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Actress Sex Story Sex Stories with Indian Actress - Galbatorix


Legendary Faker
Exclusive Faker
Pro Faker
Story Teller
Sep 26, 2020
DF Coins
Greetings Desifakers,

This thread is all about stories on Indian Celebrities (mostly south). Some of the stories would be long and deep, but some would be just simple and fun. Most of the stories are taken from different sources on net and modified to match the celebrities. And there would be some stories that are written by me. You can go through the index.

The stories may seem real, but they all are a work of fiction. No actor or actress are a part of this. Each story will have its own story code and prior warnings. If you are not into some of the stuff, please skip. Thanks and keep enjoying.
Training Samantha

Training Samantha


This is a work of fiction. For the sake of the story, it is assumed to have Samantha and Chaitanya still as a married couple. Post the pandemic, the couple moved away from India and got settled there after starting a very big firm. They had a very lavish and expensive life.
Training Samantha - Index
Chapter Number
Page Number
Chapter 1 - The Introduction
Chapter 2 - Learning the Fundamentals
Chapter 3 - I am Not a Lesbian
Chapter 4 - Trixy The Strip Dancer
Chapter 5 - Embarrassed, Exposed, Pierced
Chapter 6 - The Slave Competition and Servitude to the Master
Chapter 7 - The Maid's Revenge
Last edited:
Training Samantha: Chapter 1 - The Introduction
Samantha prepared for the day as usual. Out of bed extra early, a workout in the home gym, breakfast prepared to a tee as usual by the maid, a shower, and then up to change. Chaitanya had just come out of the shower. He still possessed the hard lean body that had attracted her a dozen years before. As she donned conservative, but expensive lingerie followed by a dress suit, he reminded her that his plane would be leaving in 2 hours, so they had to hurry.


As she put on her make-up and put up her hair, she remembered the love making session of the night before, the usual before one of his many business trips abroad. She had faked an orgasm to get him to stop pumping and cum. She felt slightly guilty, but then brushed it off as a necessary part of life. It was like their whole existence of late everybody smiled at the appropriate time, and said the right things, but it all rang hollow.

Descending into the kitchen again, Neeraja was feeding the boys, 12 and 10, otherwise ready for school. Chaitanya gave them the obligatory line about their behavior when he was gone and then he and Samantha fed baggage into the trunk, climbed into the Mercedes, and headed for the airport. On the way, they talked about the mundane the countries he would be in this time, the vacation planned after school was out two months hence, upcoming events in the boy's lives, yadda, yadda. Then the turn-off. He gave her a perfunctory kiss, dug the baggage out of the trunk, and watched as she sped off heading for work.


After parking in her spot, she nodded to the girl at the front desk and ascended the elevator to her office. Her secretary was already at work: Type A efficiency personified in an attractive middle aged, body. Good morning, Mrs. Akkineni, she said as usual. Samantha nodded at the greeting, opened the door and entered her office. The blinds were already open and coffee was brewing in the kitchenette that served her office and the boardroom from the other side. The calendar for the day was reviewed, morning e-mails read and she went to work before her first meeting of the day. That was followed by a conference with some important customers and lunch with her executives. There they discussed a new strategy she had been working on to increase sales even more. The details were handed over to marketing to work out, with a preliminary report due in a week.

It was after six before she left her office building, a gnawing in her stomach reminding her that the salad at lunch hadn't amounted to very much. The Mercedes glided through traffic, she stopped at the bank to deposit some cash, and then into the upper middle-class home that was theirs. The boys were pretending to do homework while Neeraja bustled around the kitchen.

Samantha entered her office, removed her jacket, poured a drink, and started through the mail. Credit card offers, country club membership renewal, a letter from the IRS the IRS, that made her sit up. She opened the letter and read the summons. She and Chaitanya were to meet with an agent a week from Thursday, time and location given. She frowned, wondering what it was all about. They were to bring income statements, documentation of charitable contributions, and documents relating to Chaitanya's business, which had lost money for the past 5 years. He was to be gone for 3 weeks, so he wouldn't be back for the meeting.

She picked up the phone and called him. Finally getting though, as it was in the middle of the night in Dresden, she explained the situation to him. He didn't seem to think there was any problem, just routine, and he was sure she could handle it without him. Everything was in the files provided yearly by their accountant. She wasn't so sure, but was buoyed by his confidence. The IRS missive was pushed aside as Neeraja called her for dinner.

The days flew past with the work on new contracts her company was negotiating. Before she knew it, it was Thursday. She had taken the morning off so she didn't have to leave so early. She loaded the files requested into the car and headed for the Federal Office Building. Entering at 8:45 for her 9:00 appointment, she went through security, and was directed three floors up and to a nice office at the end of the hall. A very attractive secretary received her and asked her to be seated. 9:00 came and went. She fidgeted in her chair, glancing at her watch every few minutes. She got up and asked the secretary when the agent would be ready. She was informed that as her appointment was set up for 9:30, it should be starting shortly. Samantha looked at her notice and started to say something, but thought better of it, and returned to her seat. Finally at 10:05 a tall, well-tanned man entered the office and went through the door. It couldn't be the IRS agent, she thought, since a government hire wouldn't be able to buy that suit.

Five minutes later she was summoned into the office to be greeted by the suit. He was perhaps 50, with piercing eyes and an amiable smile. It was not at all like the bean counter she expected. For his part he just paused a moment and took her in. Her hair was dark, pulled back to leave bare an attractive neck. An expensive dark blue suit set off well-toned legs encased in hose Her face was determined with a full mouth and expressive eyes. She had long fingers with diamond and wedding rings. The skirt had a slit in the front and she tried to bring it together after crossing her legs. She tried again, unsuccessfully, and then ignored the leg above the knee as he glanced down at it, appreciatively.

Thank you for coming in today, Mrs. Akkineni. My name is Kyle Laughton. Mr. Akkineni won't be joining us?

No, he is in Europe on business. If we can move things along, I have been waiting for over an hour, she said briskly. I have brought the materials you requested.

Good. Let's get a few things out of the way. You and your husband are both 35 years old. Your address and SS numbers are accurate? She nodded. You are President of Royal Manufacturing with 120+ employees. Your husband has his own company called Ex/Im Consulting at your home address.

Yes, that's true.

I see you have paid proper Social Security taxes on Neeraja Kona, your housekeeper.

Yes, we try and obey the laws.

Do you have an appraisal for the painting you donated to the museum 2 years ago?

Samantha dug around in the folders and produced the document in question. He considered it for a moment. Yes, they are a reliable firm we will happily accept their assessment of the painting's value.

She relaxed a bit at his statement. Maybe this would go better than she thought.

He handed her the appraisal. Your income was about $435,000 last year.

That is close, yes

You make frequent bank deposits of cash in the 8 different banks and 2 Credit Unions where you and your husband each have accounts. As a matter of fact, I notice that you and your husband made an average of $2,000 in cash deposits every business day last year. It all stayed under the radar of the money laundering regulations and so was never reported. That amounted to about $43,000 a month and came in at $520,000, plus change, for the year. That was pretty amazing, given the fact that your husband lost $80,000 last year, and you didn't need to borrow any money.

I...I'm not sure, she responded slowly, trying desperately to think of something that might account for the cash deposits. We might have dipped into our savings, she said lamely.

Actually, you had such a good year, you moved a goodly sum of money to your account in Banco Santander Central Hispania in Spain, as you have for the past 5 years.

Her heart sank. How was anyone able to track their transactions, and what could have triggered this man's interest. Everything had gone so well for so long, that she had just accepted it as the way things were.

From Banco Santander, you transferred the money to Dresdner Bank CZ, and from there to your account in Bank Vontobel Cayman. Shall I give you the account number of the Grand Cayman bank?

She was crushed. But there was still a chance she could get out of the country. She had been told that the U.S. Government couldn't get at money stashed off-shore. He could see that glimmer of hope reflected for a moment in her eyes, and smiled to himself.

Now let's see. Your husband works with a dozen different foreign businesses. Most of his pay is deposited directly into the Grand Cayman account. Nice to keep those things away from Uncle Sam's greedy hands, isn't it? My records show many such deposits over the past 5 years, and none of it showed up on your income tax forms.

Samantha had fallen into a stupor, and just nodded. This was all going too fast for her to comprehend. He had her where he wanted her, and was ready to pounce.

I imagine you know that the U.S. government has no jurisdiction over accounts in Grand Cayman.

She looked at him quizzically.

Let me tell you a little about myself. I am sort of a freelancer, who does odd jobs for the bureau, although most of my time is spent with my own business ventures throughout the world. I take on 4 or 5 cases a year of my choosing for the IRS. My connections allow me access where there is none allowed through normal government channels. The CEO of Bank Vontobel Cayman in Grand Cayman is a close friend, and the managing director, Andreas Weck, has frozen your assets there as a personal favour. Your bank accounts here are frozen as well, by the way that is where I was before we met. The ones in Europe aren't worth the bother. From your case, I will earn 40% of what the government recovers in back taxes, fines, and interest at least $4 million. I have special talents that are highly compensated. The government prefers that to getting nothing.

Her last hope dashed, a tear of anguish found its way down her cheek.


I will turn my evidence over to the department tomorrow.

There was a chance, she thought, only a slim one, but she had to take it. If he hadn't turned over the evidence yet.... But what if you forgot all about this little indiscretion. We would pay handsomely for your help in clearing up government red tape.

What do you have in mind?

What if I were to offer you $5 million, no $6 million without Uncle Sam taking his percentage off the top.

You would be willing to do that?


And where would you get that kind of money?

You would have to allow us access to the account in Bank Vontobel Cayman.

So that you could take the money and run, you mean, he said, his eyes narrowing.

She decided that he was no fool, and was not about to cross him. I'm sure we could work out an arrangement that would be acceptable to you, she responded.

So you are asking me to take bribe money so you can avoid jail and fines, he said.

It wouldn't be a bribe exactly. And we will promise to declare all income in the future.

He thought for a long moment. Then said, I will consider your request, although it might cost you more than you anticipate. Meet me for dinner tonight at Restaurant Athenian and I will give you my answer there. 8:00, don't be late.

Samantha let out a long breath and nodded. She gathered up her things and left the office.

Samantha Akkineni sat in her car for long minutes in a daze. Then she went to her office. She put her purse on the conference table and sat on the leather-bound couch. For 20 minutes, she just sat there, before going over to her desk. Pulling up the web site for the Grand Cayman bank, she punched in the account number and password. Everything came up as usual. She pulled out the book with all her account numbers and transferred money to one of them. After a few moments she read, transfer aborted, contact Bank Vontobel Cayman. She slumped in her chair, trying to think of a way out. The plans she and Chaitanya were using were her invention. They had started out small, but it had been so easy to get away with that they had increased the amount over the years. She picked up the phone and tried to call Chaitanya, but was unable to get through. She put in part of the afternoon and left early. A stiff drink followed by a massage and the steam room left her feeling some better. At home, she told Neeraja she would be out for a dinner appointment, then spent some time with the boys. From there she relaxed waiting for time to pass, showered, put her hair up again, put on evening make-up, and dressed, again in elegant, but conservative attire.


