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When I sat down for my lunch with Sharon in the university refectory that Wednesday afternoon, I had no idea that I was about to meet one of a group of guys who were examples of millions of others worldwide.

Simon cautiously came and asked if he could sit with Sharon and me, and it was evident that Sharon already knew him, although as far as I could remember, I had never seen him before.

'This is Simon,' my friend said, introducing him to me as he took the seat opposite and placed his plate of English Fry on the table.

There was an initial few minutes of awkwardness between us all as it was apparent he wanted to say something but was not sure how. I have learned through the years that some guys are straight out with it, whereas others try to be gentlemen and bring the subject cautiously round to what they want to ask. It's pretty much the same as sex, I guess.


Simon finished chewing a sausage, swallowed it and asked, 'Pooja can I ask you a very personal question?'

'Yes, of course,' I replied, intrigued.

'Are you into 'Forced Fantasy' at all?

I had never heard of such a thing previously.

'No, I can't say I am,' I replied honestly, 'Sounds interesting. Is it a drama programme?'

Simon nearly choked on his next forkful of food, and Sharon tried hard to suppress a little giggle. I could see that both were embarrassed for me in my naivety.

'It's not a drama; it's more a...' Simon tried to explain as his words failed him.

'What Simon wants to know is would you be willing to fulfil a little desire they have and want to play out? Sharon added, stepping into the breach left by Simon.

I looked across the table at Simon, now realising that 'Forced Fantasy' obviously had some sexual innuendo. He was not the greatest looking guy, but was tall with blond hair and green eyes and did, despite his awkwardness in asking, looked as if he could be fun.

'So just what do you want from me?' I enquired still with no idea what a 'forced fantasy' was.


'My friends and I wondered if you'd be willing to be...' Here was his embarrassment showing through again, 'Kidnapped and made to have sex with us?'

'Made to have sex?' I questioned, still stupidly at a loss to understand what he was asking.

'You are unbelievable, Rach,' Sharon interjected. 'You have all the guys in our year and others lining up to fuck you, and yet you don't have a clue what a forced fantasy is!'

'No, I don't,' I confessed rather sheepishly.

'They want to gangbang you, my dear Pooja,' Sharon explained in the bluntest terms.

'gangbang me?' I blurted out in surprise and with such force that other nearby turned their heads to look at me, causing me to blush with acute embarrassment.

'Well, not exactly,' Simon interjected, 'It's fantasy play. You agree to play and what your limits are, and we pretend to force you. That's why it's called Forced fantasy.'


'Oh!' was all I could initially manage in response.

'We won't do anything you don't want us to do,' Simon continued, 'but we would like to grab you, tear your clothes off and make you have sex with us.'

A week later, once lectures had finished, I drove round to the house where one of the five guys was staying. They wanted to show me some video clips they had collected to see if I'd be happy to emulate some of the scenes for them.

As I watched, surrounded by my would-be attackers, I was amazed that so many 'forced' scenes were included in the various movies they had managed to bring together. After each clip, the guys asked, 'Will you be okay if we do that to you, Pooja?'

After a good hour of watching actresses having forced sex, I was strangely confident that not only could I do what they asked but put up as good a job as the women playing the roles in the films.

There was just one I was not happy with where a knife was produced to make a middle-aged women submit before the final act. Once, they assured me that nothing like that would be used and that I would only be manhandled, albeit roughly. I was reasonably happy to give the unusual request a trial.

As we sat chatting, the guys, who had obviously discussed things before my arrival, told me how they wanted me dressed. They had even had a whip-round to collect some money so I could purchase the required clothing. They wanted me very demure, in a blouse, some sort of jumper and long flowing skirt, all of which were to be torn or cut off along with my underwear. Yet another trip to the local charity shops was on the cards!

The lads also wanted to know what else they could engage in other than sex. I understood that some slapping was expected to be allowed simply by having watched the recordings, and they wanted to know how hard they could hit me. I knew that little taps would not really be suitable and make everything, at least for the five young men, a bit dull.


'As long as you use your open hand and don't punch me, you can slap me as hard as you wish.' The guys were almost ecstatic.

We were all a little cautious as it was the first time any of us had done such a thing. I wanted to enjoy the event myself and was desperate to make it as much fun for Simon and his four friends as I could. We agreed on spanking and forced cold water torture as the 'extras' they wanted to perform and the obvious fuck in three holes. They also asked if they could have an option to incorporate anything else that occurred at the time. Again I agree.

We also, after some discussion, came to the arrangement that all day they would treat me without any respect - just as if we were strangers to make the day as real as possible.

We arranged for the 'event' to take place on the coming Saturday. I would arrange for Sharoon to drop me off very early on a country road about fifteen miles from the university. They would then drive up, snatch me and take me to another student hose for the 'fun' to commence. They wanted it to be early in case someone saw something and thought the 'kidnap' was for real.

It was getting rather embarrassing visiting the charity shops. I seemed to be in them almost weekly, looking for outfits that might suit some sexual pursuit I was engaging in. One older and seemingly rather mischievous assistant in one shop even put items aside for me that she thought might be of interest. What she thought I did with them all, I will never know. She just smiled and asked, 'Are you looking for something else for your wardrobe?' Little did she know!

Between the various shops in our two local shopping areas, I managed to cobble together a suitable skirt, top, jumper and even a jacket that, although not matching, fitted the bill nicely.

Saturday arrived, and as I pulled back the curtains in my tiny room and looked out, it was dry and bright with the sun just beginning to rise in the pale blue sky. I trembled a little with a degree of excitement of what lay ahead as Sharon kindly drove me to the allocated place and dropped me off, wishing me a breezy 'Good luck' as I left the car.

As she drove off, I suddenly had a realisation that here I was at six in the morning, all alone on a country road and fifteen miles from the university. I tried to suppress a slight degree of panic that I could feel beginning to rise.


I came back to my senses as I heard a car approaching from the rear. I knew this was it. I was about to partake in my first ever forced fantasy. The car drove past, and as it did so, I could see that there was only one person it in, and that was an older gentleman. The car slowed a little way further on, then stopped and reversed back towards me. Now I was in a panic.

As the car pulled alongside, the driver opened his passenger window.

'Are you okay, love?' he enquired amicably.

'Yes, fine, thank you.'

'I just wondered if you'd broken down somewhere or something?'

'No, no, just out for an early morning walk,' I lied, knowing that most women would not go out walking the way I was dressed.

'No problem as long as your not stuck and happy. You can't be too careful these days. Take care,'

With that, he drove off. The encounter did indeed make me think of just how vulnerable someone like me was at that time, all alone on a country lane with no houses in sight. I would never usually have considered such a thing.

The sound of another car approaching caught my attention, and looking over my shoulder, I saw, with some relief, Simon's car coming towards me. As it started to slow down, and I readied myself for the ordeal to follow, another vehicle appeared out of nowhere, travelling in the opposite direction.

Simon saw it too and just kept on driving past me as if he did not know I was there. The other vehicle did the same, and both disappeared out of sight around the various bends in the hedge-lined road. A minute later, I saw Simon's car returning towards me. He stopped, and his four companions jumped out, grabbed me and bundled me into the car without further alarm.

