direct question would have been another blushing episode for me.

Each time I see this dwarf I feel amused. I noted that his eyes were roaming more on the lower portion of my figure. Realizing that I consciously avoided turning my back to him while talking.

Me: Where is the tailor? Does he stay in the ashram?

Nirmal: No Madam. But not far at all, it's only five minutes walking from here. Madam, I will not go with you; Uday will come and take you, as he is dedicated for outside visits.

Me: Okay Nirmal. You can send Uday.

Nirmal: Madam, please make sure to take the medicine before going out of the ashram and to wear the pad.

He left the place with a wicked smile. I was again taken aback. This nitwit also knows that I need to wear the pad within my panty!

I closed the door and had the medicine as per dosage and then went to the toilet with the pad. Since I need to place the pad securely, I decided to get out of the sari and petticoat completely. So again I had to strip to an almost bikini posture as I had my bath only sometime ago. I pulled my panty half way down my fair buttocks and placed the pad covering my pussy hole and pulled the panty up again. The touch of a foreign body on my pussy instantly gave me a turn on. But I tried to distract my mind from it and quickly wore my petticoat and sari. My blouse as usual clung to my tight boobs with the upper hooks open, but at least I felt assured that I would get a proper blouse to wear, as I need to stay here for 5-7 days now.

Uday had a charming personality, but with a very well built body. He told me he teaches yoga here and is very active in sporting events like kho-kho, kabbadi, swimming, etc. Any woman would like his physical structure and honestly I also appreciated in my mind his physique. We went out of ashram and took the way by the big pond just outside the ashram. I noticed there was not much residence, only a few and very scattered.

As I tried to walk swiftly to match Uday's steps through the grass filed, I began facing my common problem. I clearly felt my panty sliding off my smooth buttocks and getting shifted to a side due to my speedy walk. I know in no time it will roll into my ass crack if I do not walk slowly. Though the pad was secure in the front, I felt very uncomfortable within even though this was nothing new to me, as it's the same story with almost all panties I wear. I had no other option but to walk a bit slowly and thankfully Uday did not ask me why I decelerated.

Soon we reached the tailor's place. It was a small hut, so to say. As we knocked an elderly man came out. He must be at least 55-60 years, almost my father's age. He was wearing thick spectacles and was wearing a lungi. He appeared very feeble.

Uday: Master-ji, our Madam is having some problem with her blouse, can you see if you can correct that.

Master-ji: But I right now I am busy taking measurements. It will take some time.

Uday: Okay Master-ji, she will wait for a while.

The tailor looked at me. His eyesight seemed to be weak, as he looked quite a while at me through his thick glasses. At that time another man came out of the house, he was middle aged, may be around 40, very thin, also wearing a lungi.

Master-ji: Ramlal take Madam inside. I am coming from toilet.

Uday whispered in my ears that Ramlal was Master-ji's brother, who helped him in his tailoring and that they can stitch a blouse in only a couple of hours. Since it took at least a week to sew a blouse by our town's ladies tailor, I was quite impressed hearing it.

Uday: Madam, I really have nothing to do here now. I would advise you to get a new blouse stitched by Master-ji. I will go to the village and pick you up from here in an hour.

I nodded knowing nothing what waited for me there and Uday was gone.

Ramlal: Come with me Madam.

His voice was very harsh and he looked rough too. He was ogling like most males at my upright breasts. He led me to a very small room. There was a sewing machine at the right side, a sari hanging diagonally on the left, and a heap of colored clothes. The room was undoubtedly humid, as there was no ventilation except the door. A dim bulb illuminated the room and a table fan was giving air. Since I came from outside, it took some seconds to get accustomed to the light and I noticed a girl was standing there also at one corner.

Ramlal: Sorry for the inconvenience Madam. There is not much space here. Master-ji will finish taking the measurements of this girl and then attend you. You sit on this stool till such time.

I was about to look intently at the girl who was standing at the corner of the room, but saying the above Ramlal forwarded me the stool, but kept on holding to that. I was rather irritated by his act, because if I sit now I will have to put part of my buttocks on his fingers and naturally I reacted heatedly.

Me: What is this? How can I sit if you hold the stool like this?

