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Actress Sex Story Anandhi - Transformation Of Wife To Slut

Mar 2, 2021
DF Coins
Socrates couldn’t wait for him and his wife Anandhi’s hot date tonight. They had planned it over the last few weeks and reached Los Vegas for their second wedding anniversary. She was going to fulfill his fantasy of being hypnotized on stage, and then they were going to a club dancing and having a few drinks, but most of all he couldn’t wait to take her back and “fuck her brains out”. Though anandhi was an actress, she was considered to be one among the actress who never experienced casting couch and was virgin during marriage. Also she was not sex interested person. But as per her husband wish she was ready to give her husband a best anniversary gift by satisfying his needs.

For as long as Socrates could remember, he was turned on by the idea of hypnosis. Actually Anandhi was not aware of it in detail. She thought it would be just like a magic show... But her husband had some other thoughts...

The happy couple drove their Lexus to the new Casino that was just over the state border. They had a wonderful dinner first. The casino was so large, that they actually had to get out and drive from the restaurant, to the comedy club, a few parking lots away.

They were in a small booth next to each other waiting for the show to begin. They were flirting and touching each other. The emcee started the hyped announcement for “The Amazing Sandman”. The spotlight blared and he came out on stage. He was about 6′tall. His head was shaved, and he seemed to be fairly built. Anandhi was surprised to find that he was attractive. He explained what hypnosis was, and did some suggestibility tests. One of which was a thing where he described magnets keeping the audiences outstretched hands together. Anandhi was surprised to find that it was actually affecting her. She honestly hadn’t thought it would. She did fully plan to go up on stage, fulfilling Socrates’s fantasy, but she never really expected to be hypnotized, she figured she would just pretend.

Soon Sandman called for volunteers and Anandhi raised her hand. She turned back and smiled at her husband, who now had a bead of sweat dripping down his brow. She also noticed all of the guys in the audience watching her as she walked to the stage. The women did too, though their expression was largely one of disdain.

Soon Anandhi was sitting up on stage, and Sandman was beginning to induce the participants in Hypnosis. Anandhi was really surprised by how he went about it. There was no watch, or glowing spiral, like in the stories she read with Socrates. It was just him, telling everyone to focus on him. Anandhi marveled at the confidence that someone must have to try to hypnotize a bunch of strangers on stage using only one’s shear presence.

But what a presence he had. Anandhi soon realized that she had sort of forgotten she was up on stage. Everything else had faded away except Sandman. It was like he was speaking right to her, right into her mind. She felt every part of her body getting so heavy, so very heavy. She was getting so sleepy. Sandman wanted her to sleep. She wanted to do what Sandman said. She wanted to please Sandman. She wanted to obey the Sandman.

Meanwhile, back in his seat, Socrates’s heart was beating out of his chest. He had obviously been very excited when Anandhi offered to do this for him, though he always felt in the back of his mind that she would go up, try to fake being hypnotized and get sent back down. At best, he thought maybe she could fake out the hypnotist for a little while, but would eventually break down when he had her do something really embarrassing.

Yet here she was. She was stealing glances at Socrates and smiling and giggly at first, but her smirk slowly faded as the Sandman proceeded with his induction. There were soon no more glances to Socrates as her eyes remained locked on the Sandman’s. Socrates wondered if his heart was going to beat right out of his chest as he watched her limbs begin to slump as she was clearly feeling them get heavy. He knew she wasn’t faking as she fought to keep her eyes open, and eventually lost that battle as her head flopped over to the side. As the Sandman asked the volunteers if they understood that they “were now completely under his control and wanted nothing more than to obey him without question”, Socrates could see his wife answer a resounding “yes”.

“four, coming back, Five, feeling fantastic in every way and awake!” Sandman said. The crowd cheered. Anandhi looked around. She came to the realization that she had really been hypnotized. Sandman extended his hand and helped her off the stage. She had trouble peeling her eyes away from him. She wasn’t sure she was ready to be out of his trance yet.

Socrates was so excited when she got back to the seat. He hugged her tight and long. Her head was started to clear up. Oh yeah, that is why she did that, for Socrates, for Socrates’s fantasy.

At once anandhi came off stage she asked her husband what all happen on stage

He relayed how Sandman asked her crawl across the stage on her hands and knees, asked her about her virginity and made her do sexy dance by showing her assets which she never did in any movies...

Socrates also said sandman had made her take a drug named ecstacy which made her open up...

