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crazy story bro
#Kajal Aggarwal in Ashram part -- 4

At around 05:00 p.m. Meenakshi came to my room.

Meenakshi: Madam, are you too tired?

Me: No, no. On the contrary I am quite...

I stopped for a moment. Is she aware of what happened at the tailor's place? Uday seemed to be unaware when I came back with him, as he did not ask me anything. I was feeling very shy to ask Meenakshi directly though she was a woman.

Meenakshi: Then fine Madam. You can go to visit the fair, which is very popular here. Its some distance away though, but should not be a problem if you start now.

Me: Which fair are you talking about?

Meenakshi: Madam, its an annual fair which takes place in a nearby village. And here we all will be busy, you might feel bore.

I thought that would not be a bad idea, as I had nothing much to do in the ashram right now. Guru-ji and others would also be busy, as devotees from outside would come for a 'darshan' now. Hence I readily agreed.

Meenakshi: Okay Madam, here is your new pad. Also please take the medicine. I will send Uday after 5 minutes when you are ready.

Meenakshi went off swaying her big bottoms. Surely this woman has very attractive hips I thought in my mind. I closed the door and went to the toilet. Each time changing this pad was irritating. Like all women, I also was not at all enjoying pulling down my panty frequently. I had the medication and went to the toilet to change my nightdress, which I was wearing, and had a face wash and got dressed in five minutes. Uday was again my companion.

Uday: Madam, the fair is a bit far off from here and it's not a walking distance.

Me: How do you plan to go then?

Uday: Madam, we will take a bullock cart. It will be here any moment as I had informed him prior.

Me: Okay. But how long will it take?

I had never been on a bullock cart, so was keen to ride it. The cart arrived and we got into that.

Uday: Madam, it will take some time and you can enjoy the village scene as we travel.

It was not a bad experience, though the cart was moving very slowly. The scene outside was also very nice and a cool breeze was making me feel very refreshing. I was thankful to Master-ji for this blouse and it fitted very well on my copious boobs over my bra. So overall I was feeling very comfortable.

Uday was telling me about the history of the fair and the village. But when even after half an hour we did not reach destination, I was feeling restless.

Me: How much more time will it take Uday?

Uday: We have only covered half the distance Madam. Since the cart cannot go faster, it will take some time.

Initially it was okay, but now sitting like this with my knees folded made me feel a slight pain at my waist and knees. At the same time, as the road was very undulating, my boobs were jiggling too much within the tight clutches of my bra and every now and then I was doubting that my bra hook at my back will get opened. I pulled my sari pallu properly over my upper treasures as a precaution in front of a male. The place inside the cart was also not adequate and moreover Uday was also sitting close, so I could not shift much and remained in that posture.

At last we reached the fair and it took an hour to reach there. The whole of my waist and buttocks were paining. I noticed Uday did some freehand stretching getting out of the cart. Myself being a woman was unable to do that what Uday was doing in the open. I was having ache in my knees, hips, and waist and thought that if I go to the toilet first, it might be a safe place to stretch myself a bit, so that I feel more comfortable before entering the fair.

Me: Uday, I want to go to the toilet first.

Uday: Okay Madam, but since this is a village fair, I doubt there will be a separate toilet. Let me ask someone.

Uday came back with a negative answer.

Uday: Madam, here there is no such 'toilet,' ladies generally go behind the shop for toilet purpose.

I was in a dilemma, as I cannot tell Uday now that I do not want to urinate, but wanted to stretch myself. He guided me to the back of a shop.

Uday: Madam, I will stand here, you go and do it there.

I was in a situation of complete amazement. How can this man ask me to urinate almost in an open space?

Me: How can I do it here?

I was almost perplexed. I am not a 10-year-old girl that I can urinate like this? There was a bush at the back of the shop whose height will hardly cover my knees and though it was evening time visibility was very clear. Moreover, my added anxiety was it will not only be Uday who could see me clearly, but also there were some village people standing here and there who would concurrently get a free view of my urinating.