Ramlal: Madam, don't get angry please. I am not sure if it can take your weight. Yesterday only one toppled and got hurt.

I understood and smiled on my own seeing the condition of the stool.

Me: Yes, your stool looks like you in health.

The girl who was standing there also laughed at my comment. Ramlal of course smiled big like a rascal showing his teeth, but did not remove his fingers from the stool top and I had to sit on that as he was supporting it. I was conscious enough not to sit on his fingers directly, but the position was such, his fingers got partially pressed between my firm ass cheeks and the wooden tool as I sat. I cannot say about Ramlal's feeling, but I bet he must have enjoyed the roundness of this 28-year-old housewife, but the very contact of male fingers on my smooth bottom triggered my heartbeat. I promptly compelled him to leave the stool and adjusted on it myself.

I looked at the girl now. She was a teenager wearing a ghagra-choli. Clearly she was not wearing a bra and her nipples were quite evident through her thin blouse. I looked at Ramlal's eyes to see whether he was eyeing them, but was shocked to find he was instead eyeing my cleavage! I instantly adjusted my pallu, which was displaced, to conceal my cleavage and to stop the free show he was getting due to the two open hooks of my blouse. By this time Master-ji was back.

Master-ji: Madam, sorry to keep you waiting. I will finish within five minutes.

Then what happened in the next five minutes was more appalling and I had never seen such offensive thing done in a tailor shop in my life. Master-ji went up to the girl who came for a choli stitching and took all measurements with his hands, I mean stretching his fingers! There was no tape, though there was a measurement string. I was dumbstruck. Master-ji took all measurements starting from her sleeves, her shoulder, her back, her armpits, and obviously her twin cups with his fingers and Ramlal verified that with the measurement string and jotted down in a notebook. I noted that the girl was quite nonchalant in spite of continuous stroking and touching of her youthful boobs by Master-ji. I felt my heart would miss a bit when Master-ji took a measurement with his thumb poking exactly the girls' upright nipple and his middle finger touching her boob base.

The measurement was over soon and the girl went away. Now I had to ask the obvious to this tailor duo.

Me: Master-ji, why don't you use the tape for measurement?

Master-ji: Madam, I have more faith in my hands rather than on the tape. I am stitching blouse for 30 years now and there has been little complaint from my customers. Madam, don't think since I stay here means I stitch only for villagers, my blouse go to the metro cities also. I also stitch undergarments for 10 years Madam, and I had no major complaints on such delicate things also. And all are done based on my finger measurements.

Master-ji seemed determined to convince me about his style of taking measurement.

Master-ji: Madam, look at your side to that heap. All those bra and panty would go to the cities and you would purchase that in attractive packs from shop. If this method was not correct, could I run this business for such a long time Madam?

I looked at the heap of colored clothes, which though I noted entering the room, but due to the dim light was unable to perceive what they were and moreover I came from direct sunlight from outside. Now visibility was clear and I noticed a heap of brassiere and panty of different colors. I really had no idea that these can be stitched as well like the blouse.

Me: I thought Master-ji that the undergarments we buy are machine-made.

Master-ji: No Madam, not all. Some like these are hand-made too and these also are hand measured on different women.

He paused for a second and continued.

Master-ji: Madam since you are from the town, you feel shy seeing me take measurements like this. But believe me Madam, this actually gives a better fit to the blouse. If I give you an example, you might understand, there are so many types of toothbrush in the market, isn't it? Some with an angled top, some with curvy bristles, etc. etc., but Madam why so many variations? Because the toothbrush is not that flexible moving on our denture unlike our finger, which is so very flexible.

I was listening curiously now, though he was old and feeble, was explaining in a nice way.

Master-ji: Same is the case here Madam, tape is not the best tool to measure female anatomy. Fingers and hand flexibility is a better tool.

I was more or less convinced by Master-ji's narration and did not want to bother too much on this issue. Afterall, it's a just five minute measurement session.

Master-ji: Okay Madam. Let us come to your problem now. What is the problem with your blouse? This one also is sewed by me only.

Master-ji had a smile on his face now. Ramlal by this time was busy with the sewing machine stitching some cloth.

