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Suggestion Complaints and suggestions

@Beinghuman @desifakes

Every time I access the site for login, I see lot of adds being displayed! I had to click X mark for 4 time and click login! Then it opens 2 spam sites in 2 seperate windows then opens df site! Again repeat the same steps for second time! Then 3rd time, it opens with another single window with spam! After all the hesitation it allows to enter login id and password! Is this normal to everyone? Or any help in logging without clicking on these ads x marks! Please help! Cannot attach screenshots here!
Ads are enabled for visitors only who do not contribute anything other than consuming the DF content. You can keep logged in and do not see any Ads at all
Brother my thread.." Sivaangi krishnakumar fakes" ,upload images. Box disappeared ...what's the problem...i don't konw...
Plz check again
Dear team,
Kindly unlock my restrictions... You can merg all my post's in one thread
Dear team,
Kindly unlock my restrictions... You can merg all my post's in one thread
Post only in threads u created. New thread creation not allowed.
Is there any maintenance going on in IMGBB???Kindly check if image is uploading or not....Cause I think IMGBB is under maintenance..
Is there any maintenance going on in IMGBB???Kindly check if image is uploading or not....Cause I think IMGBB is under maintenance..
Server was down now working fine