Uday: Madam, this is a village, do not feel shy.

Me: What do you mean? Just because this is a village, you mean to say I should lift up my sari to my waist in this open space and should not feel shy?

Uday: Madam, madam, don't get annoyed please. In the village you will not get a protected toilet like the town. Please understand.

Me: Uday, come on, there are so many people around. Simply I cannot sit here shamelessly. Sorry. Let us go to the fair.

Uday did not try any more to persuade me to urinate in that open space and I got rescued from another humiliating situation. The fair was held on a small area and it was quite crowded by rural people, but still there were some shops of ornaments, garments, etc. which interested me. It took almost an hour to cover the fair, as the crowd was heavy. Due to the crowd, I had to walk close to Uday and time and again my 'always erect' firm breasts were brushing against his elbow. Initially I tried to avoid that, but due to the moving crowd I did not mind it later.

After sometime, it created a problem for me. Now I could realize Uday was doing it purposefully and keeping his elbow in constant touch with my blouse-covered mangoes and since within bra, they appeared very firm and he was constantly elbowing them. Uday must have thought that I was deliberately walking close to him so that my well-formed boobs touch his elbow, but in reality it was due to the crowd that I had to walk like that. Honestly I was also enjoying a bit, but I realized with time that Uday was now overdoing it considering we were in a public place.

I was walking on his right and Uday now was virtually circling his right elbow on my left boob constantly pressing it. The act was so deliberate as people coming from opposite direction could clearly see it. I was feeling very cumbersome, but could not tell Uday anything. Moreover, due to this constant rubbing, I was also getting heated and my boobs grew in size and were so tight within the bra that Uday's right elbow was almost getting a spring action from my firm upper globes. That probably encouraged him more, as hardly does a male get such tightness from a married woman's boobs.

I stopped at a shop and was checking a pair of earrings and Uday also stood close by me. Now I could sense his deep breaths on my shoulder.

Uday: This would look nice on you Madam.

Saying that, he handed me an earring and a matching necklace. Though I did not want his suggestion, but he poked his nose into it. I tried that the earring and it looked decent to me.

Uday: Madam, also try the necklace and if you feel you can buy it. I have the money.

The shopkeeper also encouraged me wearing the necklace along with the earrings to check overall. I was about to wear the necklace, when Uday unnecessarily tried to help me.

Uday: Madam, you relax, I will fix the necklace fastener on your neck.

The shopkeeper I noticed was smiling hearing that. There were two to three more customers in the shop also who were also looking at us. I did not want to argue and attract more attention and agreed to Uday. But what he did certainly crossed the decency limit in public. He just shifted a little, went behind me, let the necklace fall on my upper chest area, and started fixing the hook near my neck. Then from behind in an almost hugging posture he dragged the necklace down touching my both breasts adequately over my blouse. And as if trying to make the necklace flow properly on me, Uday felt both my tight mangoes with his palms, which I comprehended without a doubt. The shopkeeper and the others also did not miss that and I felt very clumsy being treated like that in a public place.

The shopkeeper seemed more eager now to hold the mirror in front of me and forwarded a few more earrings and necklaces.

Uday: Madam, try this, this also looks nice.

Me: No Uday, I think this is pretty fine.

I could understand his intention, but he and the shopkeeper also insisted me to try another and then pick one. I wore the second earring set and Uday was ready to wear me the necklace. This time he was more bold and I almost gasped, as he in the process of wearing me the necklace was directly touching my breasts in front of the shopkeeper. This was a longer necklace, which extended below my boobs and this gave him more opportunity to grope me. He dropped the necklace from my neck to its full size. He was standing just behind me and placed his arms across my upright boobs and pressed my cups as if adjusting the necklace up. I was standing within his arms shamelessly and people were watching me.

