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Remove Account Restrictions

User Access Remove Account Restrictions

Remove account restrictions due to receiving warnings
When the members are not following the forum rules or when they get any warnings from admins, some automatic limitations and restrictions will be imposed on your account. Purchasing this item will remove below restrictions from your account

  1. Spam Account/Limited Account
  2. Dormant Account (Post Can not see due to not reacting to fakes)
  3. Banned from faking contest
  4. Can not make new threads (Ability to make new threads disabled)

Please keep in mind that, this is a one time restriction removal and if the violation is again repeated , limitations on your account will be imposed again

How to purchase ?​

  1. Click purchase to add the item to the cart
  2. You can then see the cart on the bottom right corner
  3. Open the cart and click purchase
  4. Then go to Inventory where you can see all your purchases
  5. Click configure to change the colour, shadow and other effects
  6. You can choose any colour you like
  7. Contact admin if you have any difficulty

Item Information

Item owner
Creation date
Last update
Items sold
Buyer rating
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings


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