I did not make too much of an attempt to get away on the road in case yet another early morning traveller chanced upon the scene and thought the whole thing was for real. Once inside the car, though, I decided to fight like fury as I kicked and punched as though the entire thing was for real.

'Get off me! Let go! Don't you dare!' I shouted as I fought.


I think my willingness to enter into the scene so fully and forcefully took my captors by surprise as it took them a little while to overpower me finally, bind me and eventually put me in the trunk of the car for the last mile or so to the house. As I lay bound and gagged in the darkness, I was aware that I had perhaps been a little too forceful as two of the guys had complained I had hurt them as I fought in the rather overcrowded car.

It was still early when we reached the house that would be my dungeon for the day. I could feel the car reversing and heard a garage door being opened was. Suddenly light exploded into my darkened tomb. I was quickly lifted out of the boot of the car and carried through the garage and inside the house.

'Cum with us, you fucking bitch,' one of them exploded.

Once inside the house, the tape around my ankles was cut away. Then with my hands still taped behind my back I was pulled roughly, but still struggling, by the hair up the stairs and towards a largish bedroom.

'Stop your fighting you dirty whore,' I was commanded. I didn't.

Once inside, I was thrown with some force onto the bed. Then all five lept on me to stop my legs from kicking under my long pleated skirt. I could feel them trying to reach under it to grab my knickers, obviously with the intent of removing them. Bound as I was, all I could do was wriggle and try to kick my legs free to protect some form of modesty. I managed to get them to release my left leg, and I wildly kicked it out to stop them from going any further.


'Stop right now,' I commanded feverishly.

I caught one of them a proper wallop on his face, which caused him to put his hand to his cheek and cry out. Next, he was sitting over my chest and telling me what he intended to do in retaliation. I received two good hard stinging slaps across my face before he and his friends turned me over and, sitting on my back, pulled the skirt up and my knickers down before giving my five hard smacks right across my backside.

I could feel it stinging like crazy as still with my hands bound, they turned me onto my back and held my legs tightly apart so that access was available into my hairy pussy. The long skirt was carelessly thrown up and over my midriff, leaving me naked from the waist down.


Simon wasted no time in getting down to business as he undid this trousers and pulled his pants down to reveal a huge erect cock waiting to explode inside my prone body.

'You'd better enjoy this, you dirty bitch,' He almost spat the words out as he lept onto me.

I knew there would be little resistance once he thrust into me; how could there be? I had been dripping wet since being bundled into the car. I felt him find the right place and thrust in hard and fast.

The tape around my wrists and my uncomfortable position stopped me from enjoying the moment too much. I still put on a vain pretence of struggling against him as he was thrusting wildly on top of me.


With a mighty surge, Simon dumped what I imagined was a pretty hefty load deep inside me and quickly moved away to assist in gripping my legs as the second guy took up position. Within seconds he too was pushing my body deep into the mattress as he pounded away at my ever moistening pussy.

Suddenly he stopped and looked at me. 'You like this, don't you, you fuckin little bitch?'

I realised as he said it that I had relaxed and stopped struggling. He lifted his hand and gave me another hard stinging slap across my face. He then took careful aim and, to the delight of his mates, spat straight into my eyes. Without another word, he recommenced his vicious pounding before announcing with a loud groan that his mission was, for the present, fulfilled.


As with Simon, he wasted no time changing places, and I was only allowed a few seconds respite before the next pounding commenced. My shoulders started to ache as I tried to find a more comfortable position to receive the seemingly continual action for my five abductors.

'Stop wrigging Bitch,' the one on me shouted as he ceased his momentum. Then turning to his friends, he said,' Let's show the Whore what happens when she does not do as we say!'

He pulled out, and in a second, I was rolled onto my tummy. Somebody quickly lifted my skirt over my tied hands, and I heard a sharp 'slap' sound before feeling the pain of a hard smack on my bare buttock. They followed with several others that were not in the least bit tame. These guys really were going to give me the works.


I groaned in pain and pleaded with them to stop, which eventually they did as again I was pulled onto my back so that the third guy could finish off inside me. I lay almost exhausted with a red face and backside as he thrust away more wildly until he too exploded, sending his cum to join the rest in my cunt as he shook with uncontrollable pleasure.


The pattern was repeated twice more as my legs were held firmly open and my body kept in place by the person's weight lying on top of me. Suddenly it ended as the final male also shot his load into my prone body.

'Strip the dirty bitch naked,' Simon ordered as I was roughly lifted into a standing position at the foot of the bed. They cut the tape around my hands, freeing them. I wasted no time in attempting to break away from the grasp of the five guys. Entirely what I would have done next or where I would have run to, I had no idea, but I knew, for their sakes, I had to keep up the pretence that this was as real as I could make it.

Eventually, after an uneven struggle that saw us all land on the bed in an ungainly heap, my arms were pulled up tight behind my shoulder blades bringing to a sudden and painful end my attempted flight to freedom.

I was once again yanked unceremoniously to my feet and pulled slightly backwards so that my small breasts were slightly forward, pushing tightly against the coat, jumper and blouse I was still wearing. The coat was unbuttoned quickly and slipped off my shoulders, assisting the two behind me in holding my arms in place.

A pair of scissors appeared and began to hack at the material of the jumper until it cut through in an irregular zig-zag pattern that left the blouse exposed to their reach. The two who had taken charge of the stripping process didn't think about using the scissors on the blouse.

One just took a grip of it tightly in his hands and, giving a hard yank, tore the top three buttons right out of the material. The second guy immediately took hold of the rest and tore it utterly open, and with another hard pull, left just my bra covering my relatively small sized breasts.

The remnants of the jumper and blouse joined the coat down my arms at the elbows.

Suddenly, the scissors appeared again for the 'coup de grass' of removing my bra and unveiling my breasts. The bra was cut at the centre with one swift movement, falling away from my chest and leaving nothing more to the imagination.


Strangely they left the skirt in place as the three lads paused for a few seconds to take in the sight of my naked and very vulnerable chest.

'The bitch doesn't even have any tits,' one of them announced. 'You filthy ugly titless cow. Hold her tight.'

With that, he took his right hand and slapped my tits from right to left and back again hard. 'That will teach you to deceive us like that,' he yelled at me, placing his threatening, angry face right in front of mine.

Suddenly, the grip on my arms loosened, and the clothing that had been resting at my bent elbows was pulled away from my body. My arms were then once again contained in a vice-like grip.

For a third time, the Scissors appeared and slipping between the skirt, and my skin commenced to hack at the fabric until my last piece of covering fell uselessly around my feet. With a quick push, I was once again on the bed while all five men straddled me as my shoes and socks were also removed, leaving me as they wanted - naked.


I don't think I had time to even catch my breath before, despite my continued struggles, I was placed face down on the bed as my arms were brought round to the headboard and quickly bound with tape, to the metal frame.

My buttocks were lifted high so that I was kneeling as I anticipated an assault on my arse hole was next on the list. I was not wrong as Simon once again led the charge by squirting copious amounts of lubricating jelly into the tight opening before quickly and without warning, following with his once again erect penis.

