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AI Faking I teach you how to make AI fakes following this tutorial

I am asking so many people how to make AI nude fakes nobody tells me how to make them, I decided to learn my own I'm starting to research pasta weeks, and finally know the technique how to make Ai nude
I spend a lot of time these past 2 weeks, whenever I decide to make a tutorial and share the knowledge, I'm making this tutorial only for educational purposes.

First, you need these things

you need Stable diffusion v1.5 software is a text-to-image model with recently-released open-sourced weights.

What Do You Need to Run Stable Diffusion on Your PC?​

GPU=at leat 6BG VRam

Last python 3.11v

in case don't have pc you run Clode

here is installing tutorial

how to make nude images using AI

original image kajal

Ai makeing Fake image of Kajal

1 Step up download f222.cpt Model you can try onther models

Downlode link here
2. step open Stable Diffusion v1.5
This sd interface

img href

switch or change f222.cpt model

Change to options Image2image

image2image go this Selecte painting option

Then upload your image here and start inpainting over on Cloths

then write in these words in Promote what you want

positive promet= make nude, round boobs

native prompt = no hands, don't extra hands

Put this setting given below

(description settings):-
mask blur = 4-6

inpaint at full resolution=on

inpaint at full resolution padding, pixels = 92-172

Maske content= original

Crop and resize=on

sampling Steps

(description settings):-
sampling Steps=30-45

simpling method= DPM++2M Karras

Other settings put

After all, the setting is done Now hit generate button Just hit Enter

Boom nade image is Generated

you can play this setting adjusting the perfectness keep on trying

These are CFG SCALE different value

UPScale image using face restoration Link is here=tencentarc/gfpgan – Run with an API on Replicate

After minor adjustments made in Photoshop

Thank you for watching for tutorial
After purchasing 11.59$ , will I get option of A100 and v100 GPU?

Yes you will, on colab notebook you can change runtime and it will give you choice of using A100/V100/T4
It's showing me this :

Notebook settings
Runtime type:python 3
Hardware accelerator: GPU
GPU type :T4

I am unable to select a100 or v100
very strange - I am logged in as we speak now and i am getting options to change between all of them..
Hey I purchased it and now I m running colab it's showing me this in start stable diffuison section "src/tcmalloc.cc:283] Attempt to free invalid pointer"
yeah - new error which has come since last night (I am getting it as well) and entire community is buzzing with it. should get resolved or get a resolution in some time.. have patience
How to create notebook bro
You dont need to create. Its already created - you copy it your gdrive and start using.. look for my post with tutorial video from youtube in this thread earlier
New Model

AbsoluteReality inpainting

link here:-https://civitai.com/api/download/models/109325

prompt here:-

positive prompt: turn into nude

Negative prompt: 3d, cartoon, funny, unrealistic, symmetrical, deformed face, bad anatomy, extra legs, extra arms, poorly drawn face, poorly drawn hands,
poorly drawn feet, disfigured, out of frame, long neck, bad hands, bad art, deformed, cross eyed, cgi, partial body, deformed, cross-eye, ((blurry)),
((bad anatomy)), ((ugly)), ((disfigured)), (poorly drawn face), mutation, mutated, extra limbs, extra nipples, (long neck), (ugly face), cloned face,
unsymmetrical eyes, bad art, bad eyes, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn fingers, red dress, clothes, deformation, Piercings
Steps: 35, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 7.5, Seed: 1189485692, Size: 512x512, Model hash: 590ae0d0b9, Model: absolutereality_v1-inpainting, Denoising strength: 0.95, Conditional mask weight: 1.0, Mask blur: 4

Tested Result Output:


awesome 🙌
I am asking so many people how to make AI nude fakes nobody tells me how to make them, I decided to learn my own I'm starting to research pasta weeks, and finally know the technique how to make Ai nude
I spend a lot of time these past 2 weeks, whenever I decide to make a tutorial and share the knowledge, I'm making this tutorial only for educational purposes.

First, you need these things

you need Stable diffusion v1.5 software is a text-to-image model with recently-released open-sourced weights.

What Do You Need to Run Stable Diffusion on Your PC?​

GPU=at leat 6BG VRam

Last python 3.11v

in case don't have pc you run Clode

here is installing tutorial

how to make nude images using AI

original image kajal

Ai makeing Fake image of Kajal

1 Step up download f222.cpt Model you can try onther models

Downlode link here
2. step open Stable Diffusion v1.5
This sd interface

img href

switch or change f222.cpt model

Change to options Image2image

image2image go this Selecte painting option

Then upload your image here and start inpainting over on Cloths

then write in these words in Promote what you want

positive promet= make nude, round boobs

native prompt = no hands, don't extra hands

Put this setting given below

(description settings):-
mask blur = 4-6

inpaint at full resolution=on

inpaint at full resolution padding, pixels = 92-172

Maske content= original

Crop and resize=on

sampling Steps

(description settings):-
sampling Steps=30-45

simpling method= DPM++2M Karras

Other settings put

After all, the setting is done Now hit generate button Just hit Enter

Boom nade image is Generated

you can play this setting adjusting the perfectness keep on trying

These are CFG SCALE different value

UPScale image using face restoration Link is here=tencentarc/gfpgan – Run with an API on Replicate

After minor adjustments made in Photoshop

Thank you for watching for tutorial

Bro can u teach me how to do AI fakes in mobiles please.
For all the people who ask about how to make fakes in mobile, for the iphone users there is an app called 'Draw Things'.

You can download and use any custom models from internet to generate your images.

A major downside is the app is only for ios. And also requires iOS 15.4 or later and a device with the A12 Bionic chip or later.

Thank me later 😋
Please provide which fine on this app and settings too