It was 10 minutes to 8 when Samantha entered the restaurant. The maitre d' took in her beauty, and the professionally tailored red suit and ushered her to the bar where the bartender offered her a glass of Black Tower, and imported Rhine white wine. This startled her more than anything else during the day since it was her favorite drink. She listened to the sounds of a jazz pianist in the background and looked around. No sign of him yet. She drank quickly, not savoring the taste as she usually did. Another glass appeared in its place.


The Maitre d' appeared again saying, will you join the gentleman at the piano?

Samantha followed him and saw Mr. Laughton playing the piano, eyes closed. She stood behind him and watched as he moved from one Gershwin tune into another all of which she liked. His improvisations were fresh and clean, but the tune was always there. Then he stopped and looked around, seeing her waiting. He rose and directed her to a table in an alcove, providing a bit of privacy saying, They don't have a piano player on Thursdays. She placed her purse on the table and sat. A waiter offered menus, which were waived away.

Kalemera, Kerie ke Keria. To Onoma mou ena Nikolaus. Ti tha fate?

In English tonight, he said. For appetizers, bring us tzatziki, teramosalata, and stuffed grape leaves. Your special soup after that.

Amesos, he nodded and left.

Samantha launched right in, wanting to get it all over with. Mr. Laughton, are you willing to accept my offer of $6 million in return for dropping your IRS case. I'm sure we can work out the details to your satisfaction.

He laughed, but the laugh didn't reach as far as his eyes. I told you this afternoon that I would require more than that.

He picked up her purse from the table and opened it before she could protest. He pulled out the tape recorder still running, and, with microphone dangling, walked over to a fish tank, and dropped it in.

Let me make the situation clear, he said sitting down. He pulled another recorder from his pocket and pressed play. She heard her own voice, But what if you forgot all about this little indiscretion. We would pay handsomely for your help in clearing up government red tape. What do you have in mind? What if I were to offer you $5 million, no $6 million without Uncle Sam taking his percentage off the top. You would be willing to do that? Yes. He pressed the stop button.

That is recorded in video as well so much easier to present evidence in court. So here we have you falsifying your tax records for years, and then trying to cover it up by bribing an IRS employee. The real question is what are you willing to do to avoid exposure, trial, and incarceration? It will wipe out your savings. Who will care for your boys while you and Chaitanya are in jail? Foster care? Have you ever been in a woman's prison? You will lose your job. Who will hire someone with your record when you get out?

She shuddered, images flooding into her mind. But he seemed to be offering a way out.

The hors d'oeuvres arrived. This is cucumber dip, these stuffed grape leaves, he said. She wasn't hungry, but ate mechanically.

What is your price, she asked already anticipating the response.

You, he paused to let it sink in. But the real question is not will you agree, but rather are you worth the money I would be giving up?

A ray of hope crossed her face. She could screw him as much as he wanted, and would do it very, very well for what she would be getting in return.

That seems fair, she said, knowing that it wasn't really. But how do I know you won't double cross me later?

You don't. But that is a chance you'll have to take. I make multi-million dollar agreements with my word, he said, eyes narrowing. It has never been broken.

It seems that you have all the cards, she said tasting the cucumber dip. Where do we go from here?

I need to know a little about you first. Rule #1: When I ask a question, I will require a detailed, complete and honest response. Let's begin with what you are wearing.

This took her by surprise. A red jacket with scarf, white blouse, red skirt with matching shoes, and pantyhose. Oh, yes, and dolphin earrings and a red purse.

That is all you have on?

Well, I...

Go to the Men's bathroom, remove your panties and bring them back to me. And leave the damn pantyhose in the trash. When she looked at him in amazement he continued or leave the restaurant now. I said that YOU would be the price, but if you are unable to deliver that is your decision.

The Men's restroom?

If I have to repeat myself, I will get very angry. On the other hand, the guests here might enjoy the show at your expense. Let's see, what else could I have you remove?

Samantha glanced in the direction of the restrooms and moved quickly before he thought of something else. A man at the urinal looked at her as she entered. The ladies room is packed, she said going into a stall. Reaching under her skirt, she removed her pantyhose and then her panties. Leaving the stall she put the pantyhose in the trash and waded up the panties as best she could in her hand. She hurried out and back to the table, reaching under it with the hand holding the panties. He remained as he was with his hands on the table. Here, she said reaching farther. When he made no move she looked around and then put them in his hand on the table. He took them, put them to his nose and inhaled. She shuttered at the raw sensuality of the act and felt the heat rise in her as he placed them on the table in plain sight.

He reached under her jacket with his right hand and pinched her nipple through bra and blouse, then twisted. She stiffened, eyes wide, and let out an “aaaiii” almost before she could stop herself. Now I have your attention. Rule one was a detailed, complete, and honest answer to all my questions. Did you comply?

No, I guess not.

You guess not what? How should I be addressed? As one of your lackeys at work?

She thought. I'm sorry I didn't give a detailed and complete response, Sir.

That form of address is much more appropriate. What else were you wearing?

I also had on red panties with a high leg cut and a white cotton strip in the crotch and a red lace bra with full cups and a back closure, and French perfume. She tried to think if there was anything she had omitted. And my rings, one a quarter caret engagement ring and the other my wedding ring, both in yellow gold.

Rule # 2. You will never wear panties in my presence without my express permission. And you will never, ever, sit on your skirt. It will get all slimy, he said increasing the pressure on her nipple and pulling it toward him for emphasis.

Yes, Sir, she winced. The dark haired beauty glanced around quickly and partially rose so she could pull up her skirt in the back. Sitting back down she felt the seat against her bare skin and smoothed out her skirt in the front. He released the grip on her now tender nipple and she let out her breath.

Now where did we leave off? Oh yes, your attire. You are not having your period now so no tampon?

No, Sir, she said blushing.

When did the last one end?

Last Thursday, I think, Sir.

What is your bra size?

34 C.

His eyebrows went up.



26 inches, Sir.

You will throw out ALL your pantyhose as soon as you get home. Do you have any real stockings?

Yes, Sir

Good, you will wear them from now on as a part of Rule #2. What is Rule #2 then?

I am not to wear panties in your presence without your permission, and I am not to sit on the back of my skirt. I will throw out all my pantyhose and wear stockings. If I may ask, Sir, should I wear stockings with elastic tops, or a garter?

You may ask. A garter is the preferred method.

The waiter had arrived with the Avgolemono soup. His eyebrow went up as he saw the red panties lying on the table, but he said nothing. Samantha reddened when she saw his eyes. The soup was delicious, although she didn't fully appreciate it. They ate it still munching on the appetizers. When they had finished Kyle leaned back and studied her. She became uncomfortable under his gaze.

Are you wet? he asked her.


If you are not able to remember a simple request such as the proper way to address me then I will have to take measures to ensure that your memory is enhanced. I don't really think you are that stupid.

I'm sorry, Sir. My mind has been in such a whirl tonight. I'm sure I can do better, Sir, she said trying to sound deferential.

We shall see. Again I find that I am repeating myself. Are you wet?

I...I don't think so, Sir.

Reach down and run a finger through your pussy.

Samantha coloured as she reached under her skirt and dragged her index finger from the bottom to the top of her slit. She jumped slightly when it contacted her clit. Then she brought it out and held it up for him to see. They both saw the telltale signs of her arousal.

Smell yourself, he commanded her.

She stared at it for a moment, as if disbelief, and then raised the finger to her nose, inhaling the musky aroma.

Lick it off.

She tasted her secretions as ordered. She couldn't understand it, but she was getting all tingly – down there. While she had never tasted herself, she had certainly smelled her female odor and it hadn't had this effect. Why didn't he just take her? She had already told him she would please him.

The waiter reappeared, whisked off the plates and bowls, and then returned for the main entrance. Kyle ordered calamari with rice and a Greek salad, and the waiter glided off to attend to it.

Unbutton the top two buttons on your blouse, Kyle said.

Samantha did it, with a Yes, Sir.

Do you shave your pussy?

No, Sir. I do trim it, she responded knowing that even these personal questions had to be answered.

Rule # 3, your pussy will be kept free of hair at all times except for a little strip at the top. You will leave work early tomorrow and have it waxed at this beauty shop. They will be expecting you at 3:30, he said handing her a card.

Now just wait a minute, SIR, Samantha began, the color rising in her face.

Off to the Men's Room and remove your bra. Bring it to me in 3 minutes. Your may re-button 2 buttons and keep the jacket if you are on time.

He looked at his watch.

Samantha started to say something and stopped.

Yes, Sir, was all she could manage as she dashed away from the table. Three minutes wasn't much time for this. She tore into the stall and pulled off her jacket without even closing the door. Next came the blouse and finally the bra. It nearly fell into the toilet as she laid it on the seat. Then back on with the blouse without even tucking it into her skirt, a middle button and a bottom one. Then the jacket and she raced off not even trying to conceal the bra. She was out of breath when she appeared at the table again holding the red bra with other dinners wondering what was going on. Here, Sir, she said handing it to him. Does everything meet with your approval, Sir?

He nodded, 2 minutes and 54 seconds, and placed the bra next to the matching panties. But you have made a mess on your chair. Wipe it up, he said handing her a handkerchief.

She wiped at the embarrassing pool, and then sat, pulling up the back of her skirt as she did so. She studied the silverware in front of her wondering what other people in the restaurant were thinking of her. She hoped none of them knew her. On the one hand he was handsome and self-assured. He never raised his voice or was offensive to those around him, yet his presence was commanding. She knew that in another circumstance she would have found him very attractive. He had taken her on a roller-coaster ride ever since this morning everything well planned out, it seemed. It was dis concerting that he was pushing buttons in her feelings she never knew existed, and she found her reactions to what he was doing very scary. She knew she could take whatever he chose to dish out, but her own mind was betraying her. The card was still sitting on her plate where she had left it. She picked it up, looked at the address, and put it in her purse thinking about the chore ahead of her tomorrow.

How will I explain my lack of hair to my husband? He has tried to get me to do that before and I have always refused. He knows that I hate looking like a little girl down there, as well as the itching and soreness.

I'm sure you will think of a response, was the unsympathetic answer.

The main course arrived and the wine was poured. She liked squid, and the rice was well prepared. The salad was without lettuce with a tasty Greek dressing. It was a good choice on his part as always, it seemed. As they ate, he engaged her in general conversation, pouring wine as the glasses emptied. Soon he had her laughing and she almost forgot the circumstances that brought her here.

Dessert was a Greek pastry and coffee. As Niko came to clear the dessert dishes, Kyle said, Niko, you have been very helpful tonight. Samantha has been learning a few lessons in proper deportment, Haven't you Samantha?

Yes, Sir, she responded.