Uday very cleverly took the mirror in his left hand from the shopkeeper and held it in front of my breasts as if to show me how good the necklace was looking on me. This way the shopkeeper for the moment was unable to see my breast area and taking the guard of the mirror, with his free right hand, he first cupped my right breast and then gave it a very good squeeze from over my blouse.

Uday: I think this one is better? What do you feel Madam?

I was in no position to talk as I could feel his right palm was still cupping my breast. I looked to my side and was almost traumatized to see two young boys were watching us. Uday was not looking at anything I suppose and this time he almost covered my whole right breast with his palm and gave me a series of tight squeezes. All these happened in a span of few seconds and I could not resist being groped so openly with people watching me.

Finally it was over and we bought the second earring set and the necklace and mixed with

As evening advanced I noticed there was more crowd in the fair and in that small place there was much pushing going on. This time since the crowd was jostling through the narrow passages by the shops, I had no other option but to hold Uday's hand, otherwise I would be left behind. Walking was now becoming increasingly difficult and I had to keep one hand in a protective fashion otherwise every now and then a passing elbow was touching my milk tanks.

I tied to behave with Uday very normally as if I paid no attention to his naughtiness in the ornament shop and took it as being unintentional. Uday was also trying to gauge my reaction to his advances and seeing apparently no resistance made further moves.

Uday: Madam, these village people are not cultured, just be alert.

Me: Yes that I can see, the way they are pushing around.

Uday: Madam, do one thing, instead of holding my hand and walking behind me, you come by my side and then I can in fact protect you also.

I thought that was a good idea, I nodded to him, and came to his right side. Uday indeed had some other plans. I noticed that he put his arm on my right shoulder right away pretending to protect me from the crowd coming from opposite direction. My whole body was now almost touching his masculine torso as I walked. In no time I realized what he is up to. Uday now was embracing me over my shoulder with his right hand, which was now only an inch away from touching my breast, acting as if he protecting me from incoming people. And from each impact of the passing man, he took full advantage and began touching and feeling my heaving breast.

In a jiffy before I could say or do anything Uday was cupping my right breast again! This time he seemed very confident and turned me instantly on fire as he was resting his fingers on my boob as we walked. I looked down at my breast shamefully to find his fingers acting almost as another layer over my blouse. As the pushing was more now, Uday made the most of it and was virtually massaging my conical peak in his right palm. I was getting adequately aroused now due to this continuous male touching, holding, and squeezing of my youthful boob. This went on for some minutes and with time Uday's squeezes were beginning to get harder and he almost toyed with my blouse-covered flesh.

Once I felt he was poking one of his fingers and trying to trace my nipple over the blouse and bra cover. I noticed that each of the men who were passing us had their eyes on Uday's hand and on my mammary.

I could not take it anymore and was feeling very ashamed allowing such things in public. Being a matured woman I was enjoying his touches and was already wet in my pussy, but this was crossing decency limits as I was in the open. Today in the morning when I crossed all limits of decency still I was in a confined area. I had to stop Uday from his advances.

Me: Uday, please behave yourself.

Uday: Sorry Madam, but the crowd is so unruly they are coming on to your body.

Uday gave his excuse and I did not wanted to argue on that, but now was really feeling the urge to urinate due to the heat generated in my body.

Me: Uday, I want to go to toilet once. That time I could not...

I thought there was no need to complete my sentence. Uday had already taken his hand off my breast area and now guided me jostling through an alley to the back of a shop. Since now it was late evening, there was darkness though there were electric bulbs glowing throughout the fair. I observed that though the area was not absolutely dark, it was not possible for the fair people who were at a distance to make out anything. But the problem here was absence of a proper bush behind, which I can sit and pee. So I was a bit hesitant again.

Uday: Madam, what are you waiting for now?

Me: Can't you see there is not even a bush here.

Uday: But Madam, no one is noticing you in this darkness. You can go to that corner and...

Me: What darkness? I can clearly see you.

Uday: Madam, come on. Okay I will not look at you while you...

He smiled very meaningfully at me, but I ignored his tease and wanted to me absolutely sure before getting into any more humiliation at this age.