“Did I really take ecstasy, real ecstacy?” Anandhi asked, concerned. She was surprised that making her do that on stage was legal. It certainly wasn’t ethical. What if she was some sort of recovering drug addict?

Socrates smiled, knowing full well that she had only had a Flinstones vitamin, but fully believed it to be ecstasy, “Yeah, you did actually. It’s ok though, I’m with you” Socrates said lovingly. He was planning to enanandhiy this. “Ready to go dancing? I’ll tell you more about what happened tonight, when you are sitting on top of me, ok?” he asked.

They had to go back to the car to drive to the parking lot that had the dance club.

By the time Socrates and Anandhi had arrived at the club Anandhi was starting to feel the ecstasy kick in. Everything seemed to feel amazing as she slid her hands over the soft leather of Socrates’ luxury sedan. Then her hands started stroking the fur of her new fox coat. It was… orgasmic. She had never felt anything more pleasurable in her entire life. Socrates watched with a grin as he saw her eyes rolling back in her head in pleasure as she stroked the fur coat.

An hour had passed, they had danced and had a few drinks. The ecstasy had now overpowered Anandhi. Her pussy was throbbing between her legs, and her panties were entirely soaked. She wanted to take her man home and get the fucking she deserved, but knew that Socrates loved being out, and would want to stay for at least another hour and have a few drinks.

Socrates hadn’t notice his wife’s state of over intoxication, mostly because of his own. They flirted with each other, her sipping on her fuzzy navel, him with his Budweiser. They sat down at the table for a minute to cool off. After about thirty minutes Anandhi was ready to leave, figuring she compromised on the “extra hour” by meeting him half way, but before she could say anything they were approached by a man. It turned out to be the Sandman.

“Pardon me, I just wanted to thank you for participating in my show, and make sure you were feeling ok” Sandman said to Anandhi. She smiled politely and told him she was fine. She was trying to downplay how high she was.

Socrates asked Sandman if he would like to join them for a drink. Anandhi was staring at Socrates with her “no way” look in her eyes, but Socrates didn’t notice. Sandman accepted and sat down. Socrates instantly started chatting him up about Hypnosis. He was such a starstruck fan.

Anandhi had remained mostly quiet as she tried to keep her attention off the amazing feeling covering her body, and the every growing excitement in between her legs. She couldn’t help but be attracted to Sandman. She wondered if he found her sexy. No, no, she couldn’t think like that, especially on her anniversary night. She couldn’t think about herself with him. But how about with other women? Did he hypnotize other women, make them feel as good as he did with her, and then fuck them wildly? Did he have a big cock. He must have big balls to have the confidence that he had.

After about another thirty minutes of drinking the ecstasy had completely kicked in for Anandhi, it just seemed to be getting more and more potent. Socrates hadn’t even noticed her shallow breathing or her blushed face as he continued to talk Hypnosis with Sandman. It wasn’t long before Sandman’s phone rang, answering it he had a short conversation before putting it away.

“how would you guys like to go to the VIP room? My friend was the club owner.” Sandman said with excitement in his voice.

“YES” Socrates shouted out before Anandhi could step in and stop him. He had never been in a VIP but how could he resist something as distinguished as being a VIP at a club. They walked through the crowd, his hand on Anandhi’s guiding her through following Sandman toward a back room guarded by two large guys.

Entering the room Socrates and Anandhi were introduced to Barry, the owner of the club. The VIP room was amazing, it had a pool table, a full bar, works of art that probably cost thousands. They sat around a large table round table, Anandhi couldn’t believe this was going the way it was as she looked in anger at Socrates who had now started a long conversation with Barry. He got so chatty when he was drunk. She couldn’t stand it any longer. Her body felt so good and her pussy was aching for it, but she bit her tongue as she tried to bare it for a little while longer. She hoped they wouldn’t stay long, she had lost track of what was happening around her other than her desire. Almost 15 minutes had passed before she realized that she was now pressed up against the Sandman. He started whispering things into her ear…and into her mind.

Socrates had finally ended the discussion. When he looked at his sexy wife he knew something was wrong. Her face was entirely flushed, her eyes glassed over, and she was almost panting. He realized then that Sandman had managed to move her to the far end of the table.

“Hey babe it’s time to go.” he said, but she didn’t respond. “Hey Anandhi come on, it’s time to leave”

This time she did respond. She snapped back harshly “Shut up or leave”

At this point Socrates stood to see Sandman’s hands massaging his wife’s legs, and her hands were rocking slowly up and down on his cock which was now poking through the fly in his pants. He started to protest at the site but the two guards from outside had entered the room, and each put a hand on his shoulders.