Before we leave, Niko should have a proper tip. Open your blouse for him.

She hesitated and looked into Kyle's eyes like a deer caught in the headlights. Then seeing the hardness there, she undid the two remaining buttons. Grasping blouse and jacket, she opened them far enough for him to see her nipples before closing it.

Did I ask you to close it? a cold voice inquired.

No, Sir, she said opening it again and holding it open with eyes squeezed shut.

Farther, he ordered, noticing that a blush was washing over her upper chest. When she complied he said, What do you think of them Niko?

Very beautiful, if I may say so.

They do have the slightest bit of sag.

That is just because they are full, said the appreciative waiter.

Would they look better with nipple rings or nipple studs, do you think?

I would have to think on that, was his studied reply.

She will come back again for your decision, Kyle said. You may close your blouse now, but leave it unbuttoned. Check, please. As they stood, Samantha looked over at the bra and panties. Kyle shook his head and they headed for the door. The Maitre d' wished them well. As they walked into the parking lot she looked at him expectantly. He ignored her leading the way to his Jaguar and opened the door for her.

My car, Sir? She said sitting down.

Is already at your house, he said to her amazement and slid into the driver's seat.

He reached into her blouse and took a naked tit between thumb and finger. He rolled it back and forth until a moan escaped from her mouth. Then he pinched harder and harder until the tears came. Only then did she remember and pull up the back of her skirt. This was not going to be as simple as she had anticipated. He had thoroughly humiliated her in the restaurant. Was this part of her punishment for cheating the government? Or was there some other ulterior motive in all this she couldn't understand?

He started the engine and drove through the city. Do you remember the 3 rules I have given you? he asked?

Yes, Sir, was her reply.

Slide down in the seat and masturbate for me.

She had always hated that word, but she was resigned to her fate and said Yes, Sir. She pulled the front of her skirt up, trying to keep herself partially covered, and rubbed her finger up and down the slit. Then she pushed it into herself, hearing an embarrassing squish as she did so. She couldn't remember ever having been this wet before. She looked over at him and started to rub her clit. Her eyes closed, feeling the sway of the car in motion for a few moments, before blocking even that out. Although she was rubbing very slowly, she couldn't believe how soon she was on the verge of an orgasm.

Stop, Kyle said in a deep voice. She sat there with eyes closed for a minute before coming back to consciousness. Rule #4. You may cum only with my permission. Do you understand?

Yes, Sir.

What does the rule mean?

That I cannot cum when I want to cum. I will have to wait until you tell me to, Sir?

And if I order you to cum?

I will obey you, Sir, she said, although her heart wasn't quite in it.

Very good. You may continue.

Samantha began stroking her clit again and shut her eyes avoiding his gaze. Soon she was close to cumming again. She stopped rubbing to keep from breaking rule #4.

Did I tell you to stop? he asked crossly.

No, Sir. But if I don't stop I'll break rule #4, and I know that would displease you, Sir.

You are right, you will be punished most severely if you break that rule. You must learn self-discipline, Samantha. Your mind controls your body and not the other way around. Your nipple hurt a few minutes ago, but your mind told it that it must be endured, and so it was. You will cum when your mind tells you to cum. And who controls your mind?

I suppose you want me to say you do, Sir.

It is your choice. We all have choices to make in life. You can submit your mind to me or not as you choose. Although every action you take or don't take is also a choice made by your mind. Why have you chosen to obey me tonight?

I had no other choice.

Of course you did. We often make choices we would prefer not to make because of another overriding interest. Does that mean we should not make them then?

No, not necessarily.

So what do you chose tonight? Will you cum when your body wants to, or when I want you to?

I will obey you, Sir. Which I guess means that my mind is yours too, Sir.

We shall see whether that is the case or not. Continue.

She did as he said and was soon thrashing about on the seat next to him. Before long, she was out of her mind with lust. Her moans turned to pleading. She begged Sir to let her cum. She would give anything for the orgasm she had stored up all night. He smiled as he watched her writhing beside him.

You may stop, he said as he pulled into her driveway and turning on the overhead light. She seemed to be in another world and continued the ministrations on her clit unaware of his command. Stop, he said firmly and loudly. She obeyed, breathing like a distance runner with perspiration running down her face. Her blouse had parted over the last 15 minutes and he admired her breasts again, flushed with arousal and nipples hard as pebbles.

You are home, he said. Have you told your husband about our meeting?

She shook her head to clear it. He knew we had a summons for today. But I was unable to reach him to tell him about the meeting this morning. God was it only this morning?

Good. We will keep it that way for the time being. And now I need relief, he said moving his seat back and unzipping his pants.

The look in her face was wild as she moved across to put her mouth on him. She hadn't had sex in a car since college. Oral sex wasn't one of her favorites anyway, although she did it once in a while, usually as a reward for something Chaitanya had done. She went partially down on him with her mouth and jerked him with her hand. He didn't force her this time but let the events of the day, and her warm mouth, do their work.

When she could tell he was getting close, she looked up and said, You can take me if you want.

Not tonight, he said pushing her head down to the task at hand.

She had never swallowed before, but instinctively knew that it was required of her. Then he was shooting gobs of cum into her mouth and she was swallowing as fast as she could, choking on the thick liquid. Her cunt tingled and she wondered why he didn't cum inside her. She knew she was attractive, so it couldn't be that. He gave her the same handkerchief she had wiped the chair with earlier, and she wiped his cum off her face.

If you are really turned on, you may bring yourself off in the house tonight, he said condescendingly.

No, I am fine really, she lied. She had never been one for bringing herself off , preferring to cum with her husband. That had been hard with his travel schedule the past few years, so she had just gone without.

I will contact you when I want to meet again.

Yes, Sir. And thank you Sir for not reporting us, she said truthfully.

Whether or not I report you remains to be seen. I will continue to evaluate your progress. You just barely passed tonight.

Yes, Sir. I know I can do better than I did tonight, she said wondering for the umpteenth time what he had in store for her, and even more, how she would respond. Her response to what he made her do was more troubling to her than what he had made her do.

You may leave now, he said, and she opened the car door to get out.

You will need this, he said handing her the purse. And if you ever get it into your head to try and entrap me the way you did with the tape recorder, your sons will be without a mother.

She caught the snarl in his voice and knew instantly that it was no idle threat. She buttoned up her blouse, fished the keys out of her purse, and went inside. She checked to see that the car was indeed in the garage, made a stiff drink, and carried it upstairs. She sat on the edge of the bed, took two large swallows, choked, and set the glass on the night table. Damn him, she thought. Damn him to hell. She pulled her skirt up and started to massage her clit again, the feelings as strong as before. Then she thought of his words If you are really turned on, you may bring yourself off in the house tonight. Angrily she pulled her hand away. She was not going to let him control her any more than she absolutely had to, and masturbating just wasn't her thing. Disgusted with herself, she undressed, took a shower, and spent a restless night.
To Be Continued

Wonderful Starr please continue the story and post updates regularly
Sure, but it takes it's own time, but sure, I will keep updating, please follow the thread so that when I post new updates, you get the notification.

If any suggestions are there. Please kindly let me know.

Training Samantha: Chapter 2 - Learning the Fundamentals

Samantha woke to the shrill sound of her alarm clock. It hadn't been one of her more restful nights. She sat on the edge of the bed to clear her head, and thought about the events of the previous day. Pulling up her nightgown, she looked at the hair that would soon be gone. Her lips were still puffy, she noticed grimly. She parted them and saw her clit poking out of the hood. Pushing temptation aside with a grimace, she took off the nightgown and donned a nice matching bra and panties set to exercise in. It would never do to have Neeraja wonder why there were none in the dirty clothes from last night. Then she pulled her hair back in a ponytail, went downstairs, exercised for a half hour, and visited with the boys as they ate breakfast. They were growing all too fast, she thought. Neeraja mentioned that the telephone had gone out the previous day. The repairmen had shown up later and put things right. Then up to shower and dress, putting on a garter belt and stockings for the first time in ages. Panties she knew she could remove easily.

She drove to work feeling on edge. She nodded perfunctorily to the girl at the front desk, ignored one of her staff members on the elevator, and breezed past a Good Morning, Mrs. Akkineni to seek the solace of her office. Her e-mails were more pointed than usual. Her nine o'clock seemed to irk her and she dismissed Jim Thomas to redo the work to her satisfaction.

At ten o'clock Kyle pulled into the Royal Manufacturing parking lot. He called Samantha's office as he walked into the elevator. When Mrs. Davis answered, Kyle informed her that he was negotiating a very important contract with Mrs. Akkineni, and would need a half hour of her time. Mrs. Akkineni didn't have any appointments for the next hour, she informed him, and she would put him through to her. There was no need, he said, turning the corner and waving at a surprised Mrs. Davis as he entered the office.

Samantha Akkineni looked up expecting to see her secretary.

Good Morning, Samantha, he began, sitting himself in front of her desk and crossing his legs.

Good Morning, Sir, she said rising from her desk. If you will excuse me for a moment.

Sit down, he said firmly. They looked at each other for a few moments. Did you bring yourself off last night?

No, Sir. There was no need.

You wore pantyhose today?

No, Sir. I threw them out as you ordered, she said lying, but figuring she would have to do it soon.

And today are you wet?

I, I'm not sure. Maybe.

Show me, like last night.

Samantha shifted nervously in her chair. I wasn't expecting you, Sir. If you will let me visit the wash room for a minute you can check.

You mean that you are not dressed appropriately for me? Raise your skirt to your waist.

She stood and grasped the hem of her skirt. She raised it to show stockings and garters but also pink bikinis then sat again as he pointed a finger down.

I had no way of knowing that you would show up here. I have never gone out without panties on and thought your orders were that I was not to wear them when you wanted to meet me, Sir.

So you have decided how we are to meet?

It is what I assumed, Sir.

Kyle rose from his seat. With a long stride, he reached out and caught her hair in his hand. He lifted her out of her chair and brought her face almost against his own. You do not set the rules here. You will find yourself in serious trouble with me if you presume anything. Remove them, now.

She struggled to lift her skirt and lower the offending garment as he held her firmly by hair that had been pulled out of her carefully contrived bun. She shook them down her legs and kicked them off. He bent down and picked them up, looked at the wetness as she looked on wide-eyed, and put them in his pocket.

And what happens to disobedient girls?

I was not disobedient, Sir. You didn't make your requirements clear.

He smiled, but the smile wasn't pleasant. He dragged her by her hair across the room, through the kitchenette, and into the boardroom behind her office, squalling and oowing all the way as she tripped on her high heels. There he pushed her against the large table dominating the room where she stood, transfixed, more than a bit dishevelled, and still breathing heavily from the exertion of the last few moments.

Bend over the table and hold up your skirt. If you let it drop, I'll double the number.

You can't really mean that you are going to hit me? she asked incredulously.

