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  1. DeepikaDesiii

    Real Story One evening where it all changed..

    Hi all, I'm Deepika, 25 yo F from UP, India. I'm a Phd student, 3rd year which means I end up with more free time in my hands than I know what to do with. This is my second post here, after feeling relieved to release a traumatic memory by sharing it here...
  2. DeepikaDesiii

    Real Story The time when what I saw shocked me..

    (Reposting this from my new account here) Hi all, I'm Deepika, 25 yo F from UP, India. I'm a Phd student, 3rd year which means I end up with more free time in my hands than I know what to do with. I lurk here sometimes as a means to create imaginary scenarios in my head when I feel...