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Guys I want to make a request to all viewers today- For me your loyalty is everything. Please don't leave me and go as I won't be a successful faker without your support..in the last few days I have seen a huge drop in reactions.. please try and avoid that. If I have hurt anyone I am extremely sorry. But please understand the threads have to kept clean. And other people's works cannot be posted in anyone else's threads. Imagine if you start a thread and i post my works in your thread would you like it?
Dear homework4557, Your edits are great & we like it. But you must work on few things, such as (01) try to do color compatibility between face & body. (02) Do not resort to copy & paste, you have do work to make it real. (03) When you give Milf it's meant for adults, who loves mature body, say you created supriya pilgaonkar with teenage body & no teenager are her fan. (04) try to edit more of solos with 'close-up' full frontal/ profile/ rear views.
I request everyone to please promote this thread more and more. Request all your friends to view my thread and support me with your reactions. I just request don't post unnecessary images and messages here. As you'll must have noticed I complete each and every request made by you viewers. Please continue this support and let it only increase not decrease. Please I request you.
Dear homework4557, Your edits are great & we like it. But you must work on few things, such as (01) try to do color compatibility between face & body. (02) Do not resort to copy & paste, you have do work to make it real. (03) When you give Milf it's meant for adults, who loves mature body, say you created supriya pilgaonkar with teenage body & no teenager are her fan. (04) try to edit more of solos with 'close-up' full frontal/ profile/ rear views.
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