Everything is your option. I can walk out that door and the agreement between us is broken forever. Or you can request a spanking as punishment for disregarding my desires and take it like the strong woman I think you are. As I have said before, it is your choice. But I am getting very tired of your indecision. Perhaps we should just call this quits, he said walking toward a side door.

No, no, please don't go. I...I'll accept it.

That isn't what I said.

The dark haired beauty took a deep breath and said, Please spank me, Sir. She turned, bent over the table, and pulled up the hem of the skirt.

Spread your legs. She moved her feet out. Farther. She could feel the lips slick apart as she complied. They seemed heavy as they hung there in front of him. God this is so humiliating, she thought. For his part, he studied the rounded cheeks in front of him appreciatively, framed as they were by the garter belt and stockings.

Sir, could you lock the door, please? she asked.

Afraid of visitors? It would be interesting to see the reaction on a subordinates face if your yelling is heard and he decides to check out the room. You will be punished and punished well. I will not ease off because you might be embarrassed. This will be a moment to remember.

Could I have something to muffle the sound if I cry out, Sir?

Kyle took the panties out of his pocket. Open, he said as she still held up the skirt. He made sure the cotton strip was in contact with her tongue, rubbed it up and down and then stuffed them in so her mouth wouldn't quite close. He removed his coat and laid it on the table next to her face. He stood for a full minute staring appreciatively, during which she closed her eyes in dreaded anticipation.

SMACK. She felt it on her left cheek and flinched just after the sound reached her ears. SMACK, SMACK, the second and third also landed on the same spot, leaving overlaying handprints. As he warmed to the task, he increased the force of his strikes always landing them on the same cheek. Soon it turned a warm pink and she was shrieking into the panties with every blow. She ground her teeth into the panties, cursing him a thousand times in her mind but telling herself that she could take it, that she had to take it. Then the tears started to flow and as the colour turned from pink to red, she shouted out to him pluuth gans widss.

What? he said stopping and pulling out the gag.

Please change sides, Sir. The left side is killing me.

As you wish, was his reply as he stuffed the gag back in and looked at a swollen hand. He changed sides and resumed his task with the other hand. The change left her quiet save slight moans for a half minute but soon she was wiggling and squawking with the blows. The tears started again and at about the 40 th stroke she collapsed onto the table, still clutching her skirt hem, shaking and sobbing so close to an orgasm. He stopped and rubbed up and down the cheeks, now bright red and hot to the touch. He pulled a plastic bag out of his coat pocket and took out a piece of rubber all lubed up. He pulled aside one red cheek and inserted it into her, then pulled it out and pushed it back in several times. It was easy in her relaxed state.

Did you already shit today? he asked crassly removing the cloth from her mouth. He looked at it, and put it in his pocket. She didn't answer him immediately. Then, eyes still closed, and make-up running she responded, Yes, This morning, Sir.

This butt plug is not to be removed, under any circumstances until I take it out. Is that clear?

Yes, Sir, she sniffled, her shaking finally coming under control.

Hold you skirt up and come over here, he ordered moving to a chair and sitting down. She righted herself and looked down at her bush revealed for him to see below her skirt. She walked over to the chair where he was seated watching her. He looked at her face still beautiful in spite of the tracks of mascara. Her hair, completely down now was shoulder length and disheveled. He pointed to the floor and she knelt in front of him. He stood, undid his pants, took them off with his boxers, folded them, put them on the table and sat back down.

Your blow job last night was adequate for a beginner, but you have a lot to learn in that department. We'll start with a few rudimentary things today. Continue holding up your skirt. A red ass still burning will remind you of your mistake and help you do a better job here. Besides that, it is important that you learn to give a blowjob without using your hands. Start by licking up my cock. That's it, the sides as well as the underside. Get it nice and wet. OK. Now take it in your mouth. You need to work on the head first. Circle it with your tongue.

She obliged as best she could while balancing on her feet and knees.

Now form a tight O with your mouth and take it all the way back into your mouth.

She leaned forward and took it into the back of her mouth and gagged when it hit the front of her throat.

Now back out and circle the head with your tongue again.

She gagged as it went in the second time, pulled back and swirled her tongue around his cock head.

Deeper, he said.

After gagging the third time she pulled back and said, Sir, I can't take it into my throat. I don't want to throw up all over you.

He grabbed her and pulled her across his lap as she pleaded, Please, Sir, no. Not there. I can't take any more there.

You SMACK will SMACK have to learn SMACK to do SMACK as I SMACK command SMACK without question SMACK. He proceeded to hit first one cheek and then the other, making sure to jar the butt plug as he did so. When I SMACK ask you to suck me SMACK I do not SMACK expect talking SMACK.

She could feel his engorged cock digging into her stomach as she kicked and squirmed. It wasn't so much the number of strokes that he landed, but rather the fact that she was very sore from the previous ones that made it hurt like hell. He dumped the teary-eyed beauty on the floor in front of him. You will learn to control the gag reflex and take it all the way down your throat. We will have to work on that later.

Sniveling, she nodded, pulled her skirt up again and leaned forward to take him into her mouth. He pointed to his leg, which was covered with her juice and said Clean off your mess. She had to get a hold of herself, she decided. She looked at his eyes and seeing no sign that he might relent started to lick the juice off his thigh, tasting herself for the second time in her life.

When she had finished Samantha took him into her mouth. She swirled around the crown as he had taught, then tightened her mouth and pushed in to engulf his cock. She took him as far as she dared, then sucked hard as she pulled out. Then around the cock head again and back down. She was not going to chance another session across his knees. Over and over again she worked, concentrating on bringing him off as quickly as possible. She noticed that some drool was making its way down her leg, but she pushed the information to the back of her mind and focused on him. Before long she could feel his legs tense and knew it wouldn't be long. She could taste the pre-cum on her tongue and he got harder in her mouth. Then his hand was in her hair and he was shooting into her mouth. She swallowed cum for a second time in her life as she continued to move her mouth up and down, sucking hard and milking him to the last drop.

Samantha Akkineni sat back on her haunches and watched. He sat for a minute relishing the feelings her mouth had reluctantly provided. Then he stood and replaced pants and coat and told her she could let go of the skirt and get up. She stood, replacing the high heels that had dropped off while across his lap with her legs flailing. She pulled her hair back and fastened it again, then followed him, feeling the butt plug as she walked out through the kitchenette back into her office.

Give these to your secretary, Kyle said handing her the soaked panties.

She looked at them in surprise. What am I supposed to say?

It's entirely up to you, he said.

She straightened her skirt, tucked her blouse back into it and smoothed her jacket. Then holding her head high she took the panties, walked out to her secretary's desk. Mrs. Davis, these fell into the sink by mistake. See if you can dry them and I'll pick them up later. Then she turned before Mrs. Davis could see how red she was and shut the door behind her.

Kyle had a little smile on his face. I'll pick you up here at 6:30 this evening. You can call Neeraja and tell her that you will be home tonight later.

How do you know her name? she said.

It was on your tax paperwork. She's your employee, remember?

Oh, yes. 6:30. You do remember that I have an appointment at 3:30?

It will prepare you for our meeting later.

Later, she said to herself. What more could he do to me than what he has done already except screw me, and that I can take. She could still feel the heat on her ass especially when she moved and the cloth of her skirt rubbed against her skin. Then there was the tingling sensation that seemed to have taken up permanent residence in her loins. She had another appointment soon, although she couldn't for the life of her remember who it was.

As if on cue, he said, I'll leave you to your work. I'll be at the door downstairs at 6:30, and walked out the door to a still surprised Mrs. Davis who quickly tucked the sodden panties she was looking at in a drawer.

Samantha stood for a minute to recover. Then she went into the executive bathroom attached to her office, stripped and took a quick shower, taking care not to disturb the butt plug so recently inserted. She felt better when she had finished and redressed. She phoned Neeraja and let her know about the change in plans for the evening. Samantha knew she looked presentable for her 11:00 appointment but she noticed things were still quite warm on her backside when she sat down.

The time dragged but Samantha made it through her work schedule and left at 3:15 for her beauty shop appointment. The girl at the desk ushered her into a booth and introduced her to Betty who would be taking care of her. Betty took her suit coat and told her to remove her clothes. She waited for Betty to leave so she could undress, but the girl just stood and looked at her. Samantha then removed her shoes and skirt, purposely not looking at the beautician's expression when it became obvious that she hadn't worn underwear. The blouse and bra soon followed. She unhooked her hose, took them off without turning her back, and finally the garter belt was laid on the side table along with the other items of clothing.

Samantha sat on the edge of the table and swiveled onto her back. She lay down and Betty spread her legs. Looking at the mass of hair in front of her, Betty grasped labia on either side and opened, both women noting the swooshing sound it made and the odor of her sex. She then peered at the task in front of her. Samantha wished she had taken a shower just before the appointment and fought the urge to close her legs and run from the table. Scissors were produced and the entire area was trimmed short. The beautician went to a table and brought back a cleansing liquid. She proceeded to wash Samantha's cunt, smiling to herself as the woman on the table squirmed when the cloth was dragged over her clit. Then she dried it with a towel and powder was applied. Next wax was spread into place causing a bit of a stir before it was yanked off to her victim's muffled squeal. Samantha steeled herself to the indignity of being twisted into a variety of lewd positions and didn't let out another sound until a drop of wax was dropped on her clit and she convulsed and swore. Betty apologized for the mistake and smiled watching Samantha as she scraped it off with a fingernail. Then she continued as though nothing had happened.

When the front was finished, Betty told Samantha to raise her legs so she could get the rest of the hairs underneath. Couldn't we just let that go, she responded, I am completely nude in the front.

You are except for a little strip at the top. My orders were most specific, said Betty. You are to be devoid of hair from your navel to the back of your ass, except for the landing strip I mentioned. I will lose my job if even a single hair remains.

Samantha had feared this ever since she had entered the shop. She groaned in embarrassment and raised her legs holding the back of her knees up and wide apart.

Your butt plug will have to come out, said Betty looking at the pink ass with splotches of red still visible.

No, I'm sorry, it will have to stay where it is, retorted Samantha. Can't you work around it?

It will make the job much harder. I'll remove it just for a couple of minutes. No one will ever know.

No, I'm sorry. It'll have to be left in place, said Samantha remembering the events of the afternoon.

I don't know, said Betty working the plug in and out. Tina, come in here and help me for a few minutes, she said opening the door, then hoisting the leg over her shoulder as Tina appeared and closed the door behind her.

Her ass is so r... said Tina before she could stop herself. What do you want me to do?

I have to finish waxing, said Betty. But she wants me to leave the butt plug where it is. Can you pull it partway out and hold it over to the side so I can get at the furze there?

Tina pushed the other leg out of the way and heard the unmistakable sound of her vagina sucking apart, then worked the butt plug in and out several times while pushing and pulling it from side to side to see whether it gave Betty room to wax. Samantha ground her teeth and clenched her fists at the indignity, but held her tongue. Yet again, she cursed Kyle for orchestrating another predicament to make her life hell. Finally Tina pulled it part way out, pushed hard right and said, This angle should do just fine for the left side.