Sandman grinned at him and said in an arrogant voice. “I believe your wife told you to do something. Now you can either jerk off watching your wife have some fun, or you can leave and jerk off alone.”

Quietly Socrates sat back down humiliated, humbled, and disgraced that his wife would do this to him. It was at this point the guards lifted the table and moved it out of the way to expose what Sandman was doing to her on the other end. Anandhi’s dress was lifted, but her panties were still on.

The sexy black panties that she had put on just for Socrates were now sopping wet. Her clit peaked through the material, a button begging to be pushed as Sandman’s hand continued to slide up her legs, then up her toned belly and rested on her breasts. She let out a sigh as the hypnotist’s hands started to tease her pert nipples that were now clearly visible behind her strapless dress. Her hands continuing to caress the hypnotist’s cock through his pants. Sandman reached behind her unzipping her dress, he slipped it down her body exposing her breasts. Anandhi inhaled sharply as the cold air hit her erect nipples.

Sandman continued to pinch and tease her breasts with one hand as his fingers slid up and down the crotch of her now slick panties with the other. Biting her lip to suppress a moan she shivered as the fingers began to lightly brush against her begging clit. Socrates sat there diverting his eyes as he used his hands to try and hide his now clearly visible erection. Sandman smiled at him.

“Socrates, your wife is very sexy, isn’t she. She went under so deep for me. It’s clear she loves to be under my hypnotic control. She loves to be hypnotized Socrates. Wasn’t you’re your fantasy? Why don’t you jerk off to her, she’s about to be useless to you anyways

Socrates’ eyes looked ashamed as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his own cock. The bouncers snickered as he stroked it. Ironically, the hypnotic control that Sandman had over her set him on fire. Figuring that this was one crazy night that no one would ever know about, as his dick got even harder, he continued to stroke it. The look of hypnotized pleasure on his wife’s face. A look he had never seen while they were making love was plastered in his mind as he continued to stroke in front of her.

Seeing the only cock she had ever known, Anandhi took her hands off the hypnotist’s cock and started to instinctively reach out for her husbands manhood, but Sandman snapped. “No Anandhi, if you want my hypnotic cock, you can’t touch him, and he can’t touch you.”

Anandhi withdrew her hand immediately, recoiling it in horror as if she had almost made a terrible mistake. “Sorry honey.. I- I really need this, it’s so… hypnotic. I have to feel it in me to get the level of hypnosis that Sandman wants me in.”

With these words Socrates had been completely humiliated, and ashamed of the monster he had indirectly created. Yet, still he was focused on her, her breathing, her whimpering. It sent him over the edge as he watched his beautiful wife lean over and take the head of Sandman’s cock in her mouth.

Socrates knew that Anandhi could give unbelievable blow when she wanted to, and he knew that she wanted to please the Sandman right then. Having trouble speaking because of the pleasure he was receiving, Sandman finally said to Socrates “I’m going to take your wife for a ride, don’t worry you’ll be able to pick her tomorrow.”

“But she said I could stay if I was quiet” Socrates objected. Sandman just grunted and shook his head.

“She doesn’t make the rules here.”

Socrates took one last look over his shoulder at his slut of a wife. His pride broke he watched as she was now in a doggy style, her beautiful blond hair waving back and forth as she bobbed her head on Sandman’s cock. Walking through the door he heard her squeal in a way he had never heard and then he was shut out.

Outside the VIP room was the second bouncer. He was on his cell phone as he was escorted by.

“Hey Victor Man you gotta get over to the club, we got this hypnotized bitch in here and Sandman is fucking her like crazy. Yeah, yeah, see you then”

Once in his car Socrates’s head spun knowing that on his second wedding anniversary his wife was going to be taking a different cock than his. Not only that, but it was all his fault, it was his fantasy that set the whole thing in motion. Slowly he cranked his car and headed home humiliated, and without his wife. As he pulled out of the casino, he wondered why his excitement and arousal still outweighed his sadness.

* * *

Back in the VIP room Anandhi was sucking Sandman wildly. The ecstasy was still in affect, the feeling of that large cock thrusting against her mouth was unbearable. Salvia was now dripping down her chin on to the floor below her.