Me: Master-ji though it is 32 size as per the ashram, the cups are too small for me.

Master-ji: Ramlal, give Madam a 34 size blouse to try out.

I was surprised that he did not even bother to see my blouse once to look for the problem.

Me: But Master-ji I wear 32 size.

Master-ji: Madam, when you said you are having problem with the cups, first let me fix that, other things can be altered in the machine in a minute, isn't it?

Ramlal searched from the cupboard and came to me with a red blouse. He stretched the material and saw the blouse cups and looked offensively at my twin peaks and handed me the blouse. This scoundrel's looks were so dirty!

Ramlal: You go to the back of that sari and change Madam.

Me: But I cannot here change like this...

I was not finding the proper words. The sari cover level was only till my bust line and secondly since the room was too small the proximity was too close for a woman to change clothes with males present there.

Master-ji: Madam, have you noticed my spectacles? I cannot even see clearly objects a couple of feet away through these thick glasses. Madam, you are absolutely safe here to change.

Me: No, no, I am not saying that...

Master-ji: Ramlal, bring some tea for us.

That was a masterstroke to convince me. I had little to counter his words now. I did not argue any more and went behind the sari at the corner of the room. I faced the wall deliberately as the place was so very exposed. The sari diagonally tied up to wall hooks was not an adequate cover at all.

Master-ji: Madam, there is a lot of dust and dirt on the floor. It would be better if you do the drop your sari on the floor.

Me: Okay Master-ji.

I said 'okay', but found that if I do not drop my pallu on floor, I will have to hold it with one hand, but that way I cannot change my blouse because I need both hands free to open my blouse hooks and to take that off my body. I found that only way is to tuck the pallu in my waist and change.

I opened my blouse completely and was in my bra now. I was feeling very relaxed as that Ramlal was not in the room and took the 34-size blouse off the wall hook and wore it. After putting on all the hooks, I felt the blouse was a bit loose everywhere, on my cups, on my shoulder and at the base of my boobs too and was not fitting me.

Getting me pallu back on my shoulder I went out in front of Master-ji though knowing very well that Master-ji would check my blouse and I will again have to drop the pallu off my upper treasures.

Master-ji: I thought it would have been better if you had taken off the sari completely Madam, as I will have to take check your blouse and you may have to try another one for exact fitting. It will be uncomfortable for you each time...

There was no need to complete the sentence I thought and interupped.

Me: Yes Master-ji. You are right.

Since Ramlal was not there, I took off my sari in front of Master-ji. I got out of it and Master-ji helped me to hold my sari so that it does not reach the dirty floor. I was surprisingly not feeling uncomfortable without a sari in front of an unknown male, especially considering Master-ji's age and poor eye vision. So now I was more or less in the same state like the teenage girl whom I saw initially in the room. The only difference being I am wearing my inner wears, which the girl was not.

Ramlal just then entered the room with tea.

Ramlal: Madam, have this tea, this is a special one with...

He stopped abruptly seeing me in that state. My matured pointed boobs were enough to turn this scoundrel's head and through my thin petticoat layer he could probably make out my well-formed thighs also. I thought I should not give much attention to his looks.

Ramlal: ... with ginger Madam.

Ramlal kept the tray on the dirty floor before I could stop him. The floor was not only dirty, but I noted cockroaches and small rats running around here and there!

Me: Why is the condition of this room such Master-ji?

Master-ji: Madam, I am sorry for that, but in the initial days I tried to kill these insects etc., but this place seems to be a breeding place of these animals and with time, I am habituated with them.

He smiled though I was not at ease at all in that room with the dirt and the insects.

Master-ji: Have the tea Madam and then I will check your fitting.

Saying that he bent down and picked up a cup and sipped tea. Ramlal was already sipping sitting on the machine. I also took a couple of steps forward and bent down to pick the cup from the tray on the floor. As I bent, I realized my blouse was creating a gap with my boobs and my mangoes almost popped over my bra. I knew the valley between my wheat-colored breasts was getting exposed, but I had to pick up the cup from the floor. So, I tried my best to hide my deep cleavage with my left hand and picked up the cup swiftly. Seeing me do that I saw Ramlal chuckle. The rascal.