Tina and Betty finished that side and changed places to get at the other side with Tina again moving the plug about to find the best angle to work at. Betty didn't help things any when a drop of wax dripped on her anus. Iiieeeeooo, was the response as Samantha raised herself as much as she could, looked down between her legs and cursed. But the girls held her legs firmly and the only thing she could do was lay back down and buck as the hardened wax was scraped off with another fingernail.

When they finished, the beauticians wiped the long-suffering ass with lotion while looking for any stray hairs that had been missed. They pulled out a couple with tweezers and then the butt plug was pushed back into place. They examined the front for any stray hairs and used the lotion again when satisfied that none remained. There you are Ma'am, finished, said the smiling Betty. Samantha waited for them to leave so she could dress, but they stood and waited for her. She pulled on most of her clothing and picked up the garter belt and stockings to carry with her.

What do I owe you? she asked.

They both laughed. It has been paid for. But you could tip us, said Betty raising her skirt to reveal a hairless pussy with a heart tattooed just above it to the left.

Samantha rushed past them and out of the shop with their laughter ringing in her ears. She drove like a maniac through rush hour traffic. When she returned to the office, she went to her bathroom and replaced the garter belt and stockings and sat at her desk for a few minutes to regroup before trying to finish off the day. She certainly was stinging down there, and couldn't imagine why anyone would purposely go through the ordeal of having herself waxed.

The time passed slowly and at 6:15 she packed up and left for the day. She was waiting at the door when Kyle pulled up in his Jag, and lifted the back of her skirt before sitting down. They drove for 10 minutes in silence before pulling up in front of a Chinese Restaurant. They ordered and she sat gingerly on her bare butt. The meal came and they began eating.

Why do you have to embarrass me so? asked Samantha finally. I was humiliated at the restaurant and on the way home last night. This morning was no picnic. Then you forced me to, to, you know this afternoon.

Because I can, and because it is a way to get into your mind. I don't suppose anyone ever made you do anything you didn't want to do.

No, my men have always respected me too much to do that.

I respect you too much to let you go through life unfulfilled sexually. Besides I like to take charge in a relationship, he smiled. Did you bring yourself off after the morning spanking?

No, of course not. I couldn't even think about that after the way you beat me.

He laughed. You're probably soaking your chair right now. Shall we check?

Samantha shook her head. There was no need. She knew he was right. She hadn't been this turned on since – she tried to remember since when, but couldn't. Chaitanya would play with her and she would usually get horny. They would have sex and that was that. She might even have to bring herself off if this went on any longer, she thought. Then realized ruefully that it would be a victory for Kyle if she did. She seemed to be in a position where she couldn't win. He, on the other hand, had had two blowjobs and she knew he wasn't suffering any.

When they had finished, he drove her to his house off in a suburban ancillary to the city. It was fairly new in a quiet, but upscale neighborhood that spoke of older money. It was well appointed with large trees that partially blocked the view and a brick exterior. They walked to the front door and Kyle let them in to a large foyer, which opened into the living room.

Go to the center of the room and kneel, he said quietly.

She gave him a quick look and then did as requested.

You entered this house fully clothed. That will never happen again without my express command. When you get to the front door, you will remove all your clothes except the stockings and garter belt, fold them and place them on the chair by the door. Then, and only then, will you ring the doorbell. Is that clear?

Yes, I think so, Sir.

I don't want you to think, just do. When you are let in, you will kneel where you are now.

Yes, Sir.

But that isn't what you did tonight, is it?

No, Sir.

Then do it, now.

Samantha scrambled to her feet and retraced her steps to the front door. She opened it and stepped outside looking at the houses around his as she heard it close behind her. Anyone walking down the sidewall would see her, and there were clear views from several windows in the neighboring houses. Why didn't he undress her like the other men she had had? She just hated the thought of undressing herself for him. Taking a deep breath, she removed her clothing a piece at a time, folded it and placed it on the chair. Finally she was down to skirt and bra. The bra won the toss and was removed first, followed quickly by the skirt. Then she rang the doorbell. And waited. And waited. She rang it again while looking around. It finally opened with Kyle looking grim.

I don't remember asking you to ring the doorbell twice, he said blocking the way as she tried to enter. Try it again.

What? she couldn't believe him. Sir? She added as an afterthought.

Try it again. Undress, fold your clothes, place them on the chair, and ring the doorbell.

This was all too much. She just wanted to scream. He didn't seem to care about her embarrassment. He didn't seem to care if the Neighbors saw her naked. For all she knew the police might have been called by outraged Neighbors. He was such an ass hole she couldn't believe it. She redressed as quickly as possible as the door shut again. Then she undressed as before and rang the doorbell once.

The door opened and Kyle smilingly said, Mrs. Akkineni, how nice to see you this evening. You do look stunning. Won't you please come in?

Samantha brushed past him and went to the designated spot in the middle of the living room floor. There she knelt. He looked at the well-formed figure in front of him with the garter and stockings setting off a near perfect body.

Kyle walked over to her. The proper posture must be learned. Interlace your fingers and put them behind your neck. Elbows straight out at the side.

When it was done, he continued, Knees shoulder width apart with toes touching in back. That was a bit awkward, she thought as she shifted and felt herself open up.

Now you should be up straight with tits out and stomach in. Head up, eyes down. If I leave the room, you may relax onto your heels, but will come back to attention as soon as I re-enter. Is all this clear?

Yes, Sir.

This is Position #1 and like all positions you learn will always be entered gracefully and completely nude except for hose, garter, and shoes. Remember, obeying me is your choice. Not obeying me is also your choice. Either one will have consequences.

He walked around her slowly. She thought she had never felt so naked in her life, like being put on display in a zoo. He walked behind her and she could hear a cabinet door being opened. She wanted to look but didn't dare. A heavy wooden ruler came into sight and he placed it under her left breast lifting it as if to test its weight. Then he lifted the right one and bounced it several times. She saw what this had done to her nipples as they bobbed up and down, but didn't need to see them to know how hard they were. She felt the strain in her legs from the position she was in and her arms were starting to feel heavy. Around back again and she felt the edge of the ruler as it lightly traced a line up her left thigh, through her buttocks and up her spine. She shivered at his touch.

SMACK. SMACK. The ruler hit her across each of her breasts right at the nipple. I said chest out and stomach in.

She flinched at the pain but immediately thrust her breasts out and straightened again hoping that he was done hitting her there. You did well not to move when I was correcting you.

Other men she could understand and control. She had absolutely no idea what he was capable of doing. He trailed his fingers up the nape of her neck. It was his first physical touch except for pinching her nipples last night. Now up her neck in the front and across her face. He followed the contours of her face with a finger and she opened her mouth when he got there. He worked it slowly in and out and she swirled her tongue around it. Her legs were starting to shake now.

Position #2. Turn so as if your ass is facing me, put your face on the carpet. Spread your knees as wide as they will go and pull your ass cheeks apart with your hands.

She swung around and moved into the position required, feeling the blood rush into her arms. She felt her face grind into the rug as she reached back and grasped her cheeks. Keep your ass as high as it will go. Kyle examined the wax job from the lower perspective then worked the butt plug in and out as few times. It was loose, so he pulled it out. It gave a beep and he replaced it with another a bit bigger which also beeped as it was pushed home. She could feel her sphincter pop open as he pulled it out a few times and was surprised that as full as she felt, it didn't hurt.

Have you ever had anal sex? he inquired.

I...I tried it once in college but it was too painful so we had to stop.

Not with your husband?

No, he wanted to but I always refused, she admitted.

You have always been in control of yourself and of your partner. It is safer that way, I know, but it also inhibits your sexuality.

Kyle went over and sat on the couch. Come over here, he said.

Samantha started to get up.

Position #1, he snapped. She knelt as he had taught her with her hands behind her head and touched her toes together behind her being careful not to ruin her nylons.

Did I ask you to stand? he said gruffly.

No, Sir. But you asked me to come over to you.

So do it.

She moved forward to balance on all fours and crawled over to him.

Stand. It was like ordering a dog, she thought. Spread your legs feet shoulder width apart. Hands will go behind your back and rest on the curve of the buttocks. Elbows should be almost touching behind you to thrust your breasts out. No stray hairs that I can see. Did you give Betty and Tina a tip?

No, Sir, she said blushing as she remembered their laughter. They said payment had already been provided.

He rubbed cream into her sensitive pussy and it took the sting away.

Pull your cunt open as far as you can and for God sakes stick out your tits for me.

Samantha's lips were puffy and red as she opened herself up. Her clit was bigger than she could remember. This was worse, much worse, than the trip to the gynecologists' office.

Kyle slid two fingers into her cunt and hooking them around, pulled her to him until her shins bumped against the couch. Let go and fuck my fingers, he said crudely.

Samantha dipped tentatively and groaned as his fingers slid in easily. He pushed against the bumpy G-spot as she straightened up again.

Deeper this time.

She dipped down until she felt his knuckles against her cunt before pulling up as he kept pressure on the front wall.

Get into a rhythm, he said.

She began moving against him, fucking his fingers. He smiled as he watched her breasts sway with the motion. She watched his face and wondered if she was supposed to cum. She guessed the answer was no since he hadn't said anything about it one way or another.

Kyle reached under with his free hand and as she pushed herself onto his fingers he grasped the butt plug, pulling it out as she rose again. She felt her control slipping with both holes being filled at once. It was so wrong but she couldn't deny the feeling.

Faster, he ordered. I want to feel you hit hard when you bottom out', smiling at the double entertainment.

Samantha increased the speed of her motion. She was breathing heavily from the exertion. Kyle could feel the plug through the thin wall separating it from his fingers. Now her cunt was tightening every few strokes. A red blush was visible on her chest and neck. She could feel her legs starting to shake and knew she couldn't take much more.

Please, Sir.

Please, what? he answered.

Please may I cum, Sir?

Fuck my fingers like you want to cum.

She could feel the control slipping. She was so close. She put every ounce of remaining strength into jerking down hard and fast onto his fingers and was rewarded when he said Cum for me.

He pushed hard against her G-spot and she exploded, shrieking with her eyes squeezed shut and head thrown back. Her legs felt like jelly but she willed them to continue the motion hitting his knuckles and the base of the plug hard as her cunt contracted. She reached out and put a hand on his shoulder to steady herself. She slowed the motion and collapsed on his legs, trying to catch her breath. His fingers were still embedded in her and he held them there for a minute before slipping them out.

You have probably never cum like that with your husband, he said quietly.

God, no, was all she could manage as she continued to shake. She couldn't ever remember cumming without clitoral stimulation. This was another first with a man who seemed to know her better than she knew herself. The strength of her orgasm scared her more than a little. She knew it was partly from being with someone new, but she had had two affairs when Chaitanya was gone for long periods of time and they were never like this. There was something about him that oozed a kind of raw sexuality she couldn't understand.