He suddenly pulled her off and turned her ass towards him. The hypnotist slid the black panties she had worn for her husband off her hips and down to her knees. He began to rub slowly between her lips and slick thighs, and getting as close as he could to the clit without touching it. Anandhi was going crazy in her mind, each time his finger came close she would buck harder and faster in anticipation, and each time Sandman’s finger backed away disappointment would wash over her, but her desire was heightening with every caress. It wasn’t till the fifth time he teased he brushed her button slightly sending a streak of pleasure through her entire body causing her to moan aloud. The bouncers laughed at the teasing.

“GODDAMNIT FUCKING DO IT!” She cried her pussy juices now running down her leg. Her body shaking from the arousal.

“No no Anandhi, you must learn manners if you want any of this. Now beg for it slave.”

Anandhi blushed, the feeling of submission caused her pussy to throb.

“please.....please touch my clit…Master.” Finally calling him Master seemed like such a relief to Anandhi.

The Sandman smiled “That’s better slave.”

He slid two fingers into her dripping tight snatch, and burried his thumb onto her hard erect clitoris. Her throat opened as pleasure forced her sound of approval into the air. The ecstasy was working and every bit of touch to her body sent pleasure coursing through it directly to her throbbing clit. Her moans were now a distant background noise as she fell deeper into pleasure.

As she fell deeper into pleasure she still had passing thoughts about her husband. How the being hypnotized on stage was for him. She never thought she would be sucking the hypnotist’s cock, especially not on her wedding anniversary. She would make it up to him, but right now she needed that hypnotic cock. She needed to know what it felt like with a true Master, her Master.

With Sandman’s fingers thrust deep into her well lubricated snatch, she felt a pressure building between her legs, and finally she snapped back into reality with a scream of complete excitement. Her pussy clenched around his fingers.

She came, wildly. When finished, she collapsed with her ass still in the air. She was exhausted, but still horny. It took her a second to realize that someone was snapping picture of her with her own phone.

“Wait what are you doing?” she asked as he continued to snap pictures of her spent body.

“Don’t worry Anandhi, we can’t leave your hubby high and dry can we? You like the idea of me taking your picture. You like the idea of him receiving them, wishing he was me” Sandman suggested, knowing full well that his suggestions were taking root as her truth thanks to the state of hypnosis she was still in.

She smirked as she thought about how her husband was home not getting any except his hand. She giggled to herself. “This is so hot. He wanted to see me hypnotized. Well, I’m hypnotized right now… and I fucking love it.”

* * *

Back at the house Socrates had finally let his anger out. He had been humiliated, his wife was being used by the hypnotist that he had brought her to see! It was a miracle he heard his cell phone through his ravings and wall punching. He picked up the phone to view the text messages that he had received. The massage read: Gonna fuck your wife hard now and please dont have any hard feelings as she really needed this. – Sandman” He looked at the picture and got really mad He couldn’t understand how this happened, how she had gone so deep that she did something completely against her character. He looked at the second picture now, his wife was waving at the camera. Her ass in the air. He couldn’t believe it, his wife was now a slut for a goddamn stage hypnotist. The thought that his wife was so deeply hypnotized started getting his cock hard. He felt entirely humiliated when he read the message that came with the last picture. “Anandhi wants you to know she’s ready for a real cock now – Sandman” and he just sat down in the chair and drank more as he waited for more jerking on his cock.

* * *

The men in the room were all enjoying Sandman’s triple X rated “after show”. As was Sandman.

“Now, Anandhi, you loved going so deep into hypnosis, didn’t you?”

“Yes, oh yes” she panted.

“Would you like my hypnotic dick to take you deeper?”

“Please” she said with a desperate whimper.

While she was saying this, one of the men in the room started admiring the fox fur coat she had received as a token of love from her husband just hours before. The man brought it to Sandman’s attention.

“Well, that certainly is exquisite. It looks expensive, are you and your husband wealthy?”

“Yes Master” she answered obediently.

“I see, did he buy this for you?”

“Yes Master, today, for our anniversary”

Sandman and the men in the room laughed about the fact that it was their anniversary. “Anandhi, when he gave you this coat, did you think it was the most wonderful thing you could ever receive?”


“I see, but now, now you realize that there is a more wonderful gift in the world. What is it Anandhi?”

“your cock” she said quietly.

“That’s right. You want it so bad. Now, why don’t you put on that lovely fur coat and then crawl to me.”

Anandhi obeyed. She slipped on the luxurious garment and gave the Sandman a seductive smile. Then she slipped down to her knees and started a slow, sashay crawl over to the man who was now her Master. Her hips sexily swung back and forth as she crossed the room.