I'm tight in my backside. I might be tall but wearing an eight dress gives some idea of how tight I am. I could feel my arse hole expand to what felt like splitting point as Simon pushed hard in and without mercy. I bellowed like an old cow in pain as his cock opened to what seemed like maximum capacity as he fucked me hard.


His actions turned my abusers on as they encouraged Simon to 'fuck the stupid whore good and hard.'

On the other hand, Simon needed no encouragement as he pounded away, often slapping my exposed backside as hard as possible, causing me extra pain. I fought back real tears as anal sex is always painful for me, and this was especially so.

Not only were my buttocks the targets for some abuse, but Simon reached around and pulled my tits as though he were milking a cow. He drew some laughter as he stated that the 'old cow' was dry.


I was relieved when once again, he had pleasured himself at my expense and pulled out to let the next 'lucky' lad get in. Thankfully before he pushed in, he took time to relubricate my anal passage. Once completed, I was stretched wide again for another session of ass pounding, buttock spanking and tit pulling.

The pace and vigour of the five young men were relentless as they enjoyed every moment of my discomfort and pain as my ass was stretched to its limit while I whimpered bound as I was to the headboard.


As the last one pulled out, my knees slipped down the bed, and I lay panting hard, feeling the stinging sensation in my breasts and buttocks from the brutal pounding they had endured.

I was delighted when my assailants unbound my wrists by cutting the tape.

I was hoiked off the bed and slammed onto the carpet with some force in a kneeling position.

'Your arse was a stinking mess,' someone said. 'Look at our cocks. They are filthy. You had better clean them up.'

'With your mouth and tongue,' another added darkly to ensure I was not thinking of cleaning them in any other way.

This time Simon did not lead the way but watched smiling with satisfaction as the first of his pals pushed his manhood towards my face.

'Remember, I want to see that tongue out and working hard on us,' Simon observed, 'or else!'

I knew I had no choice. I had agreed to fulfil this fantasy, I had no intention of turning yellow and backing out. On the contrary, I wanted to keep my hard-earned reputation as a slut who could take anything.

I opened my mouth and slipped the first of the five cocks inside, ensuring I gave it plenty of work with my mouth and then ensured my tongue was seen working his semi-rigid shaft as if I were licking and ice cream.


Ass to mouth was only something I had learned about a couple of months before, so I was still relatively inexperienced at getting it right. It had taken me a while before being prepared to take on such a challenge. It was not something I could practice daily to get it right. I had, however, discovered what I considered was a unique way to see if I could fulfil this fantasy of many guys. Now was I ever glad for those nights in my University room practising with a Dildo.


To finish, I pulled the foreskin back and stuck my tongue out to caress his most sensitive nob. I felt him almost instantaneously become rock hard as I did so. I was about to give a blow job when Simon intervened, 'That's enough,' he barked, 'That's for later slut!'

I worked with each of the guys similarly, whilst those not receiving the attention at the time enjoyed using a belt to occasionally give semi-hard cracks against my back to remind me of my position and predicament.

At last, it was time for the last one, and Simon stepped up, but before doing so, he positioned me so that he could stick his finger deep into my anus with the hope of it coming out rather dirty.

He still made me clean up his fingers before commencing on his dick, becoming increasingly more erect. I suddenly realised why Simon had decided to go last. He stood over me as a smile of total contentment slowly came over his face as I worked his now hard, large and erect cock with my mouth and tongue, ensuring the 'nob' received a good working over.

The others watching were becoming more than a little jealous as the use of the belt across my bare back increased in both intensity and ferocity.

Finally, Simon grabbed my hair and pulling my face tightly against his balls so that his cock pushed deep inside my mouth, he climaxed, firing his load almost straight down my throat. I gagged as he held me tightly in place, enjoying both his pleasure and my discomfort.


After he pulled out, I was allowed to lay on the bed for only a couple of minutes as two of the men left the room. In the distance, I could hear running water, and I guessed what that might mean. It did not take long to discover that I was right.

One of the young men grabbed my hair. I was forcibly pulled off the bed and out of the bedroom. I stumbled and fell, only for my hair to be pulled again like a rope to lead me in the direction the guys wanted me to go. As I walked like a dog on all fours into the bathroom, someone kicked my bare backside hard as an encouragement to hurry up.

Once inside, I had to look into the bath, which was rapidly filling with cold water.

'You need a good wash bitch; this will help. Get in.'

I hesitated as I watched the water nearing the top, and as I did so, my head was pushing into the water so that my face was submerged. The water was indeed cold to my face, which still stung from the slaps it had taken.

For the first time, as I held my breath, I wondered why I had been willing to take part in this event. It was a bit rougher than I was expecting. As they lifted my head out, I took a quick deep breath before it went under again. My only consolation was that I knew my willingness to cooperate brought a lot of pleasure to Simon and his friends.


My head was yanked out by the hair, and as the motion continued in an upward direction, I had no alternative but to follow and stand up.

The men grabbed me in any way and place that I could be, and in a second, I was lifted and dropped into the cold water. The shock once again made me cry out as I was immersed.

It was only now that I realised just how much the five guys must have rehearsed every detail of my ordeal, for one suddenly appeared through the door wearing a pair of wellington boots. He placed one foot over the bath and, with the help of the other guys holding me with their hands, pushed my head under the water with his foot. As I came up, I gasped for air and shivered at the same time before being forced under the water.

This happened on about five occasions before the next shock turned up.

I gasped and shivered once I was allowed to hold my head above the water. It was then I observed what was brought into the bathroom. Two of the guys were carrying two large bags of ice each. I did not need to be told what was to happen next. The bags were cut open, and the contents deposited into the water around me.

The water went from very cold to freezing almost immediately, and I began to shiver even more.

'Do you want out, you dirty whore?' I was asked.

'Yyyesss pp please,' I shivered.

'Ask us properly, you filthy stinking slut,' I was ordered.

'Please,' I begged, trying to gain enough breath to speak, 'Please, can I get out.'


'We will think about it for a while,' they replied as all five young men stood with arms crossed, watching me shiver and squirm in the freezing water.

'Okay,' Simon ordered, 'Let her out.' He paused then added, 'but let the water drain first.'

The baths plug was removed, and the water began to slowly drain away, but all too slowly for my liking. Once all that was left in the tub was me and the ice cubes, I was allowed out, which I had no hesitation in doing.

As I climbed out, one of the guys exploded, 'Look at her tits!'

Every eye, including mine, turned to my wholly inadequate breasts and my nipples. They were standing erect and hard. This was an unfortunate occurrence that I have had to contend with since puberty. Whenever I go into cold water of any sort, my nipples become almost instantly erect.


This sudden turn of events seemed to catch my kidnappers off guard. They had not expected this but soon decided to use the unexpected opportunity to their advantage and my acute and painful embarrassment.

'Quick,' Simon ordered, 'do we have any clothes pegs in the house?'

'What for?'

'Don't ask questions, just find some.'

'They are under the sink,' the guy whose rented house we were using answered as he hot-footed it down the stairs to find them.

'Tie the bitch up again on the bed face up and legs apart,' Simon ordered, as I was quickly marched back to the bedroom.