Position #2, he said breaking the quiet.

Samantha heard his voice from far away as through a tunnel. When it finally registered, she dragged herself off him and knelt and pulled her cheeks apart. Kyle pulled the butt plug out and lowered his pants.

No, she said too late as he was sliding into her. He stopped when he hit bottom and she marveled that there could be no pain.

His right arm circled her waist and he palmed her left breast before kneading it

You can let go now, he said and she released her grip on her cheeks. Rub your clit for me.

It was the first time she had felt the silky smoothness the waxing had left. There was no hair to get in the way as she made circles around her clit. When he could tell she was lost in the feeling he pulled out slowly, held it there, and then pushed back in. She was warm and tight but there were no spasms as he pushed past her sphincter. It wouldn't be long now, he knew, and he had no reason to make himself wait. He squeezed the breast in his hand, and then pinched it before going to the right one and repeating the process. His left hand stroked her red be speckled ass cheek and then he scraped his fingernails over the still sensitive flesh making her shiver.

Samantha, the one orgasm woman, was lost in the sensation all thoughts of self-control abandoned. She felt him move and listened to his breathing. She knew she would wait for him. She felt him squeezing each nipple in turn and rubbed faster.

Kyle's other hand slid off her ass to cup the other breast. Now he had more leverage and pulled her back onto him by her tits as he lunged forward. The rhythm was fixed and he pushed into her over and over again.

You will cum for me in 5 seconds, he said

5, he said thrusting into her hard.

4. She rubbed faster still.

3. He could feel her start to spasm.

2. He squeezed her breasts hard as he pulled her back against him.

1. She felt his cock expand in her.

CUM, he shouted shooting into her backside and feeling her ass contract around him in turn. She dug the nails of her left hand into her palm while fingering circles around her clit furiously with the right.

O God, O God, she moaned over and over again. She was jarred forward every time he crashed into her from behind. The pain in her breasts became pleasure just before her orgasm hit but the pain returned as she came down the other side. When it was over, she felt his weight on her back and they fell over on their sides. Still quivering in orgasm, she started to cry.

When he could move, Kyle slid out of her and sat back on the couch. He watched her all curled up on her side in a ball. Her breathing was returning to normal and she had stopped crying. He leaned forward and replaced the butt plug, which emitted a beep. You will have 30 minutes in the morning that you may be without the butt plug. It must remain in you the rest of the day. He sat back down on the couch.

Clean me off, he said.

Uh? she responded turning to him and raising bleary eyes.

Clean me off.

You can't mean...?

Do it now.

The executive crawled over to him and pulled some hairs back. Then not believing this was really happening to her, she took his cock into her mouth. The taste was rancid, but not as bad as she thought it would be. After tonguing it for a minute she let it slip from her mouth and let her head drop on his lap. He ran his fingers through her hair for a few minutes and noted how soft the features were in her face when she was totally relaxed. This gesture of affection bothered her more than anything else he had done. It was easier to hate him when he was forcing her to obey his commands.

He helped her to her feet and said, Sit for a minute, pointing to the chair opposite him. Have you read The Story of O? She shook her head. Your legs must never be closed. You will always wear a skirt or dress when you go out and must show that you are open and available sexually at all times by keeping your legs parted. When she complied he continued, Whenever I call, whether at work or at home you must give instructions that my calls at to be put through at once. I don't care what you are doing or who you are with.

I understand, Sir.

Let's go home, he said pulling on pants and shirt. They went to the door and he watched as she dressed on the veranda. He dropped her next to her car in the company parking lot and she drove home to an exhausted sleep.
To Be Continued
Training Samantha: Chapter 2 - Learning the Fundamentals

Samantha woke to the shrill sound of her alarm clock. It hadn't been one of her more restful nights. She sat on the edge of the bed to clear her head, and thought about the events of the previous day. Pulling up her nightgown, she looked at the hair that would soon be gone. Her lips were still puffy, she noticed grimly. She parted them and saw her clit poking out of the hood. Pushing temptation aside with a grimace, she took off the nightgown and donned a nice matching bra and panties set to exercise in. It would never do to have Neeraja wonder why there were none in the dirty clothes from last night. Then she pulled her hair back in a ponytail, went downstairs, exercised for a half hour, and visited with the boys as they ate breakfast. They were growing all too fast, she thought. Neeraja mentioned that the telephone had gone out the previous day. The repairmen had shown up later and put things right. Then up to shower and dress, putting on a garter belt and stockings for the first time in ages. Panties she knew she could remove easily.

She drove to work feeling on edge. She nodded perfunctorily to the girl at the front desk, ignored one of her staff members on the elevator, and breezed past a Good Morning, Mrs. Akkineni to seek the solace of her office. Her e-mails were more pointed than usual. Her nine o'clock seemed to irk her and she dismissed Jim Thomas to redo the work to her satisfaction.

At ten o'clock Kyle pulled into the Royal Manufacturing parking lot. He called Samantha's office as he walked into the elevator. When Mrs. Davis answered, Kyle informed her that he was negotiating a very important contract with Mrs. Akkineni, and would need a half hour of her time. Mrs. Akkineni didn't have any appointments for the next hour, she informed him, and she would put him through to her. There was no need, he said, turning the corner and waving at a surprised Mrs. Davis as he entered the office.

Samantha Akkineni looked up expecting to see her secretary.


Good Morning, Samantha, he began, sitting himself in front of her desk and crossing his legs.

Good Morning, Sir, she said rising from her desk. If you will excuse me for a moment.

Sit down, he said firmly. They looked at each other for a few moments. Did you bring yourself off last night?

No, Sir. There was no need.

You wore pantyhose today?

No, Sir. I threw them out as you ordered, she said lying, but figuring she would have to do it soon.

And today are you wet?

I, I'm not sure. Maybe.

Show me, like last night.

Samantha shifted nervously in her chair. I wasn't expecting you, Sir. If you will let me visit the wash room for a minute you can check.

You mean that you are not dressed appropriately for me? Raise your skirt to your waist.

She stood and grasped the hem of her skirt. She raised it to show stockings and garters but also pink bikinis then sat again as he pointed a finger down.

I had no way of knowing that you would show up here. I have never gone out without panties on and thought your orders were that I was not to wear them when you wanted to meet me, Sir.

So you have decided how we are to meet?

It is what I assumed, Sir.

Kyle rose from his seat. With a long stride, he reached out and caught her hair in his hand. He lifted her out of her chair and brought her face almost against his own. You do not set the rules here. You will find yourself in serious trouble with me if you presume anything. Remove them, now.


She struggled to lift her skirt and lower the offending garment as he held her firmly by hair that had been pulled out of her carefully contrived bun. She shook them down her legs and kicked them off. He bent down and picked them up, looked at the wetness as she looked on wide-eyed, and put them in his pocket.

And what happens to disobedient girls?

I was not disobedient, Sir. You didn't make your requirements clear.

He smiled, but the smile wasn't pleasant. He dragged her by her hair across the room, through the kitchenette, and into the boardroom behind her office, squalling and oowing all the way as she tripped on her high heels. There he pushed her against the large table dominating the room where she stood, transfixed, more than a bit dishevelled, and still breathing heavily from the exertion of the last few moments.


Bend over the table and hold up your skirt. If you let it drop, I'll double the number.

You can't really mean that you are going to hit me? she asked incredulously.

Everything is your option. I can walk out that door and the agreement between us is broken forever. Or you can request a spanking as punishment for disregarding my desires and take it like the strong woman I think you are. As I have said before, it is your choice. But I am getting very tired of your indecision. Perhaps we should just call this quits, he said walking toward a side door.

No, no, please don't go. I...I'll accept it.

That isn't what I said.

The dark haired beauty took a deep breath and said, Please spank me, Sir. She turned, bent over the table, and pulled up the hem of the skirt.

Spread your legs. She moved her feet out. Farther. She could feel the lips slick apart as she complied. They seemed heavy as they hung there in front of him. God this is so humiliating, she thought. For his part, he studied the rounded cheeks in front of him appreciatively, framed as they were by the garter belt and stockings.

Sir, could you lock the door, please? she asked.

Afraid of visitors? It would be interesting to see the reaction on a subordinates face if your yelling is heard and he decides to check out the room. You will be punished and punished well. I will not ease off because you might be embarrassed. This will be a moment to remember.

Could I have something to muffle the sound if I cry out, Sir?

Kyle took the panties out of his pocket. Open, he said as she still held up the skirt. He made sure the cotton strip was in contact with her tongue, rubbed it up and down and then stuffed them in so her mouth wouldn't quite close. He removed his coat and laid it on the table next to her face. He stood for a full minute staring appreciatively, during which she closed her eyes in dreaded anticipation.

SMACK. She felt it on her left cheek and flinched just after the sound reached her ears. SMACK, SMACK, the second and third also landed on the same spot, leaving overlaying handprints. As he warmed to the task, he increased the force of his strikes always landing them on the same cheek. Soon it turned a warm pink and she was shrieking into the panties with every blow. She ground her teeth into the panties, cursing him a thousand times in her mind but telling herself that she could take it, that she had to take it. Then the tears started to flow and as the colour turned from pink to red, she shouted out to him pluuth gans widss.


What? he said stopping and pulling out the gag.

Please change sides, Sir. The left side is killing me.

As you wish, was his reply as he stuffed the gag back in and looked at a swollen hand. He changed sides and resumed his task with the other hand. The change left her quiet save slight moans for a half minute but soon she was wiggling and squawking with the blows. The tears started again and at about the 40 th stroke she collapsed onto the table, still clutching her skirt hem, shaking and sobbing so close to an orgasm. He stopped and rubbed up and down the cheeks, now bright red and hot to the touch. He pulled a plastic bag out of his coat pocket and took out a piece of rubber all lubed up. He pulled aside one red cheek and inserted it into her, then pulled it out and pushed it back in several times. It was easy in her relaxed state.

Did you already shit today? he asked crassly removing the cloth from her mouth. He looked at it, and put it in his pocket. She didn't answer him immediately. Then, eyes still closed, and make-up running she responded, Yes, This morning, Sir.


This butt plug is not to be removed, under any circumstances until I take it out. Is that clear?

Yes, Sir, she sniffled, her shaking finally coming under control.

Hold you skirt up and come over here, he ordered moving to a chair and sitting down. She righted herself and looked down at her bush revealed for him to see below her skirt. She walked over to the chair where he was seated watching her. He looked at her face still beautiful in spite of the tracks of mascara. Her hair, completely down now was shoulder length and disheveled. He pointed to the floor and she knelt in front of him. He stood, undid his pants, took them off with his boxers, folded them, put them on the table and sat back down.

Your blow job last night was adequate for a beginner, but you have a lot to learn in that department. We'll start with a few rudimentary things today. Continue holding up your skirt. A red ass still burning will remind you of your mistake and help you do a better job here. Besides that, it is important that you learn to give a blowjob without using your hands. Start by licking up my cock. That's it, the sides as well as the underside. Get it nice and wet. OK. Now take it in your mouth. You need to work on the head first. Circle it with your tongue.