Me: And if someone comes here?

Uday: Madam, how long will take? It's just a matter of some seconds!

I was simply not assured as I knew it will take some time for me as unlike other women just pulling up my sari, sitting down, and peeing off will not do. I will also have to pull down my panty, which is never easy for any woman to do quickly, and additionally I have to set the pad inside my panty suitably also.

Uday: Madam, if you stand here like this someone might actually come. So go and sit in that corner and I will be guarding you.

Uday was saying things in such a casual manner as if his presence does not matter to me at all. I again inspected the place. It was semi dark, true, but at the same time it was open on all sides except one side where the shop was, and anyone coming up to that place would be able to see me very clearly. Never in my life had been in such a situation!

Ultimately things boiled down to the fact I have to urinate in that open space and that too in front of a male. I was feeling so very shy, but had nothing to do in this regard.

Me: Uday, please turn back and do aware me if someone comes in.

Uday: Madam, if I turn back, you can I see if anyone is coming or not.

I understood very well that he would not miss this opportunity to see me peeing. The situation was such I was simply helpless, as I needed him to stand there at least to see if anyone was coming.

I noticed Uday's eyes as if lit up when he eventually saw that I agreed to pee in front of him. I went to the corner beside the shop, which was approximately about 10-12 feet away from Uday. I could go no further because there was too much illumination from lights of other shops. I slowly turned my back to Uday and was really feeling very shy doing this, but had no other alternative now. I bent down a little bit and with both hands quickly pulling up my sari and petticoat almost to my hips. The cool gentle breeze almost made me shiver when I felt it on my exposed thighs. My thighs are fairer than my body complexion like most women and quite well formed and plump. I could not resist looking behind once to see Uday.

Uday: Madam, do not look back. Do it quickly.

Uday was looking at my exposed legs and commanding me. I briefly saw his left hand was on his crotch; he must be stroking his dick seeing a married woman in such a compromised state. I did not waste time anymore and did what I needed to do. I quickly dropped down my panty to my knees and took the pad in one hand and while I was doing that my whole bottom virtually remained exposed and Uday must have had a grand view of my naked buttocks though I tried to keep my sari as a cover as much as possible on my hip area. When I squatting I knew my huge naked ass was fully exposed in front of Uday's face due to his proximity.

The hissing sound of my peeing was adding to my shame. I again looked back to see if anyone was coming and what Uday was doing, but to my surprise I did not see Uday standing there! I could not move my head much in that squatting position. My urination was almost complete and I was much relieved as the hissing sound of my urination was creating more embarrassment for me.

Uday: Madam, beware!

I was shocked and horrified as I heard Uday's voice almost by my ear. I could not see him a moment ago at my back because he has come up almost to my front now. I was simply stunned seeing him in front of me, as my whole pussy along with my legs and thighs were completely uncovered and I was still discharging my urine. Uday could see my pussy hole with the thick bush of hair above it very clearly. My god! I never ever in my life faced such a humiliation. My face also reflected my utter shock and shame seeing Uday looking bluntly at my naked pussy.

Uday: Madam, madam, don't panic. You are actually sitting on an ant heap and so I wanted to alert you.

Me: You get out of here first.

Uday: Madam, you have watered their heap and ants will now come out in scores. So be very careful.

He did not move a bit and his eyes enjoying the sight of his lifetime probably to see from the front a matured woman peeing out. I could not sit like that any more and got up with drops of urine still coming out of my hole and quickly pulled my sari down with my left hand as I was holding the pad in my right hand. Uday almost dragged me out of that ant heap and I noticed that what he was telling was absolutely true. Red ants were all over that place triggered to come out by urine.

I could not walk properly as my panty was still down around my knees. I need to pull that up and put the pad also.

I could not meet Uday's eyes as to what happened some minutes ago. I still could not digest the fact that he actually has seen me urinating in the sitting posture. I do not know what was going through his mind, but he seemed quite normal!