Master-ji: Okay Madam, lets check your blouse now.

Saying that he came near to me, within one foot. I was just slightly breathing heavily as a male came so close to me. He was taller than me and as he looked down at my blouse-covered boobs, with each breath, the top of my boobs were getting slightly more visible to him over my blouse. I blushed a little on my own.

Master-ji: It looks far from fitting Madam. Let me check exactly how much loose it is.

As Master-ji got closer to me, I could smell the sweat of his body. The smell of male sweat made me took a deep breath. He started to check the sleeves of my blouse first. He started with my left hand and inserted one finger through the sleeve end and touched directly on my arm. He continued this for a while and was slowly rubbing his finger on my left arm while touching the cloth.

Master-ji: Ramlal, sleeves lose by 5 strings. Let me check the back now. Madam, can you turn round and face Ramlal?

Ramlal was noting in a notebook behind me. Now I turned my body to him to face him and he openly gazed at my erect breasts. How irritating! The room, being small and congested, was hot also and I was sweating now. My armpits were wet already and I lowered my eyes to note that wet patches in my armpits were evident on the blouse. At that moment, I almost stirred up at Master-ji's comment. For a while though I noted that Master-ji was not touching the back of my blouse despite the fact that I had turned, but I was more concerned about that Ramlal's gazes.

Master-ji: Madam, please don't mind but I must say that your panty is more ill fitting than this blouse.

Me: What?

Master-ji: Madam, madam, please do not get angry at my words. As you turned back the light fell in such a way on your back that I can clearly see through your petticoat. If you don't believe my words, ask Ramlal to come this side and check.

Me: No, no. No need to check anything. I trust your words.

I had to admit that I trust my tailor's words that he has seen my panty through my petticoat and somehow resisted Ramlal to come to my backside to check that. My hands automatically went on to my ass out of womanly shyness and I stupidly tried to cover my round ass with my palm.

Me: But how do you know...

Master-ji thankfully intercepted in between because I did not know what to ask actually.

Master-ji: Madam, I don't know where from do you buy these, it has shrunk like a rope.

I thought for a while and concluded that there is no harm telling the truth to this old man and the tailor is the only person who can find a solution for me regarding my panty problem. Thinking on that line, shedding all my shyness, I told Master-ji about it.

Master-ji: This is not a problem Madam at all. Look at that heap. At least 30-40 panties are there and none of them would curl up to the center like your one. Ramlal, bring one from there and I will explain the problem to Madam.

I was somewhat scared now out of natural shyness to talk regarding my panty in front of two males. I quickly tried to shift Master-ji's focus.

Me: Master-ji, please understand my priority. Please fix my blouse first. I cannot stand like this forever. If you can get this done first...

Master-ji: Right, right Madam, I must finish with your blouse first.

I was breathing quite heavily and automatically standing with my legs spread a little, as I felt wetness slightly building up in my pussy. Master-ji started to stretch the back of my blouse to see how loose it was. In the process, he also was rubbing my smooth back with his fingers. I felt he pulled the back of my blouse and I felt his hot breath on my bare back. Instantaneously his warm touch and breathing made my nipples jump within my bra. I thought Master-ji must have been clearly seeing my bra strap inside, as he has pulled the back of my blouse a fair amount.

I was feeling a bit uneasy and shifted a bit and by doing that I invited more mess, as my round ass globe directly hit Master-ji in his crotch area and I felt his firm lund within his lungi poking its head. He also must have felt the firmness of my full ass. I blushed and giggled on my own thinking the hardness of his lund considering his age.

Master-ji: Madam, it is quite lose at your back too. Ramlal, 7 strings at the back U and 4 strings on the side U.

I nodded in agreement. Master-ji then walked in front of me and he took his face towards my blouse and now being so near could clearly see my mammaries going up and down. He got his face even closer to my mangoes on the pretext of checking the fitting. Master-ji was so near to me now that I could feel his breath bouncing off my boobs. I did not mind anything, as I knew his vision was poor.

Master-ji: Madam, it is lose from the front too.

He said while pulling my blouse a little in the front to see how loose it was from the front. As Master-ji pulled my blouse, I saw that rascal Ramlal's eyes almost popped out, as the scene was extremely sexy now.