My hands were bound together in front of me, pulled back over my head, and secured to the headboard. At the same time, my feet were pulled apart and bound at the ankles to the corners of the bed.

Once I was as Simon wanted, he took two clothes pegs from his assistant and showed them to me, saying, 'Guess where these are going?'

I already knew.

'What are you going to do with them,' one of the others enquired.

'Clip them on those erect nipples,' Simon explained. 'When nipples are cold and erect like that, they are very tender, and this will be incredibly painful for the bitch. On the other hand, it will give us a lot of pleasure to watch her.'


'Not as much as if you used my little crocodile clips from my air pump in the car.' The one whose house we were in answered.

'Do you have some?' Simon asked almost ecstatically.


'Then go and get them.'

While he went off again, I lay still wet and very cold and wondered if the young men were serious about using crocodile clips on one of my most intimate areas. However, I did not have long to wait.

'Here,' the young mad said, handing a long lead to Simon that had two nasty looking clips at the end, 'Will this do?'

Simon never said anything; he just smiled as he stood over me holding the cruel clips.

'Please no, not that?' I begged half-serious but also half wanting to see if I could cope should they be used. I was sure, however, these were being used to scare me and cause a reaction.

'I can't cope with her pleading,' Simon responded, 'Tape up her filthy mouth.'

Once I was silenced, Simon made towards my breasts with the metal clips. I played my part, straining on my bonds and squeaking through the tape covering my mouth. My eyes became big as I stared at the clips. Finally, to my great relief, Simon pulled back.

'Get some ice,' he ordered, 'and work it over her tits to get them hard again. They are starting to soften.

As my breasts received the attention of the ice from two of the other guys, Simon spoke.

'Your choice slut. You can wear these here,' he said, lowering the clips towards my breasts, 'or here.' He lightly touched my pussy with the ends.


I shrieked and shook my head at the second option.

'Tits it is then!'

I wriggled and shook my head, causing one of the guys to drop the ice he was using. I could feel and see that my nipples were solid, hard, cold and sitting proud and invitingly for some sort of torture once again.

Simon sat on the bed and brought the clips closer to my all to erect nipples.

'You're not going to do that are you?' one of his friends said.

'The clips came closer as I recoiled away, my eyes wide open.

He opened a clip and brought it down over my nipple. I squeaked again.

Slowly he let the clip close with my nipple between its mean-looking jaws. I could feel the pain increasing as he allowed the clips to place more pressure on my nipples.

Suddenly it felt as though a knife had speared my breast as my nipple took the full force of the clip. I bounced around and shook violently, groaning through the tape gag. To that point, I could not ever remember pain like it.

As others held me still, Simon performed the same operation on my other nipple with the same effect. His friends, clearly put out that he seemed to have more than the lions share of fun, decided to join in. They took a handful of clothes pegs and proceeded, with the help of one straddling my stomach to hold me still, to place them around my clit.


The pain was raw but also strangely electric and even, to me, provocative.

All five stood circling the bed, looking down at me like hungry vultures, as I moaned, groaned, wriggled and bounced around in pain. They were enjoying my great discomfort.

After less than a minute, Simon sprang into action and quickly but carefully removed the cruel implements on my nipples. My relief was immense as I let out a huge breath through my nose, causing snot bubbles caused by the water in the bath to burst over my mouth.

I was incredibly embarrassed by this very unladylike happening. However, I realised that I had been holding my breath all the time the clamps had been attached. Now I was gasping for breath through my rather sticky and messy nostrils.

'Leave those on her pussy a little longer,' Simon suggested, 'they will not harm her.'

Now I had the strange and excruciating sensation of blood rushing into my still cold but painful nipples. It was surreal as if a lava flow was coursing through my veins and releasing all its heat in just two places. Again I moaned, not caring if the guys thought it was in pleasure or pain.

I could also feel the pegs around my cunt lips and noticed that the lads seemed to immensely enjoy the sight of my pegged and natural hairy pussy. To me, it felt like the pegs were tightening every second as shafts of pain, like lightning, flashed through my body from that area.


Leaving me bound and spread, the five young and daring students left the room, and I heard them disappear downstairs. A few minutes later, they reappeared once again to view their captive hostage in all her shame.

They had brought their lunches and enjoyed eating sausage rolls, sandwiches and a variety of crisps and other things while enjoying the display of me writhing in pain from my swelling nipples and my pegged clit. They never offered me a sausage!

At last, one of them took mercy or became bored and removed the pegs to allow me to relax a little. I was once again so relieved although, I confess now that I was getting excited by the strange feelings of pain issuing from that intimate area.

For a second time that day, I was untied and pulled by my hair into the bathroom.

'Shove her head down the loo,' Simon commanded in that authoritarian way to which I was becoming accustomed. Even before I had a chance to think of how to retaliate, I was grappled in such a way that I found myself within seconds head first down the toilet and feeling the cold water from a flushed system filling the pan, my nose, mouth and ears. I tried to take a breath but just received a mouthful of water.

'She looks great and in just the perfect position for a slut like her. Head in the bog and arse in the air. I could fuck her just like that.' One said to no one in particular.

'Go ahead,' Simon suggested, 'she has two holes exposed for you,' he added as he flushed the toilet again, and my face and head received yet another torrent of water.


I could feel someone rubbing something, I presumed lubricating jelly, around my bum, and I knew that was the choice orifice to receive a pounding as I remained bent in this most embarrassing of positions.

I felt a little pressure and then a sudden hard push as hard, erect, and thick cock forced its way through my protesting bum hole and deep into my rectum. The fact that my head was held in such a tight space only seemed to spur everyone on in their efforts to thoroughly use and abuse me.

As soon as the cistern filled, it flushed, and as I panted under the burden of the deep and violent penetration of my bum, I swallowed more water each time the flush came.

I was taken unaware when suddenly, as one pounded my arse hole, another decided to force his fist up my cunt. Any man who has used pussy will tell you that it is tight, and fisting has been tried on several occasions and always met with failure. This attempt was painful to me and did not allow the full access that the hand's owner was wanting.

One after another took turns to fuck either pussy or bum, each time ensuring my head received the constant attention of the toilet flusher. I was coughing, spluttering and gasping as time after time, my pussy or arse was filled with rock hard manhood.









Finally, the pounding ceased, and I was pulled cold, wet and panting from the cistern. I was mightily relieved but very sore below and feeling bruised around my head.

'Do you think we should piss over the whore?' Simon inquired, looking around, 'After all that fucking I need a slash.'

'Yes,' his friends echoed back almost in a synchronised chorus.

'Right, get into the bath with your mouth open, you dirty little cunt!'

'But,' I tried to argue.

'No buts, just orders you obey slut.'

'But,' I interjected again.

'Right that does it,' Simon exploded, 'time to cane her.'

In no time, a mean-looking flexible piece of willow appeared.

'Take her into the bedroom and hold her face down on the bed.'

Once I was in position, one sat across my shoulders while two held my legs. I didn't even have time to prepare before hearing the swish of the willow followed by a sharp crack. Then a pain from my bum that seared through my already sore body. 'Swish,' another thwack and further pain.

'They say the thighs are exceptionally sore,' one of the guys helpfully suggested.