She obliged as best she could while balancing on her feet and knees.

Now form a tight O with your mouth and take it all the way back into your mouth.

She leaned forward and took it into the back of her mouth and gagged when it hit the front of her throat.

Now back out and circle the head with your tongue again.

She gagged as it went in the second time, pulled back and swirled her tongue around his cock head.

Deeper, he said.

After gagging the third time she pulled back and said, Sir, I can't take it into my throat. I don't want to throw up all over you.

He grabbed her and pulled her across his lap as she pleaded, Please, Sir, no. Not there. I can't take any more there.


You SMACK will SMACK have to learn SMACK to do SMACK as I SMACK command SMACK without question SMACK. He proceeded to hit first one cheek and then the other, making sure to jar the butt plug as he did so. When I SMACK ask you to suck me SMACK I do not SMACK expect talking SMACK.

She could feel his engorged cock digging into her stomach as she kicked and squirmed. It wasn't so much the number of strokes that he landed, but rather the fact that she was very sore from the previous ones that made it hurt like hell. He dumped the teary-eyed beauty on the floor in front of him. You will learn to control the gag reflex and take it all the way down your throat. We will have to work on that later.

Sniveling, she nodded, pulled her skirt up again and leaned forward to take him into her mouth. He pointed to his leg, which was covered with her juice and said Clean off your mess. She had to get a hold of herself, she decided. She looked at his eyes and seeing no sign that he might relent started to lick the juice off his thigh, tasting herself for the second time in her life.

When she had finished Samantha took him into her mouth. She swirled around the crown as he had taught, then tightened her mouth and pushed in to engulf his cock. She took him as far as she dared, then sucked hard as she pulled out. Then around the cock head again and back down. She was not going to chance another session across his knees. Over and over again she worked, concentrating on bringing him off as quickly as possible. She noticed that some drool was making its way down her leg, but she pushed the information to the back of her mind and focused on him. Before long she could feel his legs tense and knew it wouldn't be long. She could taste the pre-cum on her tongue and he got harder in her mouth. Then his hand was in her hair and he was shooting into her mouth. She swallowed cum for a second time in her life as she continued to move her mouth up and down, sucking hard and milking him to the last drop.

Samantha Akkineni sat back on her haunches and watched. He sat for a minute relishing the feelings her mouth had reluctantly provided. Then he stood and replaced pants and coat and told her she could let go of the skirt and get up. She stood, replacing the high heels that had dropped off while across his lap with her legs flailing. She pulled her hair back and fastened it again, then followed him, feeling the butt plug as she walked out through the kitchenette back into her office.

Give these to your secretary, Kyle said handing her the soaked panties.

She looked at them in surprise. What am I supposed to say?

It's entirely up to you, he said.

She straightened her skirt, tucked her blouse back into it and smoothed her jacket. Then holding her head high she took the panties, walked out to her secretary's desk. Mrs. Davis, these fell into the sink by mistake. See if you can dry them and I'll pick them up later. Then she turned before Mrs. Davis could see how red she was and shut the door behind her.

Kyle had a little smile on his face. I'll pick you up here at 6:30 this evening. You can call Neeraja and tell her that you will be home tonight later.

How do you know her name? she said.

It was on your tax paperwork. She's your employee, remember?

Oh, yes. 6:30. You do remember that I have an appointment at 3:30?

It will prepare you for our meeting later.

Later, she said to herself. What more could he do to me than what he has done already except screw me, and that I can take. She could still feel the heat on her ass especially when she moved and the cloth of her skirt rubbed against her skin. Then there was the tingling sensation that seemed to have taken up permanent residence in her loins. She had another appointment soon, although she couldn't for the life of her remember who it was.

As if on cue, he said, I'll leave you to your work. I'll be at the door downstairs at 6:30, and walked out the door to a still surprised Mrs. Davis who quickly tucked the sodden panties she was looking at in a drawer.

Samantha stood for a minute to recover. Then she went into the executive bathroom attached to her office, stripped and took a quick shower, taking care not to disturb the butt plug so recently inserted. She felt better when she had finished and redressed. She phoned Neeraja and let her know about the change in plans for the evening. Samantha knew she looked presentable for her 11:00 appointment but she noticed things were still quite warm on her backside when she sat down.

The time dragged but Samantha made it through her work schedule and left at 3:15 for her beauty shop appointment. The girl at the desk ushered her into a booth and introduced her to Betty who would be taking care of her. Betty took her suit coat and told her to remove her clothes. She waited for Betty to leave so she could undress, but the girl just stood and looked at her. Samantha then removed her shoes and skirt, purposely not looking at the beautician's expression when it became obvious that she hadn't worn underwear. The blouse and bra soon followed. She unhooked her hose, took them off without turning her back, and finally the garter belt was laid on the side table along with the other items of clothing.

Samantha sat on the edge of the table and swiveled onto her back. She lay down and Betty spread her legs. Looking at the mass of hair in front of her, Betty grasped labia on either side and opened, both women noting the swooshing sound it made and the odor of her sex. She then peered at the task in front of her. Samantha wished she had taken a shower just before the appointment and fought the urge to close her legs and run from the table. Scissors were produced and the entire area was trimmed short. The beautician went to a table and brought back a cleansing liquid. She proceeded to wash Samantha's cunt, smiling to herself as the woman on the table squirmed when the cloth was dragged over her clit. Then she dried it with a towel and powder was applied. Next wax was spread into place causing a bit of a stir before it was yanked off to her victim's muffled squeal. Samantha steeled herself to the indignity of being twisted into a variety of lewd positions and didn't let out another sound until a drop of wax was dropped on her clit and she convulsed and swore. Betty apologized for the mistake and smiled watching Samantha as she scraped it off with a fingernail. Then she continued as though nothing had happened.


When the front was finished, Betty told Samantha to raise her legs so she could get the rest of the hairs underneath. Couldn't we just let that go, she responded, I am completely nude in the front.

You are except for a little strip at the top. My orders were most specific, said Betty. You are to be devoid of hair from your navel to the back of your ass, except for the landing strip I mentioned. I will lose my job if even a single hair remains.

Samantha had feared this ever since she had entered the shop. She groaned in embarrassment and raised her legs holding the back of her knees up and wide apart.

Your butt plug will have to come out, said Betty looking at the pink ass with splotches of red still visible.

No, I'm sorry, it will have to stay where it is, retorted Samantha. Can't you work around it?

It will make the job much harder. I'll remove it just for a couple of minutes. No one will ever know.

No, I'm sorry. It'll have to be left in place, said Samantha remembering the events of the afternoon.

I don't know, said Betty working the plug in and out. Tina, come in here and help me for a few minutes, she said opening the door, then hoisting the leg over her shoulder as Tina appeared and closed the door behind her.

Her ass is so r... said Tina before she could stop herself. What do you want me to do?

I have to finish waxing, said Betty. But she wants me to leave the butt plug where it is. Can you pull it partway out and hold it over to the side so I can get at the furze there?

Tina pushed the other leg out of the way and heard the unmistakable sound of her vagina sucking apart, then worked the butt plug in and out several times while pushing and pulling it from side to side to see whether it gave Betty room to wax. Samantha ground her teeth and clenched her fists at the indignity, but held her tongue. Yet again, she cursed Kyle for orchestrating another predicament to make her life hell. Finally Tina pulled it part way out, pushed hard right and said, This angle should do just fine for the left side.


Tina and Betty finished that side and changed places to get at the other side with Tina again moving the plug about to find the best angle to work at. Betty didn't help things any when a drop of wax dripped on her anus. Iiieeeeooo, was the response as Samantha raised herself as much as she could, looked down between her legs and cursed. But the girls held her legs firmly and the only thing she could do was lay back down and buck as the hardened wax was scraped off with another fingernail.

When they finished, the beauticians wiped the long-suffering ass with lotion while looking for any stray hairs that had been missed. They pulled out a couple with tweezers and then the butt plug was pushed back into place. They examined the front for any stray hairs and used the lotion again when satisfied that none remained. There you are Ma'am, finished, said the smiling Betty. Samantha waited for them to leave so she could dress, but they stood and waited for her. She pulled on most of her clothing and picked up the garter belt and stockings to carry with her.

What do I owe you? she asked.

They both laughed. It has been paid for. But you could tip us, said Betty raising her skirt to reveal a hairless pussy with a heart tattooed just above it to the left.


Samantha rushed past them and out of the shop with their laughter ringing in her ears. She drove like a maniac through rush hour traffic. When she returned to the office, she went to her bathroom and replaced the garter belt and stockings and sat at her desk for a few minutes to regroup before trying to finish off the day. She certainly was stinging down there, and couldn't imagine why anyone would purposely go through the ordeal of having herself waxed.

The time passed slowly and at 6:15 she packed up and left for the day. She was waiting at the door when Kyle pulled up in his Jag, and lifted the back of her skirt before sitting down. They drove for 10 minutes in silence before pulling up in front of a Chinese Restaurant. They ordered and she sat gingerly on her bare butt. The meal came and they began eating.

Why do you have to embarrass me so? asked Samantha finally. I was humiliated at the restaurant and on the way home last night. This morning was no picnic. Then you forced me to, to, you know this afternoon.

Because I can, and because it is a way to get into your mind. I don't suppose anyone ever made you do anything you didn't want to do.

No, my men have always respected me too much to do that.

I respect you too much to let you go through life unfulfilled sexually. Besides I like to take charge in a relationship, he smiled. Did you bring yourself off after the morning spanking?

No, of course not. I couldn't even think about that after the way you beat me.

He laughed. You're probably soaking your chair right now. Shall we check?

Samantha shook her head. There was no need. She knew he was right. She hadn't been this turned on since – she tried to remember since when, but couldn't. Chaitanya would play with her and she would usually get horny. They would have sex and that was that. She might even have to bring herself off if this went on any longer, she thought. Then realized ruefully that it would be a victory for Kyle if she did. She seemed to be in a position where she couldn't win. He, on the other hand, had had two blowjobs and she knew he wasn't suffering any.

When they had finished, he drove her to his house off in a suburban ancillary to the city. It was fairly new in a quiet, but upscale neighborhood that spoke of older money. It was well appointed with large trees that partially blocked the view and a brick exterior. They walked to the front door and Kyle let them in to a large foyer, which opened into the living room.

Go to the center of the room and kneel, he said quietly.

She gave him a quick look and then did as requested.


You entered this house fully clothed. That will never happen again without my express command. When you get to the front door, you will remove all your clothes except the stockings and garter belt, fold them and place them on the chair by the door. Then, and only then, will you ring the doorbell. Is that clear?

Yes, I think so, Sir.

I don't want you to think, just do. When you are let in, you will kneel where you are now.

Yes, Sir.

But that isn't what you did tonight, is it?

No, Sir.

Then do it, now.