Master-ji: Madam, now raise your hands up and be in that position as I take the measurement.

I lifted my hands and naturally my firm boobs exposed more over my blouse due to this stretching and more of my cleavage was on display to these two males. As I was sweating also and with my arms extended, the outline of my bra was more evident from the front also. Master-ji now put his right middle finger to the side of my heaving left breast and the thumb extended on almost my nipple. I clearly shivered by this unique sensual hand measurement. This man was directly touching my boob standing in front of me in the name of measurement and I have to allow that. Thankfully it was a swift process and then Master-ji brought the middle finger at the center of my breast where the thumb was and stretched the middle finger to the hooks.

Master-ji: Ramlal, cup one full H and quarter.

Ramlal noted that and also measured the stretched fingers of master-ji with a string and noted that.

Master-ji: Madam, now I need to know how tight you want the blouse to be so that you are comfortable.

I nodded without knowing how he would guess that.

Master-ji: You might feel a bit odd, but that's my process for first time measurements. Madam, just think as if my palm is your blouse cover. I will press slowly and you have to only signal me when you are most comfortable regarding the tightness on your cups.

Oh! My god! What does this old thug say! He plans to cup my breast openly now! And he feels this is 'just a bit odd' for a married woman of 28 years. I would slap any male doing that to me. I had to object to this.

Me: But Master-ji is there no other way to...

Master-ji again tried to convince me.

Master-ji: Madam, you are facing this problem with the 32 size blouse ashram gave you. It was measured on a thinner female than you, so if you do not give the exact size, either it will be lose there or too tight.

Me: Master-ji, actually, I would have been comfortable with a tape. Please.

I said in a pleading voice. I do not know what went through Master-ji's mind, but he agreed to me!

Master-ji: Okay, okay Madam, if you are not at ease, I will not force you. I will stitch it as per your cup size. It will certainly be slightly lose or tight and you will have to adjust.

I was so much relieved. And just then happened a frightful incident. Ramlal screamed like anything and jumped to my side almost colliding with me. Master-ji also went a couple of steps back and pulling my hand held me back. Initially I did not notice anything, but when I looked at the door, there were a couple of snakes standing there.

Ramlal: It's a cobra Master-ji. Beware.

Master-ji: Yes, I have seen that. No one should move now.

The snakes were almost guarding the doorway and if they proceed towards us there was nowhere to move, as the room was too small. The snakes were quite big and slowly moving their heads and seemed to keep a watch on us. I was very much frightened seeing snakes so close. Ramlal seemed to be also very scared, but Master-ji was relatively cool. Master-ji said he encountered snakes here before, but never in the room like this. For the next few minutes, Master-ji tried many ways like making a move towards them or throwing an article to them and virtually left no stone unturned, but was unsuccessful to turn those snakes away.

I was sweating profusely now, in the heat and also due to fear.

#Beauty and the Beast


Priyanka Chopra used her right hand to move a rouge tress of her own long hair that hindered her view of a herd of zebras. It was proving to be a troublesome job to keep all her long luscious hair under control while riding a safari jeep in the African savannah. She turned her head left to see her husband David also looking at her with a happy smile and she replied him with a wide smile and grabbed on to his hands before turning back to enjoy the natural majesty of ever stretching landscape of wild Africa.

Priyanka and David were a couple that could be said as fated or meant to be together the rest of their life time. They were a matching 'beautiful wife and handsome husband' couple. David had a body that turned many of the women's heads and Priyanka had a top model body that had the ability make every guy sport a tent in their pants. Priyanka and David decided to visit Africa for a much needed break from their hectic and routine city life.

Priyanka and David were having the time of their life during the vacation when an old white man spotted the lovely couple sitting in a safari bar. They both looked good, but it was the beauty of Priyanka that grabbed the old man's attention. He politely introduced himself to the couple as a safari trip manager and got into a pleasant conversation with them to build up a warm friendship. When he felt that they were warming up to him and start to trust him, he proposed that he could arrange them a safari to see rare mountain gorillas for a huge discount, just because he liked them.