'Do you want to see?' I heard Simon reply as he handed the speaker his whip.

A swish was followed by another electrifying pain, this time from the back of my thighs. Again, I screamed out from under the legs of the one straddling me.


'This must really be hurting the bitch.' One stated.

'I'm sure it is,' Simon responded, 'let's ask her?'

'Slut, is this painful?'

'YES!' I Called back.

'Good, at least now we know.

'We stop when you're ready to take our piss like a good whore.

I felt two more quick sharp, and exceedingly painful cracks between bum and thighs before crying, 'Okay, enough, I'll do it.'

I was immediately dragged by my hair back to the bathroom and lifted into the bath. Cocks were pointed at me. It was like standing in front of a five-man firing squad, except it would be pee and not bullets coming in my direction.

'Keep that dirty mouth open bitch,' I was commanded.

I did. I did not fancy the willow whip again.


The torrent of warm yellow liquid from five cocks hit me across my head and chest. It stuck my eyes as they aimed their fire mainly in the direction of my open mouth, using me as a urinal.

Within a minute, I was a smelly stinking mess as the contents of five golden showers washed through my auburn hair down my body.

'Now what do we do?' One of the guys asked Simon, 'We have done everything we planned?'

Simon never even thought about his answer before replying, 'Now it's a free for all. Take the whore in any way you can, in any place you want, in any hole you desire, for as long as you need. Just wash her down first.' Simon paused theatrically before adding, 'In cold water!'


The shower above the bath was turned on and set on 'cold' then held over me. I shivered as its first drops of cold water fell upon my glistening skin. The spray ran over my head, causing it to ache with the pain of the cold.

The showerhead moved across my body, pausing at certain sensitive places for an extra wash. I had to stand up and put my hands behind my head. I did as I was ordered as the shower with its cold stream moved between my legs.

The spray seemed to be held there a long time as I started to do a little dance in response to the constant cold shower around my already well-used pussy.

Once they had tired of this, I was ordered out of the bath and, thankfully, given a towel to dry myself off.

I then was dragged around the house into room after room and used as a general fucktoy. I was taken in every hole, and in every place, in the house, you could imagine as they guys got their fill of their victim.

I was bound, released and rebound more often than I can even remember as each wanted to have access to my naked, trembling body in different ways. I became sorer between my legs with every penetration, and my tits felt as though they were swollen to twice their size as they were slapped, pulled and pummeled during the sex sessions with each guy.












As best I could, I still tried to maintain the role of unwilling kidnap victim by suddenly attempting to fight the guys off and free myself. Unfortunately, the uneven numbers always thwarted my efforts. They usually resulted in a spanking or slapping of some kind as a punishment for resisting!

Finally, as darkness began to fall, all five of my fellow students seemed to have had their fill and appeared nearly as exhausted as I was.

'Please,' I begged, still trying to play my part of the fantasy, 'Will you let me go home now?'

'We might as long as today's little event remains a secret,' I was informed.

'Oh, it will, it will,' I promised faithfully.

'Because if not, you will get more of this,' Simon replied, showing me the willow cane.

'Please, I don't want any more of that; I just want to go home.'

'Okay, we will take you home now.'


I was bundled, still naked, back into the car, leaving the guy who rented the house behind.

We set off out of his garage and away from the built-up area. As I wondered where I was being driven, a blindfold appeared and was quickly placed over my head. The car motored on towards its unknown destination; the men on either side of me kept themselves entertained by continually running their hands over my well-violated body.

Eventually, the car stopped, and the rear door opened as one of the guys got out.

'You're home,' Simon called from the driver's seat, 'Well near enough.'

I was helped out of the car, feeling the roughened ground under my bare feet.

'Do not dare to remove the blindfold for fifteen seconds after we drive away; otherwise, we will come back and use that willow twenty times right across your pathetic tits. Understand?'

I did! Fully!

I listened as the car quickly accelerated away without any idea of where I was. I counted to the required number before removing my blindfold. I expected to see a bag lying next to me that I had given the guys before the encounter. It contained my spare clothes for wearing afterwards. There was nothing there.


I was on a narrow country lane next to a farm gate without a soul or house in sight. I suddenly realised this was from where I had been kidnapped many hours previously.

In the gloom, as I looked around, I could see a prominent white notice tied to the gate and written in bold capitals. 'If you're embarrassed, climb over here and hide behind the hedge.' I required no second bidding.

Feelings of panic started to creep into my mind. Here I was miles from the university with night rapidly descending and naked from head to foot. I tried to gather my thoughts about what to do next, but the sound of an approaching car made me duck in deep behind the hedge. My mouth went dry as the headlights lit up the area I was in through the leaves before it passed on its way.


Again a pause. A time to contemplate my very awkward position. This had never been discussed or planned in the days leading up to what had already happened.

Another car approached as I crouched down even lower, hoping its lights would not pick me out in my hiding place. My heart pounded within my chest as the car slowed and came to a stop next to the gate over which I had vaulted a few minutes earlier.

I heard a door open and, in the dimness, saw a figure lean over the gate.

'Pooja, are you there?' It was a woman's voice. 'It's Sharon.'

Was I ever releaded to hear her voice that dark lonely night?

I jumped up so fast from my hiding place that she jumped back in surprise. I ran the few meters to the gate, not caring about the uneven ground or possible thistles and nettles that might be underfoot.

'What are you doing here?' I enquired.

'I've come to pick you up. Is that okay, or would you prefer to stay?'

I vaulted the gate and jumped into the front seat of her car with the speed of a cheetah.

'Do you have some clothes?' I enquired.

'Yes, of course. I'm wearing them.'

'I mean for me.'

'Yes, they are on the back seat.'

I grabbed the bag and pulled my clothes out as Sharon started to move off. I was so relieved.

Once I was modest, I enquired about where we were going as we were not heading in the usual direction of the University Campus.

'Macdonalds. I thought you'd be hungry.'

I was. I was ravenous. I had not been allowed to eat anything but cock all day.



As we were going inside, I was startled to see Simon and his friends already seated.

'This is on us,' Simon stated with a smile, 'You can have anything you like. No cost too great. It's our way of saying a little 'thank you' for the big thrill you gave us all day.'

I enjoyed that visit to Macdonalds even more than usual. It's always lovely when someone else pays. Mind you; I thought Simon and his mates did get the better end of the bargain. I had a sore backside, cunt, arse hole and tits for the next week!


Story - 2

It started off as an innocent conversation about things we find sexy. How it ended up is epic.

Pooja and I were lying in bed after sex one night, talking about all the things we'd done and all the things we'd like to do when it dawned on me that I had never "taken advantage" of a drunken woman before.

"So, you know how you always hear about girls that go to parties and get too drunk and wake up in the morning and can't remember what happened? But it was obvious that they had had sex?" I asked Pooja.

"Yeah, I guess so."


"Well, I've never done that. Taken advantage of an unconscious woman before. Has that ever happened to you?"

"No, not really. A guy tried to take advantage of me when I was drunk once, but I managed to fend him off. Might have gone differently if I'd have passed out. Why? Do you think that's sexy?"