A receipt left in Socrates’s jacket pocket had inadvertently tipped Anandhi off about the anniversary present two weeks ago. Since that time, she had been thinking of sexy ways she could thank her husband with it. She imagined herself slowly massaging his balls with the soft cuff of the coat. Then, slowly sliding her top up his legs and up his erection. She’d have the soft fur of the coat’s lepels caress the sides of his shaft, while slipping directly in front of her breasts. When she reached the top, she would slowly descend back down. She would then restart her fur fondling with her hands, this time with a bit more speed and pressure. All of this would combine into what was for lack of a better term, a fur fuck.

So now, two weeks later, on the anniversary night, Anandhi was indeed performing the loving service she had so carefully designed in her fantasies. Yet it wasn’t her husband’s cock on the receiving end! The Sandman moaned in pleasure as it was a sensation he had never felt before. He looked down to watch it and laughed when he saw her wedding ring around her finger.

“My my Anandhi, does your husband know you’re a slut like this?”

Anandhi didn’t respond, too lost in her loving caresses. She just kept fur fondling his dick and trying to jerk him off.

“I think you are ready to go deeper into your Master’s power. Turn around and submit your pussy to your Master!”

Anandhi obeyed. She bit her lip in anticipation as she felt Sandman lightly poke the tip of his cock inside her. She had never had anyone other than her husband inside her and she started to pant as her lips were being parted by this hypnotic cock invading her pussy. Slowly inch by inch she squealed as it filled her finally as she gasped out.

“Oh god.....my husband......my husband has never been this deep” That’s when Anandhi realized. “Wait, what about a condom.”

The Sandman looked down at her in her doggy style position and said. “But Anandhi, think about how much you want my cum. It’s a drug even more powerful than the ecstasy I gave you earlier.”

“But I’ll get pregnant” Anandhi pleaded.

“The chance you have take, do you really want to give this up?” Said Sandman as he pulled in then pumped slowly back inside her pussy. Anandhi just gasped and pressed backwards as they started to fuck slowly.

“oh god........oh god........I need this.............I want to risk it.” she moaned out into the air. There were now no more thoughts of Socrates as Sandman pounded away at her. With each thrust she screamed out. The Sandman gave it two more hard thrusts before pulling out.

“NO NO NO NO........ I need it inside me.” she moaned as she felt it leave her begging pussy.

“Don’t worry my pet, we’re just changing positions.” Sandman climbed up on the chair behind them and pointed to his erect cock. “Now sit on it slave, and face me when you do.”

Anandhi climbed up between Sandman’s legs and guided his cock to her gaping pussy. She was surprised out how easy it was to slide it back up in there and squealed once it hit full tilt again. She lost it, her mind blown. Her pussy started to tighten as she pushed back onto the dick buried in her hypnotized womanhood. She didn’t care if her husband’s dick was supposed to be in there tonight, she needed the hypnotist’s cock!

Looking up she saw that one of the men was filming her.

“What do you want to say to your hubby baby?” He said softly

“Mmmmm this is so good......... I’m sorry......uuuuuuh gooooood. I’m sorry. I need to be deeper under his power!” She moaned into the camera.

* * *

Back at the house Socrates was now stewing quietly while jerking off to the pictures on the phone. He couldn’t believe his wife had done this to him, hypnotized or not. He was hoping and praying she would call, he had to know what they were doing to her. He came again for the third time since he had gotten home, he couldn’t get the sound of her moans out of his mind. He had never heard her moan like that, and he couldn’t believe that his beautiful, elegant wife, that had only had his cock up until now was out fucking another man. The thoughts of his humiliation played out in his head he almost didn’t’ notice his phone ring. It was Anandhi, he answered it quickly.

“Please please come home” he pleaded instantly as he put the phone to her ear

“Oh I’m sorry Socrates, were you expecting your wife to answer? Well would you like to talk to her?” some man said. Socrates could sense his asinine grin in the tone of his voice.

“yes damnit.” Socrates fumed, but before he could get the words out of his mouth he could hear her. The man had obviously put the phone right up to her ear.


Socrates was now paralyzed over the phone, it didn’t help that he heard one of the men in the background.

“Damn bitch what if you get pregnant?”

“I DON’T CARE.............. I NEED MY MASTER’S HYPNOTIC COCK!” Screamed back into Socrates’ ear. At this comment fear began to well up inside him, considering their lack of birth control.