Two days later, the happy couple was picked up from the hotel by a safari jeep and they were heading in to the deep jungle through rugged and rarely used routes. Soon the roads themselves disappeared into the thick jungle and they were driving through the deep jungle. The driver seemed to know where he was going even through the unmarked jungle, and skillfully maneuvered the vehicle through the ever thickening vegetation.

Dave and Priyanka were excited about the opportunity to see a rare wild gorilla and were thinking that this was the best part of their whole vacation. When the vehicle stopped after the about two hours of driving through the deep jungle, the old man announced that they have reached the location, and they have to get out of the vehicle and track on foot through the jungle to avoid disturbing or spooking the primates. Dave, Priyanka, the old man and the African guide was walking in line through a narrow path when suddenly armed men appeared from the jungle and tackled startled Dave and screaming Priyanka to the ground. Even the strongly built David didn't have a chance with two men jumping on him and when they noticed the guns that were pointed to their heads, both of them stopped the struggle.

Priyanka felt the sharp pain of a needle piercing in to her arm and lifted her head up from the dirt to see what it was. It was then that she saw the old man and the guide standing in front of her with wide grins, and she realized the fact that they were tricked from the beginning and the danger they were in. within seconds, her eyelids felt heavy with drowsiness and she managed to utter one word before falling asleep.


Priyanka woke up to find herself on a bed in a barely illuminated room. She got up in a hurry and started to call for David while observing the small room. It was the size of a small bedroom and was furnished with a metal bed, a small table with a chair, a treadmill, a body length mirror and a small attached bathroom with a sink, shower and a commode. There were three doors on each remaining walls that the bathroom wasn't attached to. Interestingly, half of one of the entire small walls was made of very thick plastic like glass and the other half contained a metal door with a big red button. It was too dark on the other side for her to see anything through the glass and opposite of that wall, on the other small wall, contained another metal door with and a big TV screen built in to the wall. The other long wall didn't have anything on it except for another metal door built on the edge that touched the wall with the TV screen. All the doors were locked even though it was strange to have three doors for such a small room.

Priyanka suddenly heard a very faint sound of David calling her name. The sound was coming from the other side of the long wall that contained only a door. David was held on the other side of that wall. While Priyanka busied her thought for a way to get to David, the TV screen on the wall came to life and it was showing the room where David was being held. The room he was in looked exactly like her except for the missing treadmill, and everything was on the opposite side like it was a mirror image of her room. She realized that they were being held in attached rooms and only the long wall was separating them. He seemed to be fine and he was looking at the direction of the camera. It was then she noticed the small camera hole that was located above the TV screen and she concluded that he must be seeing the image feed of his room or her room. She was relieved to see that David was unharmed and tried to make sense of the situation.

The TV screen flickered few times and an image of the old man that deceived them in to this predicament appeared and Priyanka heard the faint sound of David shouting profanities in his room.

"Now, now David. Let's calm down. You are my prisoners and if you don't follow the rules, you both will experience rather uncomfortable punishments," the old man in the TV said with a stern look.

From that, Priyanka understood that their captor could hear them and can respond through the TV in real time. Even if he spoke in a calm manner, his threats were real and his eyes showed that he was serious. David must have understood the same thing and Priyanka heard his voice fade off from the other side.

"Pardon me for my choice of harsh words. So, first of all, I would like to welcome you both to my humble lab. You lovely couple is here for a great cause and you can be proud that you will be a part of the beginning of world unification and humanity's salvation," The old man said with smile.

"Let me elaborate on the past proceedings that led to this situation. I am the foremost bio-engineering scientist in soviet Russia. Or I could say 'I was', since I'm now working independently," he laughed aloud while Priyanka and David failed to find any humor in what he said.

After the round of laughing, he straightened up with a serious look and resumed his lecture.

"After the victory of world war two, mother Russia and United states entered the cold war era. Both sides were interested in upgrading their infantry; while USA focused on mechanizing their infantry, we focused on bio-upgrading ours. To put in simple words, to breed super soldiers; soldiers who are much stronger and obedient than average soldiers. One concept that really captured the higher-ups attention was to create humans with strong animal genes in them. Mother Nature had made inter-breeding between different species impossible; but we scientists were born make impossible things possible," old man said with a gleam of light in his eyes.