Samantha scrambled to her feet and retraced her steps to the front door. She opened it and stepped outside looking at the houses around his as she heard it close behind her. Anyone walking down the sidewall would see her, and there were clear views from several windows in the neighboring houses. Why didn't he undress her like the other men she had had? She just hated the thought of undressing herself for him. Taking a deep breath, she removed her clothing a piece at a time, folded it and placed it on the chair. Finally she was down to skirt and bra. The bra won the toss and was removed first, followed quickly by the skirt. Then she rang the doorbell. And waited. And waited. She rang it again while looking around. It finally opened with Kyle looking grim.

I don't remember asking you to ring the doorbell twice, he said blocking the way as she tried to enter. Try it again.

What? she couldn't believe him. Sir? She added as an afterthought.

Try it again. Undress, fold your clothes, place them on the chair, and ring the doorbell.

This was all too much. She just wanted to scream. He didn't seem to care about her embarrassment. He didn't seem to care if the Neighbors saw her naked. For all she knew the police might have been called by outraged Neighbors. He was such an ass hole she couldn't believe it. She redressed as quickly as possible as the door shut again. Then she undressed as before and rang the doorbell once.

The door opened and Kyle smilingly said, Mrs. Akkineni, how nice to see you this evening. You do look stunning. Won't you please come in?

Samantha brushed past him and went to the designated spot in the middle of the living room floor. There she knelt. He looked at the well-formed figure in front of him with the garter and stockings setting off a near perfect body.

Kyle walked over to her. The proper posture must be learned. Interlace your fingers and put them behind your neck. Elbows straight out at the side.

When it was done, he continued, Knees shoulder width apart with toes touching in back. That was a bit awkward, she thought as she shifted and felt herself open up.

Now you should be up straight with tits out and stomach in. Head up, eyes down. If I leave the room, you may relax onto your heels, but will come back to attention as soon as I re-enter. Is all this clear?

Yes, Sir.


This is Position #1 and like all positions you learn will always be entered gracefully and completely nude except for hose, garter, and shoes. Remember, obeying me is your choice. Not obeying me is also your choice. Either one will have consequences.

He walked around her slowly. She thought she had never felt so naked in her life, like being put on display in a zoo. He walked behind her and she could hear a cabinet door being opened. She wanted to look but didn't dare. A heavy wooden ruler came into sight and he placed it under her left breast lifting it as if to test its weight. Then he lifted the right one and bounced it several times. She saw what this had done to her nipples as they bobbed up and down, but didn't need to see them to know how hard they were. She felt the strain in her legs from the position she was in and her arms were starting to feel heavy. Around back again and she felt the edge of the ruler as it lightly traced a line up her left thigh, through her buttocks and up her spine. She shivered at his touch.

SMACK. SMACK. The ruler hit her across each of her breasts right at the nipple. I said chest out and stomach in.

She flinched at the pain but immediately thrust her breasts out and straightened again hoping that he was done hitting her there. You did well not to move when I was correcting you.

Other men she could understand and control. She had absolutely no idea what he was capable of doing. He trailed his fingers up the nape of her neck. It was his first physical touch except for pinching her nipples last night. Now up her neck in the front and across her face. He followed the contours of her face with a finger and she opened her mouth when he got there. He worked it slowly in and out and she swirled her tongue around it. Her legs were starting to shake now.

Position #2. Turn so as if your ass is facing me, put your face on the carpet. Spread your knees as wide as they will go and pull your ass cheeks apart with your hands.


She swung around and moved into the position required, feeling the blood rush into her arms. She felt her face grind into the rug as she reached back and grasped her cheeks. Keep your ass as high as it will go. Kyle examined the wax job from the lower perspective then worked the butt plug in and out as few times. It was loose, so he pulled it out. It gave a beep and he replaced it with another a bit bigger which also beeped as it was pushed home. She could feel her sphincter pop open as he pulled it out a few times and was surprised that as full as she felt, it didn't hurt.

Have you ever had anal sex? he inquired.

I...I tried it once in college but it was too painful so we had to stop.

Not with your husband?

No, he wanted to but I always refused, she admitted.

You have always been in control of yourself and of your partner. It is safer that way, I know, but it also inhibits your sexuality.

Kyle went over and sat on the couch. Come over here, he said.

Samantha started to get up.

Position #1, he snapped. She knelt as he had taught her with her hands behind her head and touched her toes together behind her being careful not to ruin her nylons.

Did I ask you to stand? he said gruffly.

No, Sir. But you asked me to come over to you.

So do it.

She moved forward to balance on all fours and crawled over to him.

Stand. It was like ordering a dog, she thought. Spread your legs feet shoulder width apart. Hands will go behind your back and rest on the curve of the buttocks. Elbows should be almost touching behind you to thrust your breasts out. No stray hairs that I can see. Did you give Betty and Tina a tip?


No, Sir, she said blushing as she remembered their laughter. They said payment had already been provided.

He rubbed cream into her sensitive pussy and it took the sting away.

Pull your cunt open as far as you can and for God sakes stick out your tits for me.

Samantha's lips were puffy and red as she opened herself up. Her clit was bigger than she could remember. This was worse, much worse, than the trip to the gynecologists' office.

Kyle slid two fingers into her cunt and hooking them around, pulled her to him until her shins bumped against the couch. Let go and fuck my fingers, he said crudely.

Samantha dipped tentatively and groaned as his fingers slid in easily. He pushed against the bumpy G-spot as she straightened up again.

Deeper this time.

She dipped down until she felt his knuckles against her cunt before pulling up as he kept pressure on the front wall.

Get into a rhythm, he said.

She began moving against him, fucking his fingers. He smiled as he watched her breasts sway with the motion. She watched his face and wondered if she was supposed to cum. She guessed the answer was no since he hadn't said anything about it one way or another.

Kyle reached under with his free hand and as she pushed herself onto his fingers he grasped the butt plug, pulling it out as she rose again. She felt her control slipping with both holes being filled at once. It was so wrong but she couldn't deny the feeling.

Faster, he ordered. I want to feel you hit hard when you bottom out', smiling at the double entertainment.

Samantha increased the speed of her motion. She was breathing heavily from the exertion. Kyle could feel the plug through the thin wall separating it from his fingers. Now her cunt was tightening every few strokes. A red blush was visible on her chest and neck. She could feel her legs starting to shake and knew she couldn't take much more.

Please, Sir.

Please, what? he answered.

Please may I cum, Sir?

Fuck my fingers like you want to cum.

She could feel the control slipping. She was so close. She put every ounce of remaining strength into jerking down hard and fast onto his fingers and was rewarded when he said Cum for me.

He pushed hard against her G-spot and she exploded, shrieking with her eyes squeezed shut and head thrown back. Her legs felt like jelly but she willed them to continue the motion hitting his knuckles and the base of the plug hard as her cunt contracted. She reached out and put a hand on his shoulder to steady herself. She slowed the motion and collapsed on his legs, trying to catch her breath. His fingers were still embedded in her and he held them there for a minute before slipping them out.

You have probably never cum like that with your husband, he said quietly.

God, no, was all she could manage as she continued to shake. She couldn't ever remember cumming without clitoral stimulation. This was another first with a man who seemed to know her better than she knew herself. The strength of her orgasm scared her more than a little. She knew it was partly from being with someone new, but she had had two affairs when Chaitanya was gone for long periods of time and they were never like this. There was something about him that oozed a kind of raw sexuality she couldn't understand.

Position #2, he said breaking the quiet.


Samantha heard his voice from far away as through a tunnel. When it finally registered, she dragged herself off him and knelt and pulled her cheeks apart. Kyle pulled the butt plug out and lowered his pants.

No, she said too late as he was sliding into her. He stopped when he hit bottom and she marveled that there could be no pain.


His right arm circled her waist and he palmed her left breast before kneading it

You can let go now, he said and she released her grip on her cheeks. Rub your clit for me.

It was the first time she had felt the silky smoothness the waxing had left. There was no hair to get in the way as she made circles around her clit. When he could tell she was lost in the feeling he pulled out slowly, held it there, and then pushed back in. She was warm and tight but there were no spasms as he pushed past her sphincter. It wouldn't be long now, he knew, and he had no reason to make himself wait. He squeezed the breast in his hand, and then pinched it before going to the right one and repeating the process. His left hand stroked her red be speckled ass cheek and then he scraped his fingernails over the still sensitive flesh making her shiver.

Samantha, the one orgasm woman, was lost in the sensation all thoughts of self-control abandoned. She felt him move and listened to his breathing. She knew she would wait for him. She felt him squeezing each nipple in turn and rubbed faster.

Kyle's other hand slid off her ass to cup the other breast. Now he had more leverage and pulled her back onto him by her tits as he lunged forward. The rhythm was fixed and he pushed into her over and over again.

You will cum for me in 5 seconds, he said

5, he said thrusting into her hard.

4. She rubbed faster still.

3. He could feel her start to spasm.

2. He squeezed her breasts hard as he pulled her back against him.

1. She felt his cock expand in her.

CUM, he shouted shooting into her backside and feeling her ass contract around him in turn. She dug the nails of her left hand into her palm while fingering circles around her clit furiously with the right.

O God, O God, she moaned over and over again. She was jarred forward every time he crashed into her from behind. The pain in her breasts became pleasure just before her orgasm hit but the pain returned as she came down the other side. When it was over, she felt his weight on her back and they fell over on their sides. Still quivering in orgasm, she started to cry.

When he could move, Kyle slid out of her and sat back on the couch. He watched her all curled up on her side in a ball. Her breathing was returning to normal and she had stopped crying. He leaned forward and replaced the butt plug, which emitted a beep. You will have 30 minutes in the morning that you may be without the butt plug. It must remain in you the rest of the day. He sat back down on the couch.

Clean me off, he said.

Uh? she responded turning to him and raising bleary eyes.

Clean me off.

You can't mean...?

Do it now.


The executive crawled over to him and pulled some hairs back. Then not believing this was really happening to her, she took his cock into her mouth. The taste was rancid, but not as bad as she thought it would be. After tonguing it for a minute she let it slip from her mouth and let her head drop on his lap. He ran his fingers through her hair for a few minutes and noted how soft the features were in her face when she was totally relaxed. This gesture of affection bothered her more than anything else he had done. It was easier to hate him when he was forcing her to obey his commands.

He helped her to her feet and said, Sit for a minute, pointing to the chair opposite him. Have you read The Story of O? She shook her head. Your legs must never be closed. You will always wear a skirt or dress when you go out and must show that you are open and available sexually at all times by keeping your legs parted. When she complied he continued, Whenever I call, whether at work or at home you must give instructions that my calls at to be put through at once. I don't care what you are doing or who you are with.

I understand, Sir.

Let's go home, he said pulling on pants and shirt. They went to the door and he watched as she dressed on the veranda. He dropped her next to her car in the company parking lot and she drove home to an exhausted sleep.

To Be Continued
Super bro