Uday: Madam, we are getting late now slowly. We should make a move.

Me: Yes, I also do not spend any more time here.

I said so though I was thinking how to put it before Uday that my panty is still halfway down my legs below my sari and petticoat.

Uday: Okay Madam, then you can just wait here or at the ornament shop and I will get a bullock cart.

Me: No, no Uday. Not again in that snail like vehicle. I have had enough of aches in my waist and knees.

Uday: But Madam ...

I interrupted him, as I wanted to know if an alternative transport arrangement could be made.

Me: Why don't you try to get some substitute transportation?

Uday: Madam, I told you there is nothing much available in this route.

After some continuous pleading from my end, Uday went out to search for something other than that bullock cart and asked me to wait in front of the ornament shop. I told to myself that it would be real painful to travel in that cart again for an hour if Uday fails to get an alternative conveyance. Now that Uday was away I also wanted to wear my panty properly and place the pad also. I noticed that there were some people coming where I urinated a few minutes ago and hence had to leave the place and tried to look for a secured place.

I was walking in somewhat baby steps as my panty, which was around my knees, was hindering me to walk comfortably. Soon I found the back of another shop, where there was very minimum light and there was no one there also, and felt it to be a safer place. I chose a corner and quickly pulled up my sari along with my petticoat to my waist and pushed my panty towards my crotch area. I felt the gentle breeze again on my naked thighs and as I was about to put the pad within my panty just over my honey pot, I heard two voices. I almost froze as whole of the lower part of my youthful jawani was entirely exposed then. I looked up here and there, but could not see anyone, but I am sure I heard two voices. After a few moments since I could not trace anyone in the semidarkness, I continued with my job and got the pad inside my panty and flowed my sari down and finally when I was adjusting my pallu over my breasts, again I perceived the voice.

"Please, please, someone would come."

"There is no one here. Don't worry."

Since there was darkness here, my eyes took some time to adjust and now I could clearly see that just a few yards away a male and a female were standing close by the cover of a tree. They seemed engrossed in themselves and did not notice I was there also in the dark. I moved a little to get a clearer view. The man was middle aged, but the female was a teenage girl. The girl was wearing ghagra-choli, which is the common dress here for women. The scene was indeed steamy as the man had hugged the girl and was trying to kiss on her lips and girl was eluding his lips by constantly moving her head. I noticed that the man has now cupped one of her boobs over her choli and the girl's resistance was getting weaker. In no time the girl was stroking her fingers through the hairs of the man and they were lip-locked. As they were kissing, I saw that the man now took one of his hands off her boobs and cupped her tiny ass over her ghagra. Seeing such hot activities from such close proximity made my nipples grow hard right away. I was getting great pleasure peeping like this. As the man was energetically squeezing the girl's young boobs, my right hand also automatically went towards my tight boobs and touched my nipples. I noticed the girl was now almost gasping, as the man descended from her lips to her boobs. He was almost biting her boobs over her choli and pulled up her ghagra with his embracing hands almost to her thighs. I could not stop myself pinching my own nipples over my bra and blouse seeing this very passionate sight. Immediately I felt hint of precum within my pussy also and feeling quite thirsty seeing this 'live' show.

"Paro, Paro, where are you?"

The couple behind the tree and myself both almost froze to this voice. I noticed an old man was searching probably for that girl calling her name, must be her father or a relative. As soon as the old man crossed us to a safe distance, I noticed the girl adjusted her dress and ran away immediately and the man followed suit in the opposite direction. I was cursing the old man, as I was thoroughly enjoying the scene, and now that everything was over I came out of the darkness adjusting my bra a little to breathe easy, and went towards the ornament shop to wait for Uday.

Uday came after some minutes with a smiling face.

Uday: Madam, you should thank your luck. You don't have to go in the bullock cart.

I was so pleased to hear that not knowing what actually was waiting for me in the next hour. I never anticipated that this auto rickshaw ride would also be a memorable one like my tailor's encounter with Master-ji and Ramlal.