Thinking a moment, I realized that I did. "Yeah, I think it would be hot to get you passed out drunk and then take advantage of your being unconscious. Just use you and play with you and do whatever I wanted."

"Wow! That's kinda hot! I'd do that! What kinds of things would you do to me?"

"Hmmm, I think I'd strip you down and spread your legs so I could look and touch and taste your pussy. Then I'd fuck you really hard and maybe even fuck your tight ass."

I could see that the thought was getting to her as she pinched a nipple and pushed a hand between her legs. "Ok, let's do that this weekend!"

Thinking about it for a second, I formulated a plan. "Hmmm, I have a better idea. Let's kill two birds with one stone."

Frowning, she asked, "What do you mean?"

"Well, remember how you liked it last year when I got those two guys to help me fuck you?"

"O God yes! That was awesome!"


"Well, what if you were to pass out and be taken advantage of by more than just me? What if you were used by a few of us?"

A look of desire and fear crossed her face. "Do you think that would be safe?" Having me incapacitated with other men there?"

"Sure," I replied, "I'd be there and I'd hand pick the guys and tell them the score. It wouldn't be any different than a gang bang. We'd start out slow and work you up to being passed out, so you'd have fun all night. Then after you were out, we'd have OUR fun with you! Whadda say?"

I was nervous as I looked at her thinking about the possibilities. I suddenly wanted to do this in the worst way!

"Ok, let's go for it!" That's my girl!

During the next week, I sent some emails on a few guys on Adult Friend Finder. We had done a lot with other men and couples, so I was familiar and confidant in quickly finding the right guys. Sure enough, buy Friday, I had chosen two men, Danny and Sunny . The first was a 25 year old 6' good looking blonde who's stats said he had a nice sized cock. Sunny was 28, 5' 11" and had a longer, thinner cock than Danny. Both were nice and more than willing to help out. We made plans for the following night to meet up at a pub in Rapid City to have some fun.

"Well, how do I look?" Pooja came out of the bathroom of our room at our favorite hotel. She looked like sex on wheels in a tight lacey top and a short flirty skirt. Her long legs bare and her feet in sexy shot heels.


"Wow, you look great! Maybe we'll stay here and I'll have you all to myself tonight."

"Oh no you don't. You got me all worked up this week, teasing me and giving me hints about the things you guys are going to do to me. You'll get your turn, don't worry."

I kissed her and ran my hands up her thigh under her skirt to find to my pleasant surprise, that she didn't have any panties one. "I figured that they would just get in the way." She said.

Arriving at the pub a bit early, we sat down at a booth and ordered Pooja a drink. I was sticking to soda tonight to keep things safe. Pooja looked around nervously until Danny and Sunny both walked in almost at the same time. I caught their eye and motioned them over. Introductions all around and they sat down. Pooja was quiet and shy and I began to worry. I didn't need to.

After a short time, we all started to get comfortable. Pooja became chipper and sexy and excited, flirting with us guys, but paying most of her attention to the newcomers. She knew that I'd rather watch and enjoy the show at this stage, checking in with me from time to time to gauge how hot it was making me.


She was sitting in the booth with Danny on one side and Sunny on the other. It was obvious to me that Pooja was warming up to them, by the way she would giggle and flirt and touch them. First on the arms, leaning in to listen to something...then moving her hands to touch their legs. It wasn't long before her hands strayed to their groins, checking out the already hard bulges through their pants.

The evening went on like that with Pooja drinking a little and getting hornier. She would take turns going out to dance with Danny or Sunny, leaving the other to talk to me about how hot she was and repeatedly thank me for letting them be a part of the night. The later it got, the closer and more daring things got on the dance floor. She would grind on their legs and let them feel her ass and cup her breasts when no one else was looking. Between dances, she was getting bolder at the table. Luckily we were in a darker corner and no one much was paying attention.


I could tell that the guys were running their hands up her bare thighs and under her short skirt. It only takes a brief touch to make her cum when she's this turned on and I counted at least 4 orgasms from one of them touching her wet pussy while she stole kisses from the other.

I figured that it was time to go back to the hotel before we got thrown out for causing a scene, so I suggested that we take things back to our room. We had met at our favorite bar, which was across town from our hotel, so I suggested we all ride together and the guys could catch a ride back for their cars later. Everyone thought that was a great idea, so we all rose and headed out. Pooja had had a bit to drink, but she was far from drunk yet. Regardless, I suspect that she leaned on the guys a bit more than she needed as we walked her to the car. At the car, she leaned against my chest and grabbed my cock through my jeans, whispering in my ear, "Well, I can see that this is making you hot, are you sure that you want to go through with this? Now's your chance to call it a night."

Slipping my hand up under her skirt and fingering her bare soaking wet pussy I told her, "Not on your life, sweetheart. We're going to use you like a whore all night." With a gasp from both my words and fingering, she closed her eyes. I quickly withdrew my fingers from her sopping sex and unlocked the car doors. Pooja opened the rear door and motioned for Danny to come to her and she grabbed him by the ass, planted a deep kiss on his mouth as she rubbed his bulge. Stepping back a half step, she said, "My, this looks like it is uncomfortable. Let's fix that." Bending at the waist she treated us all with a great view as she and unzipped his pants, reaching in and fishing his throbbing hard cock out. Fisting it for a second with a dreamy smile on her face, she leaned down and gave his cock a slow lick before standing up and motioning Danny to get in.


"Scoot over," she said, "we're all riding in the back."

Turning to Sunny, she repeated the ritual, licking a drop of pre cum off of his cock before turning and getting into the car, pulling Sunny behind her. Once we were all in, I adjusted the rear view mirror so that I could somewhat watch the scene in the back as I drove us across town. I could tell that the guys had their hands all over her, under her skirt and under her shirt. She leaned forward and pulled her shirt off, reaching back and unstrapping her bra so that they could get a better feel. She settled back and I could tell that she had a cock in each hand as she kissed one and then the other man that was groping her body.

After a few minutes, she turned on the seat and put her head down in Danny's lap, obviously taking his cock in her mouth. I know how good she sucks cock and I could just imagine how it felt as she wasted no time swallowing Danny's entire shaft. This position of course, put her just right for Sunny to flip her skirt up and play with her ass and wet pussy. She moaned around Danny's shaft as she bobbed her head up and down. With an audible pop, she pulled her lips off of him and sat up.


"Ok, boys, I want you both to cum for me right now, so we can relax and enjoy the night." With that, she dived back down and redoubled her efforts. It only took a minute or two of her deep throat technique to send him over the edge. He groaned and threw his head back pumping his cum into her hungry mouth. I knew from experience that she wouldn't waste a drop, as she sucked him dry. After a bit, she sat up, wiping her cheek and turning to face me in the mirror, she opened her mouth to show me the pool of cum there before swallowing it all and licking her lips.

About that time, we arrived at the hotel parking garage and I shut off the car. You could almost feel the frustration from Sunny as he sat there waiting for his turn. Smiling at him, she said, "Don't worry hon, I'll take care of you too. Let's go."