"Soon, my proposal got the government approval and a team of scientists led by myself went to Africa and established our secret research center. The reason we had to come to Africa was because it was easy to keep things in secrecy here and easy availability of test subjects since our objective was to create a hybrid of humans and gorillas."

"We brought few volunteer Russian women with us to provide the eggs because for the cross breed to be intelligent, the eggs had to come from a human mother. So we were genetically modifying the test gorillas little by little to improve their genetic compatibility to humans. Even after years of hard work, we failed to artificially fertilize a human egg with gorilla sperm.

As rays of hope started to fade with time failures, a miracle occurred in those desperate times. One of the women developed a very close bond with one of the test gorillas and crossed the rules of nature to intimately unite with her lover in secrecy. The product of that forbidden union was the salvation of myself and the humanity. The woman gave birth to the test number one and it brought back hope for everyone in the project. Even if it lacked the desired intelligence, its sperm had the ability to fertilize unmodified human eggs. Soon, ten mix-bred of the second generation were born. They were more intelligent than the test number one, but still wasn't up to the standard we were looking for.

It was only a matter of time before we reach the sixth generation to achieve the desired intelligence; but when just as the first one from the third generation was born, the Soviet Union collapsed. The government shut-downed our project and killed the test subjects to eliminate all the evidences. I managed to escape with the only third generation mix-bred since it was a crime against humanity to discard everything after we achieved the impossible for the sake of the world.

After staying hidden for years and finding few wealthy and powerful sponsors, I re-launched the super soldier project with our last hope; the only third generation mix-bred, Boris," the old man said the name like he was announcing the name of an actor for Oscar and flipped on a switch.

Light flooded in to Priyanka's room through the glass wall and she turned around to find a large round room on the other side of the glass wall. She approached the glass wall slowly to inspect the new scenery that was available through the glass. The first thing she noticed was the huge round bed with a dirty brown cover that seemed to be originally had been white. What laid on it facing its back to her was a dark figure of a large very hairy man. Its whole back was ripped with muscles and sported abnormally wide shoulders. Then what she noticed was the layout of the big round room. Around the room, she saw four more pairs of glass walls apart from each other, and a metal door that led somewhere straight from the round room. A girl appeared from the glass wall that was facing Priyanka's and she noticed that she was a very pretty girl that seemed to be in her early twenties. Inciting her curiosity, the girl was wearing a babydoll that must have come straight from a Victoria's Secrets catalogue. The girl had long wavy blonde hair that flowed down from her shoulders and a petite slender body with reasonably big boobs for the small body. The risqué sleepwear only added more oil to the girl's burning sexiness.

The voice of the old man came back alive, grabbing Priyanka's attention back to the screen.

"I did promise you to show gorillas, didn't I? Well, you can see one in the big room if you want to. At least 24% of one," the old man was laughing again after saying that.

"That's Boris. 76% human and 24% gorilla mix-bred; the crown jewel of my research. Doesn't he look exquisite?" the old man paused a bit as if he was waiting for an answer. Seeing the dumbfound looks of both Priyanka and David, he continued.

"You must have noticed the other four pairs of rooms around main room. There are three more couples other than you right now as test subjects in this facility and all of them are part of the new batch that came here within the last week. With you two moving in to one of the last two vacated room pairs, we have four couples. Hurray!" The old man was back to his questionable behavior again.

"Why are you keeping us here? Please let us go. We can give you money," Priyanka pleaded, trying to open a path out of their dire situation.

"I have more than enough money right now. You are more valuable that money. As for why you are here, I'll have to start explaining from Boris. Being the third generation, Boris possesses superior intelligence and better compatibility with human genes compared to his predecessors. Better compatibility means a better chance for his sperm to fertilize human female eggs. But, due to having to run away with him around the world, I didn't get to follow the proper training procedures when he was growing up. As a result, he lacks some obedience. So extracting sperm for artificial inseminations have become an experience I rather prefer to avoid. Luckily, when he was reaching maturity, he accidently found few adult magazines that were laying around in the house and started to develop an intense sexual interest in human females. So I figured that if it's hard to proceed with artificial insemination, with his interest in human females, I could proceed with natural insemination," The old man said as if he was proud of his smart idea.