Me: Thanks Uday. What have you arranged?

Uday: An auto rickshaw Madam.

Me: Thank god Uday.

Uday: But Madam, in this part people doesn't travel in rickshaws as you travel in the cities. It's basically a good carriage here. So you might face a little problem with goods loaded in that vehicle.

Me: Still it's hundred times better than that slow cart and definitely it should take lesser time.

Uday: Of course Madam. It should take 15-20 minutes only.

We went out of the fair and I did not feel it necessary to mention what I say to Uday. The rickshaw was standing a bit far away. There was not much light outside the fair arena and the moon was also not there in the sky. I could well see goods tied already at the top of the rickshaw and also to its sides by rope.

Uday: Madam, this is Mishra-ji. This is his auto. Fortunately he is going towards our ashram.

Mishra-ji was an elderly man, visibly obese, and fifty plus for sure. He was completely bald headed. He was wearing a dhoti and a bush shirt. Uday introduced me to him.

Mishra-ji: Beti, you will have some difficulty I can understand, as there is scarcity of space in my rickshaw due to the goods, but if you can tolerate me and my rickshaw for 15 minutes, you will reach ashram.

I smiled to his words and felt at ease due to his age and also as he was addressing me as "beti". Since there were packaged goods in the front seat too, hardly any space was there to sit except for the driver. Hence Uday, myself, and Mishra-ji sat at the backseat of the auto rickshaw. Mishra-ji boarded first, followed by me. I was surprised to see something black sitting at Mishra-ji's foot as I got up.

Mishra-ji: This is my pet dog Moti. Wherever I go, he follows me. But he will not create any commotion, be rest assured Beti.

I sat beside him and his dog was looking up at me. Thankfully Moti was a small sized dog, but I could not make out his breed though I love dogs among the household pets. The dog apparently looked well behaved and did not react seeing unknown faces. I noticed that there were a couple of packets on the seat too, as there was no other vacant space to keep them in the auto rickshaw. Naturally the sitting area was cramped, more so because of Mishra-ji's overweighed body.

Mishra-ji: Beti, you can see my size. You might just struggle sitting in this short space and for that do heavily curse me. May be by that I lose some kilos and next time when I allow someone to sit in my rickshaw, he or she gets a better ride.

We all laughed at his prank including the driver. Frankly there was very little place for Uday to squeeze in the backseat. I tried to move as much as possible maintaining decency to Mishra-ji, but then also Uday could marginally touch his ass to the seat. The auto rickshaw started on its way immediately as we boarded. For accommodating me Mishra-ji took his left arm around me over my head on the seat top and my face was now so close to his armpit that I could inhale the odour of his sweat from his shirt.

Mishra-ji: Beti, are you a little better now?

I nodded and shifted an inch more to him almost gluing to his body so that Uday could sit a little better and he was now able to move his ass in between my thighs and the auto seat boundary. In the process I realized his right elbow already touched my thrusting left boob and was feeling its softness. I did not want to encourage him at all in front of the elderly man and so just gently pushed his elbow with my left hand.

Mishra-ji: All three of us own big garage spaces to park our cars.

Uday laughed on this comment, but I could not grasp what that old man meant.

Me: I could not get you Mishra-ji.

Mishra-ji: Beti, I mean we all have heavy bottoms and thus when we garage ourselves in this seat, we all need big spaces to park our...

It was not required to complete his sentence and we all laughed at the comment. I must say this old man had a decent sense of humor. As we laughed I realized that Uday was again trying to elbow me taking the advantage of the semidarkness within the rickshaw. I did not disapprove him this time, as I still could not shrug off the erotic scene that I enjoyed in the fair. As someone dips his finger in a bowl of oil, Uday, seeing me not hindering his hand, started dipping his right elbow to the depth of my rubber-tight boob.

Mishra-ji: Oh! My head!