While she slipped her shirt back over her head, leaving her bra somewhere in the car, the guys put their cocks away, Sunny with some difficulty. We all got out and adjusted our clothes. Taking Sunny by the hand, Pooja led him to the parking garage elevator. Waiting for the car to come, she reached behind her and flipped her skirt up over her bare ass and backed it into Sunny's groin. She grabbed his hips and ground herself against him until the doors opened. As she stepped into the elevator, I noticed a wet spot on his jeans from one or both of them.

When we had all gotten in, Pooja pushed Sunny against a wall and said, "Don't hit the button yet." Dropping to her knees, she stared into his eyes as she fished his throbbing cock out again. With a smile, she took it and licked it from top to bottom, sucking on the tip each time. Wasting no more time, she quickly got him wet and took his entire length into her mouth, gagging a little at the end. She then got to work! Sucking and pumping and moaning, all the while staring into his eyes. We could see the wet flesh disappear between her lips and hear the slurp of her sucking mouth on him. Grabbing his ass, she encouraged him to fuck her mouth deeper as she strove to suck the cum out of his cock. As she rocked back and forth on her knees, we could see little glimpses of her ass and just a hint of wet pussy. I noticed that her ankles were wet from where her pussy had momentarily rested against them and coated them with her running juices.


Faster and faster she fucked Sunny with her mouth, sucking and moaning. I could tell that she was close to cumming herself. With a gasp, Sunny grabbed her head and thrust his cock deep into her mouth and proceeded to pump shot after shot of cum down her throat. I could see her struggling to keep up with it as she swallowed instinctively. As he finally slowed down and let go of her head, Pooja slowly moved her mouth back and forth, milking him dry. With a pop, she let him fall from between her lips and licked a stray drop of cum from her chin.

We helped her up just as the doors opened and a family of 4 shuffled in, arguing about who was going to sleep where. Pooja wound up in a corner with the handsome dad. While his wife argued with the kids, Pooja smiled sexily at the husband and scooped a stray drop of cum into her mouth with a manicured finger. Luckily, the lif stopped at their floor and they all got out without a break in mom's tirade. Dad, kept stealing glances at Pooja, who continued to hold his eye till the doors closed again.

The walk down the hall to our room was long. You could feel the tension in the air. Pooja strode ahead of us raising her skirt up over her hips so that we could watch her naked flesh wiggle. At the door, she stooped and kicked off her shoes, bending down to give us a good glimpse of her naked wet pussy as a trickle of her juices slowly ran down the inside of her right thigh. Unzipping her short skirt, she let it pool at her feet right there in the hall and stepped out of it just as I got the door open.

Once inside, Pooja excused herself while I poured drinks for the guys. She reemerged from the bathroom with a tight knit top that barely covered her pussy...and nothing else. Crawling up on the bed, she stretched out and slid her hand between her legs, slowly playing with her pussy. "Ok boys, I'm feeling a bit over dressed here. I think it's time you all shed your clothes!"


Sunny and Danny wasted no time getting naked. The walk down the hall and seeing Pooja playing with herself had a rejuvenating effect on them. I noticed that both of their cocks were already hard again.

"Alright," I said, "here are the rules. For the next hour, Pooja gets to have anything she wants from any of us. However...each time she cums, she has to take a shot!" I held up a bottle of her favorite cinnamon whiskey. "To start things off, I say she has one now!" I poured a healthy slug into a glass and handed it to her, watching her drink it off. I know it won't be long and she'd be drunk. "We go until she finishes the bottle, or until she passes out. After that, it's our turn to take over."

The guys grinned at each other, thinking of what they each planned to do. "Honey, what do you want first?"

With a sexy smile, Pooja rolled onto her back. "First, I want someone to eat my pussy! Then I want to be done doggy style wile I suck a cock. You can all take turns. Since you came once in my mouth already, I want you to all to fill my pussy with cum this time and let me lick you clean of my juices and your combined cum! THEN...I want you to use the slippery cum to take turns fucking my tight ass and pussy. I want to be double...no, triple fucked! One in my pussy, one in my ass, and one in my mouth!" While saying all this, she demonstrated by touching and caressing herself.

Sunny quickly dove between her legs and locked his mouth on her soaked pussy, getting a yelp and a load moan from her. I grabbed her hands, extended them above her head and straddled them. This put me at the perfect place to lean forward and slip my cock between her lips. As I slowly fucked in and out of her mouth, I could see her struggling to not cum. But Sunny was obviously good at this job and Daren had pulled her top off and had latched onto a nipple with his mouth. She quickly stiffened up groaned through an orgasm. When she came, I forced my entire length in her mouth and down her sucking throat...a trick that I had learned long ago to make her cum harder. As she relaxed, I pulled out and handed her the drink that Danny had ready. It looked to be a bit more than a shot, but I didn't say anything and she downed it in one long gulp.


We then switched places and Danny tried out his oral skills while Sunny kneeled at her head and feed his cock into her mouth. It took no more than two minutes and she was cumming again! Danny continued to pump in and out of her mouth until I handed her the glass of whiskey. Again she downed it. I could see her starting to get clumsy, so I encouraged the guys to speed things up. Rolling her over onto her knees, I rammed my cock into her sopping pussy while the guys knelt at her head and enjoyed being sucked off back and forth. If she took too long with one, the other would grab her hair and force her mouth down on his cock. She came again! And we switched places, forcing a drink down her now well fucked throat. Again and again, we took turns fucking her slutty mouth and her wet pussy. It never took more than a minute or two to make her cum and force her to take another drink. She began to struggle and act like a reluctant prom date and we got rougher and more insistent. I knew it was all part of her fantasy.



After we had all taken our turn at her pussy, I directed Danny to lie down on his back. Grabbing her roughly, Sunny and I positioned her on top of Danny and forcer her down on his cock. He grabbed her breasts and started pumping into her from underneath. This seemed to revive her a bit and she started bouncing up and down on his thick cock. Looking over her shoulder at us, she growled, "well, what are you waiting for? I need a cock in my ass and another in my mouth!"


With a nod, I indicated that Sunny should mount her tight ass with his long cock. Smearing the slippery juices that already coated her lower half around, he slipped a finger into her ass and began to slowly move it in and out. Of course she immediately came. Standing ready, I put the bottle to her lips and forced a long drink into her. The bottle was almost gone and I knew she would be passed out soon. About then she squealed and I looked down to see that Sunny had slipped a second finger in her ass and start rotating them around. He did this for maybe ten seconds and then moved up to straddle Dannys thighs. Everyone stopped moving as he placed the slick head of his cock against Pooja's ass and start to slowly work it into her. With a shudder and squeal, Pooja came again and I gave her the last of the whiskey.


The two men soon found a rhythm. Sometimes they would fuck in at the same time, sometimes they would alternate. Faster and faster they moved, pistoning in and out of her. I stood up on the bed and moved to her face. Grabbing her hair and pulling her head back, she looked up at me and smiled, her eyes slightly unfocused. Opening her mouth she leaned forward and engulfed my cock. I met the two others stroke for stroke as I rudely fucked her mouth. She was cumming almost constantly now and I could tell the guys weren't far behind.