The man who dialed was now back on the phone. “What’s the matter? You don’t like knowing your wife is having more pleasure than she has ever had? It’s pretty tough knowing that you can never again be the lover that she longs for. Looks like you shouldn’t have let her get hypnotized!” With a snicker he hung up. Almost immediately two more text messages showed up on his phone. The first one was his wife, in the new fox fur coat he gave her, fur fondling Sandman. The second was him fucking her in a chair as she looked to be cumming. He collapsed in front of the couch his mind reeling, ashamed as he felt his dick grow harder knowing that his wife was doing this because she was under the control of an evil hypnotist. Goddamn his fetish!

* * *

Back in the VIP room Anandhi never even knew she was on the phone. The only thing she knew was she was in complete ecstasy. She was burning with desire, her pussy experiencing new levels of pleasure.

“UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH GOD.” She screamed. Sandman, however, had not cum yet. He had purposefully been holding himself back.

“uuuuuuh no put it back” Anandhi said in a moan, but Sandman had a better idea. Walking in front of here he looked down at her and stared directly into her glazed eyes.

“So you like this hypnotic cock slut?”

“yes Master”

“Do you want more of it?”

“yes please put it in me Master!” begged Anandhi. Sandman reached out pulling her head up placing the tip of his cock on her lips. She didn’t need an invitation, she sucked the cock that was not one minute ago buried deep in her ass down her throat. She was so excited she didn’t care, she couldn’t wait to take his load as she slid the dick all the way down her throat and bob her head on his member.

“That’s it my little married slut.” Sandman shouted placing his hand on the back of her head guiding on his shaft. She moaned around his cock as she once again fur fondled his balls. She whimpered as she felt her Master’s cock start to throb in her mouth, knowing he was about to cum she sucked harder. She wanted his cum, she felt like a junkie, even though she had not yet even experienced the high of the drug that was his essence. Sandman pushed hard on the back of her head, and with one final thrust he emptied his load down her awaiting throat.

Anandhi moaned wildly around his cock as she felt the streams of his jizm fill her up sending her into her into an orgasm level of pleasure her body could barely handle. Sliding his cock out of her mouth, she laid back on the floor and started to finger fuck herself as every nerve ending in her body was popping with orgasmic pleasure. It was like some sort of sexual heroin. She knew she was hooked.

* * *

Socrates was sitting on the couch staring at his phone waiting for another call. Through all the humiliation the thought of his wife betraying him like this caused amazing arousal and at the same time shame. He needed to know what was happening to his hypnotized slut of a wife and he needed to know soon. As if the phone was reading his mind two more text messages popped up on the screen displaying his precious Anandhi, in her fur coat, doing more things to Sandman. He masturbated again.

* * *

It was morning now, her husband was at the back door waiting for his wife to come out, as the text messages told him she would be. He didn’t dare look into the bouncers eyes as they all snickered at him waiting for his slut to come out. Dressed only in the fur now, she weakly walked out. Socrates helped her to the car and put her inside. A DVD fell out of the pocket of the coat as she got inside the Lexus.

When they got home, he helped Anandhi inside and to bed. She was exhausted and barely conscious, slowly regaining her senses once the lust had worn off. She felt so ashamed as she lay in bed thinking about how she had betrayed her husband. The fact that she had been hypnotized was little consolation. Those were her final thoughts as she drifted off to sleep.

While she was sleeping she dreamed about the events that happened the night before. It was ground breaking for her, she dreamed of how amazing she felt to be hypnotized, and to have her pussy so full with that narcotic cock. When she awoke later that evening she could feel the arousal between her legs. Even after the shower her fingers would not stop her ever moistening pussy, she needed to be fucked.

That feeling was intensified as she went downstairs to find Socrates masturbating to the video that Sandman’s audience had shot of her. She stopped him from jerking off by jumping on him with a lustful heat they had never before shared. They fucked like crazy for the rest of the night, using their DVD as their own private porno.

Next day when Socrates got up he was unable to find anandhi... While searching he was able to find mangalsutra and ring on the table

After 1 month

Anandhi... Master can you arrange for a gangbang today with blackie

After 1 hour

The End

Author note : please go through my another story which was published today on Shalini pandey

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Add more images and make it as a comic style...That's would be very interesting...

Great story Raj.. In a single update, you have shown how great story this is. Anandhi started as a shy, conservative wife but in the end she ended into a slave of her master. Plot was very good and I really liked the way you ended the story. I thought she will return to her normal life. I hope one day I'll write stories like this.