There was a bump, which the driver probably missed, and since the rickshaw was going at a fair speed, it jerked strongly. The driver immediately slowed down and I inquired out of courtesy to Mishra-ji if he had hurt himself

Mishra-ji: I bumped it on the rod Beti.

Mishra-ji pointed towards his forehead and I turned a bit towards him and tried to see what happened to his forehead. As I took my hand towards her forehead, he held my fingers and showed the area where he was hurt.

Me: You remove your fingers from forehead and let me see if there is any cut or not.

As he dropped down his hand and since my right arm was lifted to see his forehead, his elbow directly pressed on my right boob. I did not mind that and moreover he was calling me "beti", so no other thoughts came to my mind at all and I was really eager to see his bumped forehead. As he was tall, even in the sitting posture I had to stretch myself and in the process the side of my right boob was entirely open. I felt Mishra-ji's left elbow was digging deep on my right boob under my raised arm. Since there was absolutely no place to shift or move I felt he had no other option but to place his left hand there to accommodate me to see his forehead.

Mishra-ji: Hope its not cut or bruised?

Me: Could not see very clearly Mishra-ji, but seems okay.

Mishra-ji: Please check it a bit Beti.

As I was feeling his forehead with my fingers for a bump, I felt elbow was now firmly placed under my raised armpit and was pressing my juicy mango. Moreover, Uday seeing the chance increased his naughty handwork. He was now elbowing me more deliberately and with more force. He was almost circling his elbow tip on my taut flesh within my bra and blouse. So, now I was in a position where two different males were elbowing my mangoes in a moving auto rickshaw though I was sure Mishra-ji's touches were not purposeful.

I completed inspecting Mishra-ji's forehead and tried to bring down my arm, but then only, Mishra-ji's pet dog that was lying so far at his feet jumped up to his lap. The old man trying to provide accommodation for his dog virtually poked his whole elbow into my tight boob feeling very adequately the firmness of it. Now to assist Moti to sit on his master's lap, I had to keep my right arm at Mishra-ji's back on the seat top. I realized that this actually made me more vulnerable as my whole of right boob remained unguarded.

Uday: Madam, I think this is the right way to extract some space for each of us. As you have kept your hand behind Mishra-ji, let me keep mine also behind you. That way you will also get some space.

Mishra-ji: Uday seemed to be getting intelligent by the minute, isn't it Beti?

Again there was a roar of laughter. Moti also barked twice I do not know why. At that moment a cycle coming from the opposite side was flagging us to stop. The driver stopped our vehicle and the man on the cycle informed us that there was an accident half a kilometer ahead and road was closed, so we should take the left turn from here.

Uday: Oh god! That's a pretty lengthy route Madam.

Me: How long will it take via that route?

Uday: 40-45 minutes at least.

Mishra-ji: No use thinking on that. It's just a matter of additional half an hour.

Our auto took the left turn and off we went. Since this road was not a main road, the lighting was not adequate here and the road was also more bouncy. My heavy boobs were jumping within my bra quite a bit now. Uday was the first one to take advantage of this situation. Now that his right hand was behind me at my back, he with each jerk was embracing me tighter. I looked through the corner of my eyes to Mishra-ji and thankfully he seemed busy with his dog on his lap. Uday was now getting a free access to my right boob as my right arm was lifted and he was sort of embracing me with his hand going behind my body. He was now very easily cupping and squeezing my unguarded right breast below my sari pallu. I was thoroughly enjoying that though was conscious enough to keep my pallu in place so that the old man could not see anything.

Suddenly the auto rickshaw braked seeing a bump or whatever, but the effect was thoroughly embarrassing for me. As the vehicle braked, Uday was actually cupping my right boob from the underside; the sudden brake made his fingers dug in my boob. Mishra-ji's right arm was in a folded position on his dog's head just a few inches from my boob; the sudden brake brought his palm directly over my boob also. It was like two men holding my one boob and both their hands met in that sudden brake!

to be continued...