About then, Sunny gave into her tight clenching ass and thrusting all the way to his heavy balls, he held himself in her ass as he pumped a ton of hot cum inside her. This was all it took to trigger Danny, who grabbed her around the waste and thrust up into her, filling her pussy with cum! I was only a few seconds behind him as I pulled my cock out and ordered her to stick out her tongue. She complied and I squirted load after load of my cum into her mouth and across her lips.


Slowly, she stopped moaning and cumming and we rolled her over on her back. Both Danny and Sunny's cocks popped out of her with an audible sound. Sunny stumbled into the bathroom to wash off, while Danny moved to Pooja's head and guided his cock into her mouth ordering her to suck and lick the cum off of him, which she did...barley before flopping back down and going still.


"Well, I think we did it. I think she's finally out." I said to Danny.

"Yep, I think you're right! Man, what a great fuck! You are the luckiest man alive!"

I chuckled, "Danny, you haven't seen anything yet."

"Well boys, what's next?" The three of us stood at the foot of the bed looking at Pooja. She was obviously passed out and well fucked. We had rolled her over and spread her legs wide so we could watch fascinated as about a quart of cum trickled out of her well fucked ass and pussy, puddling on the bed.

"I for one need a break." Danny said and Sunny nodded agreement.

"Maybe it's time to make the calls." Both men went to find their phones and soon I could hear them talking on them. I did the same and then sat down on a chair to wait. Shortly, there was a knock at the door and I went to answer it, not bothering to cover up.

Opening the door, I saw several men standing there with a number of others walking down the hall. "Come on in boys, you're at the right place!" Stepping aside, the newcomers filed into the room, each greeting either Danny, Sunny or I. You could hear gasps and exclamations form the new guests as they spotted Pooja lying on the bed oozing cum. "Holy shit Sunny!" one of them said, "You weren't kidding! I thought you were full of shit!"


What Pooja didn't know is that I was about to make another of her fantasies come true. Ever since our first foursome, she had been wanting to have a gang bang with around ten men that would use her body for their pleasure and filling her with hot cum. Tonight was the night. She desperately wanted to go through with it, but every time we started planning it, she would get scared and chicken out, regretting it later. Well now she couldn't chicken out. I had convinced both Sunny and Danny to recruit two other friends to help us out. Additionally, I had asked two of the other men that had responded to the ad to join in.

"Ok everybody, thanks for coming! You're going to make a sexy girl very happy! Let's go over the rules again. Nothing rough, leave no marks and play ends when I say she's had enough. Other than that, you can have her anyway you want her as long as you're careful. You can cum on her or in her wherever you want. I will be circulating and videotaping everything for her to see later, so put on a good show. Everyone will have as many chances as he wants, so no fighting. Enjoy!"

With that, the ten men ripped off their clothes and began what was to be a good solid two hours of constant fucking and fun.

Faces became a blur as the men crowed around. Ten pairs of hands caressed and fondled and probed Pooja's sleeping form. Her nipples were played with, her breasts were squeezed. Men caressed her legs and feet. It didn't take long for someone to get the guts to dip his fingers in her cummy pussy. That seemed to break the spell.

From that moment on, they were all over her. Multiple fingers in her pussy, dipping in her cum filled ass. Cocks were rubbed on her face and thrust between her lips, while others waited their turn at the slutty little passed out girl.

I instructed them to pull her to the edge of the bed and start fucking her pussy while her legs were held spread and up in the air. The first guy approached and rubbed his fat cock along her slippery pussy a few times before thrusting it in and beginning to fuck her unconscious body. I reminded them that she wasn't going to be getting off...at least not till she watched the video, so they should just take their pleasure and not try to hold out. Once I said that, the man in her pussy began to thrust as hard and fast as he could and quickly buried himself to the hilt, filling her with his seed.



I got down low for a good vantage point and filmed his cock pulling out of her slick pussy. When it came free, a huge flood of milky white cum squirted out. I only had a few seconds to stare at it until the next man in line stepped up and rammed his cock into her used pussy. Fucking her hard and fast, the last mans' cum kept oozing out around his cock and running down her ass. Then he came, thrusting into her hard, holding himself there while he emptied himself inside her. The scene was the same when he pulled out. Cum gushed out of her and pooled by her ass. I caught it all on video.


One by one, each of the ten including our friends Danny and Sunny took turns fucking her well used pussy. I noticed that the men were moving from her pussy to her face afterwards. They would slide their cocks into her mouth and rub them all over her face and neck, wiping the combined cum from her pussy in her hair to clean themselves off.



Finally, they had all taken a turn at her. By this time, the first guys were horny again. We decided that we would use her ass in the same way. Propping her up on her knees with a pillow under her hips, we positioned her head at the edge of the bed. The first man scooped up the puddle of cum off the bed and used it to lubricate her sexy ass, dipping one, two than three fingers in her, getting her ready for us. One by one, they took turns again. A man would gently fuck her willing mouth while another fucked her tight ass until he buried himself to the hilt and unloaded his cum in her. As that man would pull out to go wash, another would immediately take his place and ram his cock into her ass, cum oozing out around him. Over and over she was used until everyone had had a turn.



After that, a couple of them were spent and decided to get dressed and leave, but the rest were up for another round. This time, someone would lay down and we would maneuver Pooja onto his chest her back to him. We'd all help spread her legs so he could penetrate her ass from below while another would get up and fuck her runny pussy. I never missed a second of the action, paying special attention to all the mess that dribbled and squirted out of her. A few of them were impatient, so they stood next to the bed grabbing her ass and her breasts and jacking themselves off until they came in big wet spurts across her chest or her neck or tummy.

Finally, the last man had cum for the last time. It had been over two hours! Some of the young studs had come three or more times in her or on her. I thanked each of them and ushered them all out. But not before getting a promise from them that they would come back some day for a repeat performance...AND that they each would recruit one hot, well hung friend for the next time.


After they had all left, I set the camera up on the night stand while climbed up between her splayed legs slowly fucking her cum filled pussy for a long time. When I was on the edge, I pulled out and slipped my throbbing cock into her fucked ass, thrusting a few times before filling her for the second time that night.

I took my time taking video and pictures from every angle, even leaving the camera sitting between Pooja's legs pointed at her ass and pussy to catch the slow ooze of cum from both places while I went and got hot rags to clean her off. As I was finishing up, Pooja came around, moaning and finally telling me she needed to pee. I helped her into the bathroom where she finally noticed the remainder of the cum running down her legs and how sore her ass and pussy was. She looked at me sleepily with a smile and asked, "Well, did you boys have a good time tonight? It feels like you used me pretty good. I can't wait to hear all about it."


I laughed and told her, "Honey you have no idea..."



I took my time taking video and pictures from every angle, even leaving the camera sitting between Pooja's legs pointed at her ass and pussy to catch the slow ooze of cum from both places while I went and got hot rags to clean her off. As I was finishing up, Pooja came around, moaning and finally telling me she needed to pee. I helped her into the bathroom where she finally noticed the remainder of the cum running down her legs and how sore her ass and pussy was. She looked at me sleepily with a smile and asked, "Well, did you boys have a good time tonight? It feels like you used me pretty good. I can't wait to hear all about it."


I laughed and told her, "Honey you have no idea..."


Awesome ?