Priyanka felt a shiver run through her body when she started to put together where the conversation was going and the possible purpose for her in that project. Still, she refused to believe her instinct as the very thought of her assumption was taboo and wild beyond her imagination.

"Then I faced another problem. He has quite a strict appetite when it came to women. Having seeing the beautiful models in the magazines, he was only interested in women who were in that level of attractiveness. How was I supposed to find volunteers with that much beauty to mate with something less than human? So I had to resort to kidnapping couples with beautiful women. Why couples? Well, due to his genetics or lack of my supervision, he developed an unusual sexual habit. He prefers to mate with females that he obtained from other males. In other words, he prefers to breed with females that are already bound to a male. He could somehow feel the connection between a couple through some unknown wild instinct. So I couldn't cut corner and had to find him genuine couples."

Priyanka heard the faint voice of David's raised voice coming through the wall. No husband could stay silent after realizing this kind of danger his wife is in.

"Now Mr. David, please calm down, or I'll have to resort to punishing your lovely wife for your misbehaviors."

Priyanka heard David's voice disappear and by then she had fallen to her knees from weakened legs due to the shock, and tears were running down from her eyes from realizing the soon to become unfortunate fate of hers.

"Don't let your hopes down yet you two. Since I wanted to study his behavior, intelligence and strength, I devised this special setup of rooms. You must have already noticed the doors in your rooms. If Boris wants to open either doors on the glass wall, he has to push the button on that door. A buzzer will sound when he does so and the door on David's side will open if Boris pushes the button on that door, while the door on Priyanka's side will only open if she presses the button on her side after Boris push the button for your door. Above the TV screen there's a scanning pad in David's room and if it scans Boris's palm, it'll open the glass wall door of Priyanka's side. So, the only way Boris can reach Priyanka without her consent is by scanning his palm in David's room. David can use whatever means to physically stop Boris from reaching scanning pad and reach Priyanka. Boris is a big and strong guy, but don't worry; there's a reason that there are more couples available for him. If you prove to be an enough annoyance to him, he'll back way to try another room because he's too lazy by nature. I'll give you a day of rest before Boris is allowed to open your door. Given your physique, I assume you have a good chance to deter Boris and protect your wife's virtue. Once the door was opened, it will not open again for another 24 hours; Priyanka's door could be opened anytime with her permission if she desires," The old man said with a smile and then his expression turned serious.

"Remember, I have full control of everything here; including the doors and your lives. There are more than enough naïve couples coming to Africa for me to find replacements. If you misbehave, your partner will be the one that will get punished for it. You are under 24 hour surveillance, so don't try anything funny. I value obedience above everything. So, obedience will bring you rewards and even might be freedom."

After saying that, the old man pushed a button on the control panel in front of him and started to talk again.

"Priyanka, only you can see this feed. You are mainly responsible for the safety of your husband since he has no value to us without you. For any small disobedience, your husband will be severely punished. You will be well taken care of and every morning a maid would come and clean your room and dress you up and you are expected to maintain the appearance throughout the day. Also, you are not allowed to put on anything other than the things the maid had already put on you and you are not allowed to hide in the bathroom. You are allowed to wear the sleeping wear we provide when you sleep and you are provided with a treadmill in order to keep in shape and healthy, and can request more equipment for that purpose. Your main duty is to be obedient to the rules and look beautiful. Which is something I know that wouldn't be very hard for a beautiful lady like you to do. That's it for now and we'll talk again soon later."

to be continued...
Please Change the actress if want to continue and please update mansion House story regularly
Please Change the actress if want to continue: Any suggestion...
Please update mansion House story regularly: I need to wait for original writer update, after that I edit as actress fantasia
Please Change the actress if want to continue: Any suggestion...
Please update mansion House story regularly: I need to wait for original writer update, after that I edit as actress fantasia
U haven't given any updates on Xossipy since last month... What about that thread??... Also this story doesn't look that much appealing... It would be better if u can update previous stories like bitchy sister malvika and mansion House... Ur stories are superb ???